Diana's Palace murderers scared as the Daily Mail scrapes the barrel to keep its Windsor bribes!

Diana's Palace murderers scared as the Daily Mail scrapes the barrel to keep its Windsor bribes!



By Stanley Collymore

I vividly and accurately recall the
quite magnificent work, a young
Princess Diana was undeniably
doing in the world, and clearly how
an odiously distinctly manipulative
and patently, naturally evil Camilla
and a distinctly puerile and utterly
controlled by her Charles crucially
maliciously; wilfully, malevolently
and cruelly egregiously sabotaged
both Diana and whatever she was
altruistically doing nastily behind
her back; and then most brazenly
also to her face! Plainly evidently
you can't erase history, or make a
silk purse either from a pig's ear!
But nothing about any of this has
f**k all to do with feminism, but
everything effectively to do with
personal character, distinctively
categorically something that the
rather odiously, and murderous
Camilla Parker Bowles crucially
has no concept whatever of - in
her discernibly sick; demented,
and actually selfish make up or
clearly in her distinctively vile,
intellectually challenged mind.

Therefore, I've no problem in
believing that both Camilla
and soiled tampon licker
aficionado Charles worked against
Diana, just as they quite evidently
have, and similarly are ongoingly
doing with racist, and right-wing
rags like the Daily Mail that they
quite massively remunerate, for
the distinct purpose, of actually
intentionally, physically deadly
endangering the actual lives of
Meghan, Harry and effectively
also their two young children!
In blunt terms evidently have
them killed, as they deviously
and most sickeningly literally
murdered the luckless Diana.

And Kate Middleton the council
estate diva with self-evidently
obsessive, deeply-ingrained,
rampantly snobbish, evilly racist,
social climbing and monarchical
aspirations who is so irrefutably
the earnest protege of Camilla is
likewise, a rather crucial part of
this distinct Meghan, Harry and
their children too assassination
plot, which the puerile, and not
that bright likeminded William
every bit, distinctly under Kate
and also Carole's manipulative
control, and just like his father
obviously thinks having rather
odiously perceived, as N*****s,
persons, just like Meghan, and
likewise too her children even
biologically fathered by Harry:
a son and brother evidently in
their evilly white supremacist
institution, basically devalues
it! Time clearly, for reciprocal
action. Killers, and arrogantly
perspective ones, haven't any
right to any life of their own!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
11 January 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Camilla was seen dancing and basically rather openly, quite happily cavorting with the very people that have so vilely and consistently, racially harassed and vitriolically abused Harry, his wife Meghan and their children; a sick state of affairs that is still ongoing; so this tart and evilly whoring, adulturous trollop Camilla is most definitely involved in Diana's untimely demise as she is and always has been in using these odious and quite racist rag pillock chums of hers to plant stories about Meghan in the media; just like Camilla's quite fervent protégé Kate Middleton, similarly Charles and William have likewise have and are still very much obsessively and perniciously doing.

Harry is a happy man with Meghan and their two lovely children, unlike the so perniciously manipulative w***e Camilla is and who evidently throughout their relationship has obviously controlled Charles, and effectively still does, but even though now married to him has quite resolutely refused in spite of the numerous stately homes he has at his disposal and similarly too basically at the taxpayers’ expense, refuses to live with him. And what I see in Harry is a polite and very intelligent man who is distinctly entitled, fully knowing that his mother has been callously and, as well, totally evilly murdered, and by whom, to speak the truth about this evil institution that isn't in anyway a family unit but is actually a criminal and discernibly dysfunctional entity. And actually, in the case of the Daily Mail using these distinctively odious w****s, similarly rather adulterous trollops and bosom pals of the odious c**t Camilla Parker Bowles to defend her; this literally asinine Daily Mail is quite evidently scraping the bottom of the barrel by pulling these sick dregs like the pernicious w***e and equally a similar serial adulterous Petronella Wyatt from under the sordid and too verminous rocks they inhabit!

