Kill the Black b******s! Then blame them for their own deaths.A Story by COLLYMORESelf-explanatory!By How absolutely bloody sick can one get? Here we have Charles Cotton of the very powerful and politically highly influential US National Rifle Association (NRA) and itself the most powerful gun advocacy group in the world openly blaming the pastor of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina where Dylann Roof carried out his horrendously terroristic and racist murdering rampage and who " the pastor of that church, Pastor Pinckney I’m referring to now " was a South Carolina state senator, for his own death and those of his equally innocent fellow Congregationalists in church at the time of their murders and collectively at Bible study. This is what Charles Cotton of the NRA unequivocally, most arrogantly and idiotically had to say on the matter of Pastor Pinckney; that he had unwisely voted in the South Carolina Senate against a proposed law that would have permitted gun owners to carry concealed weapons with them into church and moreover do so without being required to have permits to do so. In other words and to all logical people, among whom the quite evidently idiotic Charles Cotton isn’t one of them, Pastor Pinckney who was simply exercising his patently lawful, constitutional and democratic right in a senate debate as well as in the subsequent vote on the aforesaid matter, which Charles Cotton evidently has issues with and has undoubtedly taken great exception and offence to because Pastor Pinckney’s decision did not mirror or support his own prejudiced and venal self-interests, wasn’t only downright wrong in what he did but also, and most crucially in Charles Cotton’s own jaundiced and sick mind, had led directly to the massacre outcome in that Black Christian, Charleston church. Additionally, Charles Cotton goes on to say this about Pastor Pinckney " who incidentally wasn’t the only senator who voted against what Charles Cotton himself and his like-minded nerds were earnestly expecting would become state law; however quite selectively it’s the Black pastor who, let’s not forget was himself a victim of that same Charleston church massacre, and no other law maker by the way in the South Carolina Senate that had similarly voted against this proposition which Charles Cotton definitely favoured and wanted to see legislated into law, that has become the brunt and distinct focus of his ire and whom he has specifically and idiotically singled out for his venomous tirade, just as he asininely selects to unwarrantedly vilify Pastor Pinckney and hold him totally responsible for what happened completely and thoroughly unaided at the hands of the white racist and terrorist Dylann Roof; stating in his markedly lunatic assertion and demonstrably in quite uncompromising terms as well that what occurred was all Pastor Pinckney’s fault. “Eight of his church members who might still be alive,” Charles Cotton sallies forth in his quite unremitting attack on Pastor Pinckney, “are now dead because Pastor Pinckney had expressly not allowed his churchgoers to carry handguns with them into church.” Ranting on much further and more indicative of his paranoid state of mind that: “Innocent people [as if Charles Cotton actually cares about the Black dead or living for that matter, with his well-known and avowed racist views testimony to the rank stupidity endemically synonymous with this utter cretin] died because of his [Pastor Pinckney again] position on a political issue”. Where, in God’s holy name I ask you, is the logical reasoning behind any of this sinister and perfidious claptrap coming as it does from what’s conspicuously a quite profoundly intellectually challenged moron? These Black people, whose race given the tragic circumstances in which they unwittingly found themselves in I can’t stress often enough, were murdered in a Christian church while worshipping their Lord and Saviour who while on Earth himself was a committed lifetime advocate and active practitioner of the noble tenets of peace, tolerance and forgiveness to all mankind even as he laid crucified and dying on the cross of bigots like Charles Cotton; and most emphatically, these Black victims, weren’t at some political meeting or else otherwise engaged in any secular activities that could even remotely have been construed let alone categorically asserted as inimical to their lives or else have compromised the latter in any way, shape or form. So why for the love of God should they, or anyone else come to that who’re genuine as apart from being counterfeit Christians, want against their fundamental Christian beliefs and natural instincts to be carrying concealed firearms with them into a Christian church of all places or any other place of worship? Isn’t the real bottom line here and which is wholly symptomatic of all the garbage emanating from the feral and quite puerile discourse of Charles Cotton one that has bugger all to do with religion or even the sacredness of human life where Charles Cotton and his like-minded pack of wild pillocks are concerned but rather everything to do with greed, purblind stupidity, the completely crass and absolutely callous indifference to the genuinely conscionable and sensible opinions of others - and these themselves monstrously compounded, extravagantly nurtured and persistently reinforced by the white supremacist, bizarrely exceptionalist and unquestionably delusion notion that whatsoever Charles Cotton and his concurring, self-aggrandizing and distinctly moronic nerds at the National Rifle Association and their counterparts within the wider US gun-obsessed communities think, are disposed to believing and ludicrously wish for are always right and therefore these points of view must unthinkingly and unchallenged be thoroughly accepted by everyone else as such? Furthermore, those who dare to differ in opinion from them consequently deserve everything they get, including being sadistically murdered in church and at prayer, and most especially so if those unmistakably devout Christian worshippers are Black; for Black lives don’t matter one jot to these people. For in