![]() In Britain’s allegedly royal family hypocrisy is very much alive and flourishingly well!A Poem by COLLYMORE![]() Self-explanatory![]() By
Stanley Collymore The
93 years old nonagenarian who officially but in practical terms
theoretically controls this assiduously mafia-styled, distinctly
hereditarily run and, at heart, an inherently, yet
ironically, commercially operated outfit as she’s avidly grown
quite accustomed to doing since 1953, and despite whatever numerous, wilfully constructed,
acutely proselytized and rampantly
promulgated lies out there
that are connivingly and fervently
circulated by unctuous
so-called palace courtiers, equally absurdly
termed and risibly self-important prats
ranging from purportedly royal
toiler cleaners to
their likeminded ilk of
nepotistic pillocks
and moronic
cronies employed by
and robotically working
for the ultra-right-wing, fascist, neo-Nazi
and principally the British
MSM and their
inveterate, racist
dailies. All
of them diligently striving in order to effectively counteract
the otherwise well-perceived and sensibly
deduced conclusion, which these
reprobates and immunity free
felons either must know or should do, that
their supposedly indomitable queen,
and for whom typically in
their deeply ingrained and
consistently reinforced, class-conscious
fawning, whether of upper-crust
cuckolding origin, unwashed
and ruthlessly manipulated
plebeian standing,
or simply barefacedly, sycophantic
and self-serving social
climbing, and to whom
most idiotically these
assorted and obnoxious
toadies accord
her all sorts of
superhuman and
even divine qualities. Is
in actuality a mere mortal woman; and not a particularly judicious
one it would seem! Who routinely for
her, in her hereditary capacity, is brought
decisions to approve that
customarily she has neither participated
in the conclusions contained therein and arrived
at by others; nor which themselves preceded
the moulding of the opinions that
are then presented to her for her patently ill-informed
signature by a collection of
incompetent, untrustworthy, treacherous and absolutely unaccountable
to anyone other
than themselves
for their duplicitous
actions, palace courtiers! And
if you: who are rather
evidently obsequiously British
and fellow nasty, fellow
traveller clowns, didn’t know
this before, is not
at all the standard conduct
of any competent, royal
or otherwise,
C.E.O! Charles,
moreover, doesn’t help matters either! Essentially,
all things considered with him, an
average decent man of
sorts, he nevertheless emphatically gives
the impression of
being on a perennial gap year while patiently
and stoically waiting
to become British monarch
after his mum has gone. Thus
fulfilling for him an unhealthy and fixated
lifetime desire to finally be able to wear, metaphorically,
that noticeably tainted
but, all the same for him, much
coveted monarchical
crown. But
old habits run deep! And in the manifest and
glaringly obvious absence of all genuinely
loving or a truly committed interpersonal
relationship with him and its
attendant upbringing, or more aptly the lack of
it, on the part of both of his parents other
than the stage-managed, controlled
etiquette and accompanying
matters of
lacklustre protocol
to do with either
the all-precious, hereditary family firm
Charles was essentially and
rather inescapably turned
into a predictably
robotic- type
man. One
whose overall adult behaviour in conjunction with a discernible lack of
proper empathy with and the requisite appropriate understanding of
the real needs of his two sons as a parent are themselves, when closely
examined, clear failures. And unsurprisingly, therefore, totally
indistinguishable both in substance and character from
the miserable ordeal that he himself has all his life
suffered, in one way or the other, at the hands
of his mother and father! Charles
as a personal favour to Harry did graciously step in
and partially walk Meghan down the aisle on her
wedding day when her own father, crying wolf
over a fake heart attack after his surreptitious
shenanigans with
the paparazzi were discovered and
rather predictably like
the cowardly and
that Thomas
Markle Snr is, he
naturally did a
