My name is Ebola. And officially you’d be most wise to fear me!

My name is Ebola. And officially you’d be most wise to fear me!


You have a brain in your head; so why not use it to think for yourself?


By Stanley Collymore


My name is Ebola, and to all intents and purposes it seems that

I am a highly infectious and deadly disease like no other

before me in living memory, or even on record I’m

told; and going by the immense and undeniably

propagandistic hype surrounding me, I

veritably constitute a very scary

proposition both to behold

and likewise to get your head around, understandably;

as well as being as unlikely a favoured companion

you could ever possibly imagine to expectantly

find; freely want to relate to; or sensibly

involve yourself with; if, that is,

you’re genuinely compos

mentis and truly of

a sound mind.


Yet despite all that I’ve actually been around now for more

than half a century, and as circumstances previously

dictated was habitually and exclusively confined

to Africa it’s true; although surprisingly as

it happens and incredibly as it may seem

to you relative to my global infamy,

neither the relevant details of

my origin nor how I came in the first place to be there are

either known to me or have ever, I assure you, been

made explicitly clear; and it’s a safe bet I guess,

courtesy of the official scaremongers in the

west whose job it is to manipulate and

deceive you, that nothing about

this, whatsoever, will you

learn of or ever hear


But fatefully or even perhaps more fittingly, deservingly,

logically and propitiously so and no longer alone, the

oft-referred to, generally regarded within some

sections of our white Caucasian societies

and contemptuously categorized by

them as the Dark Continent, and whose luckless and

endemically poor inhabitants have consistently

against the concerted backdrop of my intentionally

implanted, devastatingly rampant, much feared

and understandably unwelcome presence

and longstanding residency among

these Africans been at best studiously

marginalized and at its worst callously

ignored by the more acquisitively

affluent and aforesaid white

Caucasian west that could

have made a perceptible

and quite constructive

difference towards

curbing my zest

but instead and

together with

all the rest

chose not

to know.


And so now predictably finding themselves rather

dauntingly and inescapably thrown well within

the trajectory of my ever expanding reach

they quite cowardly and selfishly

scream blue murder, evidently

afraid to die; yet very much aware as panic-stricken

and fatalistically they watch me cross over and

establish myself well within their own

precious borders, that their racist

hypocrisy and most appalling

double-standards towards

Africa, starkly epitomized by their criminal

attitude of studiously not caring have

forcefully and with a terrifying

inevitability come home to

roost and axiomatically

will be their own

damming but

sadly merited



© Stanley V. Collymore

17 October 2014.



Author’s Declaration:

At the height of apartheid the white Caucasian racists infesting the southernmost corner of Mother Africa, which they unilaterally renamed South Africa, and very much aware that however much or brutally they subjugated the indigenous peoples of the region, hamstrung their inalienable rights as fellow human beings, grotesquely restricted their freedoms or negated their entitlement to the same dignity they reserved for themselves that was also intrinsically theirs as well, that demographically, unless they could find and quickly adopt extraordinary and extreme measures that would seriously counter or else eradicate this observable and for them a most challenging phenomenon they would otherwise be backing a noticeable loser, since the Black population of South Africa generally and that of Africa in particular far outweighed in number the somewhat paltry total of white Caucasian colonial immigrants who unilaterally and quite savagely controlled not only South Africa but also the wider African continent.


Therefore, drastic measures were needed and had to be introduced as a matter of the most urgent priority if the continued survival of the white Caucasian man, woman and their offspring in Africa and crucially their ongoing theft, exploitation of that continent’s vast mineral and natural resources, and their exclusive grip on them together with the control of the said African continent were to be guaranteed and maintained.


World War II had taught these white supremacist warmongers and their kith and kin across the so-called western world that all out conventional or even nuclear wars attendant with their massive destruction was not the answer. For starters, they were too costly and manpower-intensive, and furthermore damaged infrastructure ravaged by the wars fought within these countries had to be rebuilt at some time or other if even a modicum of civilized standards of doing things was to be maintained; and that too was a very costly exercise as the post World War II development of a massively destroyed and the subsequent embarked on redevelopment of West Germany, as it was then proved to be.


As such therefore an alternative had to be found; and after detailed and secretive discussions and negotiations among themselves the Cabal of White Supremacist Countries from Canada in the far northern hemisphere to Australia at the other end of the world and all the other usual white culprit countries in-between: the United States, Britain, France, virtually every other mainland European state, including Germany, for example, together with Israel and apartheid South Africa hit on what they considered to be a most efficient and in relative terms cost effective way of dealing with the world’s non-white populations, and most particularly so its Black inhabitants. And the panacea that embodied their intractable racist views and whose concerted implementation they earnestly pinned their jaundiced hopes on fulfilling them was germ and or biological warfare.