tandem with the remarks of Charles Cotton we also have the official spokesperson of the National Rifle Association disingenuously and contemptuously muted for a rampantly pro-active and most concertedly virulent lobbyist organization that likes the sound of its own perniciously murderous voice asininely remarking in the aftermath of the Charleston church shootings that: “We don’t think this is the time for a political debate.” But against that backdrop it’s a safe bet that if the known terrorist responsible for these patently racist atrocities were a Black man having inflicted in identical circumstances the very same and palpably traumatic tragedies on whites and not as it is in actuality a Caucasian white supremacist hell-bent, in his own words, on starting a race war, as Dylann Roof envisaged his murderous acts would provoke; and who consequently premeditatedly instigated and personally carried out what occurred in that Black, Charleston church or anywhere else for that matter, our hypothetical black assassin doing the exact same thing to whites in a white church and with every one of the myriad victims of his terrorism exclusively white Caucasian, would have automatically solicited " dead: for he most assuredly would have been gunned down by the cops and NOT allowed to live and be “apprehended” as white Dylann Roof was, or alive, if providentially for him the gods were on his side that day " a wholly different narrative, and not only from brain-dead Charles Cotton and the similarly impaired official spokesperson from the NRA but also the entire white mainstream US and other western corporate media, as well as white America in its entirety in conjunction with their equivalent in the United States’ European Union colonies and the other mainland European puppet entities that the American Empire comprehensively controls. With the likes of David Cameron, Angela Merkel and the several other EU-US controlled puppets who continue to delude themselves that they’re “responsible” " which most assuredly isn’t the case and furthermore I doubt very much if any of them knows what the word responsible really means " leaders, and in cahoots with their various domestic political parties and especially in the case of the United Kingdom those in the House of Commons and their corresponding lawmakers in the House of Lords; the privileged, national scroungers and their entire entourage inside Buckingham Palace no less, and the utterly crass, racist and equally savage interlopers who now abusively possess and now quite arrogantly control the stolen, from their indigenous peoples, lands of Australia, Canada and New Zealand for example, all rushing around like headless chickens and literally falling over themselves to dispatch their utmost sympathies, condolences and racial empathy with the surviving relatives, friends and the disparate, but deceitfully pretending that they’re otherwise than what they really are, communities of those whites who’d been so callously cut down within their own church while at prayer. While at the same time wasting neither time nor opportunity to collectively vent their multifaceted, endemically bred, extensively nurtured and markedly and solidly reinforced racism not only at the black “terrorist” involved " as he would unquestionably and automatically be labelled as, without fear of contradiction by anyone in these white communities; not so, however, Dylann Roof or any other white person " but similarly each and every conceivable individual on Planet Earth who was Black. But because the victims in this specific scenario are all Black and the racist terrorist " hate crime perpetrator as these manifestly white bigots and their Black stooges that dutifully work for media organizations like CNN prefer to euphemistically regard him as " is himself white we don’t see nor hear the Queen, her Prime Minister David Cameron, anybody from his political party, the Labour Party or the Liberal-Democrats; senior representatives from supposedly Christian churches in Britain or any of their equivalent counterparts across the rest of mainland Europe sending even the mildest of condolences to the Black and deeply traumatized citizens of country they’re all very fawning allies of, and that quite conspicuously in every conceivable way they’re normally all over like an out of control rash as they most willingly and obsequiously, like the servile sycophants that they are, happily wedge their collective heads up the putrescent a*s of that said country, the United States of America. But empathizing with N*****s " as these people see them " either in the United States or anywhere else come to that, well that’s quite apparently a bridge much too far for these fine specimens of the Master Race to endeavour to or actually cross. And that’s unerringly and ironically why, and with the irony of it noticeably lost on him, we can have David Cameron and his ilk most hypocritically claiming that there are those in Now let’s run that one again David Cameron, this time slowly and objectively that even a moronic c**t like you can fully and realistically grasp how way off-base you actually are! For who the f**k are you really referring to here; or put more candidly should you, if you had a bloody conscience at all, be directing your utterly puerile, totally demented and completely out of order and context very acerbic remarks at David Cameron? Yourself perhaps in combination with other patently deranged white pillocks like you across the pervasive spectra that conspicuously comprise the entirety of the white British Establishment, Westminster political class, smug owners and CEOs of the corporate mainstream media and their privileged like, that consistently and resolutely refuse to acknowledge let alone are prepared to accept that white terrorists do exist and the stark and undeniable corollary to this is, that they also plan, incite, initiate and in the process often perform the most heinous acts of terrorism. But what the world is increasingly and disingenuously finding itself saddled with, never mind the vast quantities of empirical data to date and at hand to honestly substantiate a contrary and