runner. But even so Charles is
a man utterly devoid of personal
courage and genuine resolve. And
no more so, as is unambiguously exemplified in
his mortifying cowardice towards his
son Harry and daughter-in-law Meghan! Though
not amongst the cleverest Of
persons around Charles, nevertheless,
is not a stupid
man and, as such,
knows perfectly well the real reasons behind the concertedly
venomous and wholly unwarranted vilification
of Harry and Meghan by the British
MSM, but aimed specifically
at Meghan. And
is best summed up, despite the boringly repetitive, utterly
unconvincing and rather far-fetched delusional
denials by those involved in
this utmost unforgivable escapism
of theirs, which is rampantly characterized in
the thoughtless behaviour generally that primarily
stems from the UK’s population
of mindless, middle-aged, empire
loyalists, the senile elderly and conjointly in all of
this their grotesquely fixated preoccupation with
all things obsequiously royal and pathetically
class-based. And conclusions
amply summed
in the words, as they
strictly pertain to Meghan, of
loathsome misogyny, thuggish
bullying and
noxious racism. Yet
Charles, his mother and elder son: the three key figures in
this antiquated hereditary firm, intentionally do absolutely
nothing in terms of rendering any
moral or public support to Harry and Meghan; obsessively
hidebound, as that appalling self-serving
trio are, by their conceited
egos; neurotic, single-minded and fixated pecking
order in this rather 21st Century outmoded
hereditary entity that they’re
still compulsively obsessed
with; and their collectively
and quite
twisted determination not to be naturally
outshone under any
circumstance whatsoever, in the minds, affection
and overall estimation of
the British population and
by hook or crook the
global one as well,
by Harry and
Meghan. The
British royal family is an anachronistic relic of the
past but not to Charles, his mother or his
son William, who were they not in
the white and extremely privileged positions they are in,
would in a truly meritocratic society or country
and on the basis of their obvious
lack of outstanding abilities
alone, find it exceedingly
hard to land a truly meaningful
job let alone one which
carried such great influence
and, for them,
the usual hereditary power. ©
Stanley V. Collymore 10
March 2020. Author’s
Remarks: Meghan Markle in marked
contrast and in addition to being Black is an accomplished, smart and a capable
woman who has productively worked and supported herself. And her husband Harry
is characteristically a dynamic individual with tremendous potential; and far
removed from his brother William who to me is personally as dull, useless and
ineffective as entirely dispensed with dishwater and far less entertaining than
watching paint drying. And what this William, the anecdotal and purported bed
hopper doesn’t understand is that there are types of women who are compulsively
attracted to men not because of their looks, charisma or their intellect but because
of the influence they have whether it is earned or comes hereditarily. If in
doubt William have a quiet word with those in Westminster who although their
jobs don’t come with hereditary strings, substitute for the latter cronyism and
nepotism! If you get what I mean William! And while the right-wing
rags always refer in their articles concerning Meghan and Harry to their palace
and other sources, it’s not rocket science to work out who exactly are peddling
these salacious, untruthful and venomously lying stories about Harry and Meghan
especially. And it’s a fair bet I would say that the primary sources are those
most connected to wearing that hereditary, British crown. The Terrified Trio as
I describe them. Petrified of Harry and Meghan who by sheer charisma,
indefatigable magnetism, intelligence and the unadulterated awareness that it’s
the 21st Century we’re living in, not some antiquated one where
absolutely risibly, the current reigning monarch has the potatoes on her dinner
plate all scrupulously measured to ensure they’re the identical and to her
skewed and very obsessively characteristic thinking, the correct and same size.