And speaking my truth and evidently  being the quite proud and essentially also thoroughly from birth absolutely mentally liberated human being that I am, whose categorical and excellent Bajan cultural upbringing instilled in me and a state of being that distinctly remains absolute, that I shouldn't fear anyone or anything, and that includes Death itself which is inevitable, while always firmly willing and prepared to literally rather crucially openly speak truth to power regardless of the likely consequences there might be, I shan't ever depart in the slightest, from that proud Barbadian concept of mine and thus openly state that Diana Spencer was killed and the purported King, as well as his W***e, that murdered her are unquestionably so like the rather odiously narcissistic monarch in Hans Christian Andersen's tale distinctively naked, while all these mother f*****g, fawning pillocks around him and the unquestionably, discernibly gullible, brainwashed, and such intellectually challenged serfs quite literally, and as well proudly, laud Charlie boy and his manipulative w***e Camilla as being immaculately and splendidly attired! Well this particular Bajan, absolutely unafraid and just as commendably as the distinctly honest young lad in that moralistic story, isn't the least bit I do assure you fawning sycophants that he's not the slightest least bit deterred from truly saying it as it really is. Not actually the first time that a murder will sit on the throne of England or be "annointed" in its farcical Church of England set up, rather specifically for that purpose; odious murderer Henry VIII, who himself did exactly the same for example created the rather risibly named "Church" of England distinctly and discernibly irrefutably, for these crucially, evidently criminal sorts of monarchical purposes.

So carry on, and fulsomely enjoy your stage managed coronation you prime, sycophantic a******s, but undeniably from my perspective this discernibly  vile coronation in the real and decent world wouldn’t be actually taking place and instead Charles together with his odiously manipulative w***e and concubine Camilla would undeniably be clearly preparing to face a genuine criminal court for the unquestionably premeditated, dastardly pernicious and equally also, egregious murder of Diana, and likewise the death too of Dale Tyron.

And if you c***s can spare some time from your obsessive fawning of these two criminals: Camilla and her avidly soiled tampon licker Charles I suggest that you effectively put that in its true perspective, quite relative to the 97 year old German female Irmgard Furchner, who was herself merely an insignificant typist working, as she was rather evidently obliged to do at a concentration camp in the midst of World War II and most clearly had nothing whatever to actually do with instigating any of the crimes of that evilly and let’s not forget a distinctly white European, Nazi and right-wing, not dissimilar from today’s lot across Britain in within Australia, Canada, New Zealand  distinct areas of the United States; and which was clearly an  instigated and indisputably internecine war, principally among well-known barbaric whites distinctively carried out this time within their homeland of Europe and not the Global South; yet was recently and monstrously at 97 years of age, was Irmgard Furchner, quite ludicrously convicted of Nazi war crimes! With the pillocks at the Daily Mail and its surfeit of vile bots vitriolically claiming that this 97 year old woman should be executed. Which prompts from me the obvious question, should all those secretaries, typists and civil servants who clearly, quite assiduously so, worked in the UK’s Civil Service at the exact time of Tony Blair and likewise Gordon Brown's war crimes against Iraq and for which they rather distinctly have not been prosecuted and jailed for example, be similarly hauled before a criminal court for decisions which evidently they didn't or couldn't have possibly made, and categorically so because they were mere convenient and usable pawns in the political food chain exactly as Frau Irmgard Furchner was? What an evil and pernicious bunch of undeniably hypocritical, monarchically fawning a******s you are!

And how ironic and rather deceitfully hypocritical on the part of the Daily Mail and its bots when it is well documented that the said Daily Mail was an ardent aficionado and supporter of the Third Reich, as were and still most unquestionably are several members past as well as present ones of the Windsor Klan who are themselves undeniably biologically related to documented and well known German Nazis.


Author's Note

Welcome hones and critical comments, no monarchical fawning crap however!

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Added on January 12, 2023
Last Updated on January 12, 2023
Tags: Murder, racism, hatred, greed.



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