decisive narrative to the one that you’re dishonestly peddling David Cameron, is a rather warped account of what really is the case, coming from you and others like yourself whose perturbingly sick versions bear no similarity whatsoever, not even in the remotest sense, to the truth and what is in fact going on. Namely, that the unequivocally Zionist and terroristic mass murdering, war crimes and crimes against humanity " that the world clearly observed in the case of Libya, a state of affairs in which you weren’t just a principal but were also quite markedly so an enthusiastic player David Cameron to cite just one example of several distinctly premeditated and concerted acts of terrorism on your part, that of previous UK prime ministers, as well as other European and American leaders " have emanated as a general rule NOT from ordinary citizens in our midst who don’t racially look like you David Cameron but rather to the contrary are very much calculatedly spawned by completely arrogant a******s like yourself David Cameron that are white Caucasian and who, moreover, like to delusionally pretend to the rest of the world " lies that I’m inclined to conjecture that you even believe yourselves " that you’re the “good guys”; which most categorically you definitely aren’t but rather in effect are the real terrorists amongst us and an enormous and pervasive danger to our country. As a condemnatory confirmation of the aforesaid here’s what Peter: white Caucasian like yourself David Cameron and who is from And not only that! As if these activities that you and your ilk are very much wrapped up in David Cameron weren’t in themselves abhorrent enough, which discernibly they are, we had you David together with other demented white Zionist bigots rushing off to Paris to show your solidarity with a perfidiously racist and deliberately xenophobic, French magazine: Charlie Hebdo, in response to what was widely and dishonestly circulated in the western mainstream media and unquestioningly accepted by an easily manipulated and led, completely duped and by and large a most ill-informed white public as a barbaric, Islamic terrorist act, when to all observant and objective spectators quite au fait with such matters the modus operandi of this supposedly “terrorist” attack in Paris distinctly bore all the standard hallmarks of an Israeli false flag operation and in collaboration with elements of the French police and secret services intimately involved and evidently sanctioned at the highest level by officials in the French presidential office if not President François Hollande himself! Nevertheless, despite the miniscule numbers of those who were killed you, David Cameron, still felt, like all the other terrorist-minded-political-jerks across the length and breadth of Europe and who collectively are the front men and women who supposedly “run” [nothing could possibly be more risible] the entire European continent and principally so on behalf of the Zionist-Rothschild-Empire you’re so fond of; that being the faithful Zionist that you are David you had to be present at that motley gathering and to be seen to take part in that propagandistic march through the streets of Paris. No problem on your part then David Cameron in identifying “terrorism” even when it was methodically Israeli scripted and the predicted fallout from it would purposely and fraudulently be levelled at Muslims per se, combined with cynically orchestrated public shows of grief, sympathies and insincere official, eponymous Establishment, political and media “heartfelt” condolences from the likes of the Queen and everyone else with a vested interest to sustain this elaborate charade and simultaneously preserve for the hegemonic Zionist Empire and, of course, themselves the violently instituted, unendingly savage but extraordinarily profitable and exceedingly personally rewarding for all of those involved nevertheless, the astonishingly money-spinning enterprise euphemistically referred to and widely and deviously, propagandistically trundled out to the rest of the world as the war on terror. But a genuine terrorist act and one far removed from any false flag operation committed by a white man on Blacks; no way José! Instead what the Black community of the USA in general, along with the wider Black global Diaspora and the populace of Charleston and the rest of South Carolina in particular have disdainfully seen are concerted acts of indifference that are themselves concomitant with a mollifying and most excusatory exhibition of intentionally and even maliciously off-loading this premeditated tragedy clearly onto the unwarranted shoulders of the innocent dead victims and their surviving families and friends unwittingly caught up in it, while perceptibly at the same time having no problem at all being stolidly and assiduously in denial of the stark reality of the actions and effect of what tragically but needlessly occurred in that Charleston, Black church. Thus giving the unquestionably culpable perpetrator of this racist and horrendous terroristic crime a virtual pass for what he did, while ludicrously suggesting and even claiming that it wasn’t really his fault; and by doing so demonstrating quite vividly and most abhorrently that racism whenever its specifically directed at and murderously executed against Black people and others who’re quite noticeably NOT of an “albino complexion” and in the process implemented in the white controlled western world " most particularly so the United States of America, the United Kingdom, mainland Europe, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and even Zionist-apartheid-Israel for example " is still very much alive, well, kicking and massively supported both explicitly and clandestinely in the 21st Century. And typically to those of this deeply entrenched racist and xenophobic mindset Black lives, as was very much the case during the official eras of slavery, colonialism and their subsidiary evils, don’t really matter; if at all! © 2015 COLLYMORE |
AuthorCOLLYMORECambridge, Cambridgeshire, United KingdomAboutAcademic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..Writing