As a trained psychiatric nurse, that is undoubtedly to me a classic case of neurotic
compulsive behaviour. So Harry and Meghan had
to be put in their place or else be forced out. And what better way to ensure
that this Terrified Trio got their petulant way than to anonymously brief the
MSM, either themselves or through their obsequious and crony courtiers. Harry
and Meghan though thoroughly cognizant of what was and still is going on chose,
as all intelligent persons would, to leave. A decision that I wholeheartedly
endorse! For why would they want
to stay in a family of poor leadership; denies them all vestiges of support;
have their staffs collaborate with Harry and Meghan’s abusers; and consistently
set out to dim Harry and Meghan’s lights. And as I see it, when you work in a
firm that is toxic because of poor leadership, leaving is always the best
action! For apart from William’s
puerile, odious and envious of his younger brother Harry’s charisma, charm and
dynamic inspiration coupled with the natural effervescence, spontaneous warmth,
outstanding confidence and conspicuous intelligence that Meghan spontaneously
oozes and in marked contrast to the effete and vapid nature of Kate so keen on
becoming his consort that she will put up with his purported bed-hopping
treatment of her, while he carries on using her as his broodmare doormat to
ensure that the hereditary line - for what it’s actually worth and for how much
longer I wonder, remains his biologically - William in any comparison vis-à-vis
Harry, as far as I’m concerned, would be just as asininely in comparison
vis-a-vis athletic terms or any other positive role for that matter, an
unctuous and downright repulsive Nigel Farage, Piers Morgan, Eamon Holmes,
Useful Idiot Sajid Javid or the similarly odious and treacherous House N****r
Trevor Phillips, when it comes to Usain Bolt! But even more sickening
than them, and that does take some doing, is the behaviour of Charles. Who for
more than 20 years had a very close and personal relationship with the former
Bishop of Lewes Peter Ball, who in 2015 was legally convicted of sexual abuses
against some 18 boys as well as associated acts of paedophilia! A loathsome
state of affairs that throughout Charles both strongly and publicly defended
his exceptionally close friend, absurdly and unbelievably claiming rather
dishonestly, barefacedly and most lyingly, none of which I don’t think was or
would have been believed by anyone with a functioning brain in their head and who
knew how to objectively use it, that he was unaware of what his pal Peter Ball
was up to and doing. Yes Charles! And there are massive snowfalls annually for
six months of the year in Barbados! And while on this topic let’s also not
forget that you likewise had a close friendship with Jimmy Savile, who you are
known to have invited socially to Buckingham Palace. But some unctuous prats
did believe your twaddle regarding Peter Ball for this supposed bishop only got
32 months in jail, which would have been more like 32 years if this paedophile
was a regular plebeian one. Similarly no ragingly outrageous or vile comments
either to the Daily Mail in relation to what this man has done, and in that
regard all quiet on this paedophile front. Yet while happy to
publicly defend repulsive paedophiles Charles there was unmistakeably no such
forthcoming solid support for Harry and Meghan in the face of all the
unwarranted and distinctly vicious, malicious and racist bullying they were
consistently subjected to. Could it be that Meghan and Harry were feared, and
still are, by you, your mother and elder son William as the charismatic figures
that they are who would, without even trying to, but instinctively all the same
publicly and massively steal your much vaunted but utterly tarnished and ludicrously
divine, hereditary positions; and you couldn’t let that happen. Harry and Meghan don’t
want to be King and Queen of Britain and aren’t that stupid to assume that they
would assume those roles; they just wanted to be the natural 21st
Century individuals that they are and realistically behave accordingly, not
have themselves stuck in not even one but several bygone centuries, which you
Charles, your mother and William are certainly and seemingly inescapably
ensconced! Hence William’s concentrated breeding programme with Kate to ensure
that this effete and vapid broodmare of his provide all these children.
Victoria did the same, then married off her brood to all the royal houses of
Europe and it was the infernal jealousies between them, and most notably
Germany and Britain that led to Europe’s two major internecine wars
vaingloriously referred to by your lot as World Wars I and II; and that white
Britons love nothing better than asininely and nostalgically celebrating as
they recurrently fantasize about their delusional achievements in these utterly
barbaric escapades, when in over-all realistic analysis and effect, and totally
distanced from the sick and twisted fantasies in most white British minds,
these loathsome European, internecine wars honestly had bugger all to do with
the rest of the world! Which, nevertheless and altruistically for the most
part, saved yours and Britain’s rather sorry and pathetic assess on both
occasions from certain defeat at the hands of the Germans! And was essentially
nothing more than: A family (Victoria’s hereditary brood) at war! So what does that say
about you Charles? Most happy to defend paedophiles, even convicted ones, but
not your daughter-in-law Meghan from some of the vilest racism, misogyny and
toxic bullying levelled at her and your son Harry? But I guess with the perverse
and sick mind-set of yourself, your mum and William paedophiles, of which I’m
sure there are many in the palaces’ employ, don’t steal your thunder as you
feared Meghan and Harry were doing but essentially, instead, for your sort
rather enhance your own perverted sexual predilections! So from me personally: “Up
Yours The Terrified Trio Of Harry and Meghan!” And on the plus side, well done
Meghan and Harry; and do give my unstinting love to your adorable son Archie! © 2020 COLLYMORE |
StatsAuthor![]() COLLYMORECambridge, Cambridgeshire, United KingdomAboutAcademic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..Writing