Through these biological and viral mechanisms this global Cabal of White Supremacist Countries, their racist governments, scientists and populace at large hoped at best to manage and at the other extreme even eradicate at will in both instances those non-whites anywhere in the world that they quite subjectively and selfishly regarded as superfluous to human requirements and therefore no longer fit to continue living. Blacks who indisputably constitute the oldest and most longstanding of all the races on Planet Earth and from whom all others, including these white supremacist most ironically are also descended, would have the most torrid of these viral and systematic biological germ warfare assaults directed at and conducted against them.


And in apartheid South Africa the fevered minds of those running the apartheid government and system there together with scientists from every corner of the white world including, most ironically and perversely so, those from the Zionist state of Israel with its World War II holocaust survivors and who leaders apart from their love of money like nothing better than repetitively bleating to the world how monstrously their white Caucasian Jewish kith and kin were mistreated by German and other European Nazis, yet here they were clandestinely collaborating with others of their ilk not only in the planned viral and biological extinction of the Palestinian people but were also in cahoots with the apartheid Boers of South Africa �" to a man and woman proactive supporters of and significantly staunch fighters with the Third Reich �" to intentionally through the auspices of viral and biological machinations at best drastically reduce South Africa’s black population and in the worst case scenario ably assist in its extermination altogether.


Hence the creation of AIDS and other laboratory designed diseases targeted primarily at those with a greater concentration of melanin, a principal constituent of all Black People, in their physiological make-up, extending right up to the present time and the so-called current Ebola outbreak. Pray tell what exactly is current about the Ebola outbreak; and what are these odiously infamous but all the same extremely accomplished, propagandist-jerks and their useful and manipulative idiots ranting on about, when Ebola has effectively been ravaging parts of West Africa now for in excess of 50 years, around the same time that South Africa’s apartheid leaders were openly boasting about how their home-grown scientists and other white western ones working in collaboration with them and whom they fondly regarded as their own kith and kin had produced the viral and biological means to eradicate Blacks that were openly, unashamedly and contemptuously spoken of by them in the most offensive white supremacist language.


Don’t just take my word for it; do your own research, as I always implore you to on every single matter that I write about, and see how the likes of F.W, de Klerk other notorious luminaries within the apartheid system and scientists like Wouter Basson, dubbed Dr Death, did their utmost to annihilate South Africa’s black population and in the process create as we see in Australia, Canada, the United States. New Zealand and Argentina, for example, an irreversible demographic change that significantly and even exclusively favoured Whites. Is that why these utterly sickening and odious white Caucasian b******s who following in the footsteps of their barbaric ancestors, and from Canada to Australia and right across Europe are so s**t scared of non-white immigration to the lands they now inhabit; petrified that they’ll have done to them what they and their forbearers did to other races across the world? Sorry to disappoint you chumps, but not every other race is as sick and evil as you are; because if they were they wouldn’t have allowed you to set foot in their countries or regions in the first place, let alone show you the hospitality they routinely gave you and that you so savagely and treacherously abused in your sick process of then dispossessing them of everything they ever had, equitably shared among themselves and treasured for millennia, until your lot came along.


Now stick that in your pipe and smoke it!


The truth is, reverting once more to these obviously manmade diseases, that Ebola just like AIDS only became a problem for the west’s leaders, its media and exceptionally grasping pharmaceutical companies when the Trojan horse callously and conspiratorially implanted in Africa actually broke free of its tethered lead and rather unexpectedly started wandering on to the pastures and fields of the white west. Too bad for you, since you had to take action in order to stave off from within your own ranks the identical pandemic that you’d intentionally caused in Africa. Well since you prized a******s seemingly never learn from your past misdeeds that’s precisely what happens with Frankenstein monsters whether they are of the military or biological kind; and personally I have no f*****g sympathy either with or for any of you!


Finally, Britain which has one of the oldest biological warfare institutions and laboratories in the entire world located at Porton Down is quite literally up to its eyes and ears in nefarious and ongoing activities of germ, virus and biological warfare; and who can forget the myxomatosis scandal that almost eradicated the entire rabbit population of the United Kingdom? And the United States too similarly belongs in this rogue’s gallery of perfidious infamy; and to assure one’s self that it meets the criteria for this hands down one only has to mention the Tuskegee Project; and in time honoured fashion I’ll once again implore you to check out for yourself this distinctly dastardly act of notoriety and betrayal on the part of the USA that went of for decades.


So feel free to believe these lying b******s, if you want to, when they dishonestly and mendaciously tell you and with straight faces too all the duplicitous crap about Ebola that they’re currently spewing out; but it doesn’t say much for you when you take it at face value and don’t do the research for yourself.



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I have not read a word of this but noticed the read count. Why has no one reviewed? I assume most of the people are from facebook or some other site?

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1 Review
Added on October 18, 2014
Last Updated on October 18, 2014
Tags: Politics



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
