An Iberian pilllock at large! That's Jose Manuel Barroso, aka the covert fascist President of the EUA Story by COLLYMORESelf-explanatoryBy Have you ever heard of Jose Manuel Barrosa? I didn’t think you had! Burt don’t worry about it, the overwhelming majority of people in the world haven’t either; so you’re in excellent company on that score. So why am I mentioning him or even bothering to write about this detritus of humanity that even in his home country of Unelected of course, as no sensible person if the post was an elected one would vote for him; but he’s not alone in that regard as none of those who are routinely and inexplicably parachuted into the top echelon of that body calling itself the EU Commission is ever elected. Yet they have the sheer audacity and the mindboggling temerity to deign to speak for the rest of us, when to start with the us who comprise the majority of citizens of the EU haven’t a bloody idea who these people are or why they’re there in the first place; neither have they any mandate, in the remotest sense of that word, to speak for us or on our behalf. That though doesn’t stop them from arrogating to themselves the unilateral right to do so; and thoroughbred jerk Jose is a past master in that regard. The loquacious berk that one can’t shut up because he’s so enamoured with the sound of his own voice. So why am I having a go at this Iberian Dego and covert fascist from Portugal whose country with a discernible and transparent penchant for dictatorship along with the likes of its likeminded brethren in Spain and Greece were purposely allowed into the EU in the inflated hope of stemming their intuitive bad behaviour? It’s all to do with remarks that Jose asininely and quite deliberately, dishonestly and lyingly made at the weekend, 15-16 February 2014, about the ineligibility of an independent Scotland being permitted to remain, for realistically and truthfully that’s precisely what the correct and legal position is as Scotland as things stand is currently and has been for the last 40 years been a member of the EU albeit within the framework of the United Kingdom, although jackass Jose falsely tried to give the impression that Scotland has never been a part of that EU and therefore like any state not previously in that body but venturing to become a member would have to take pot luck through the accession process. How bloody evil, disingenuous and lying can one get? He then went on to say that political entities that break away from a sovereign and independent state which is already a part of the EU, even if this process of severance was consummately democratic and above board, don’t essentially have a snowflake in Hell’s chance of rejoining the EU. Has this prized prat Jose never heard of So in that regard Jose Barroso is talking through his a*s as he frequently does. For how can the idea of a democratically independent Scotland genuinely expressing the wishes of the Scottish people, if that’s what they really want and bearing in mind that Scotland is already a member of the EU, be anathema to a******s like Jose and his crew of brainless simians in the EU Commission yet Slovakia and the Czech Republic, where no such consensus was democratically secured, were both automatically welcomed back into the bosom of the EU, which effectively they never left, with open arms? Debunking further the skewed logic of “Der EU Fuehrer, Herr Jose Barrosa” Slovenia was previously part of a sovereign and independent state called Yugoslavia that was also a full member of the UN just like all the EU member countries are. However, in gratitude for the assistance given to Nazi Germany during World War II by the Croatians who were similarly part of Yugoslavia but all the same odiously treacherous to the rest of the Yugoslavian people and their government as well as being avid Nazi activists and sympathizers, just as they still are today, during World War II in marked contrast to what the socialist Yugoslavian government along with most Yugoslavians were, Germany energetically agitated for the break up of Yugoslavia and was ably assisted in this cause by the UK together with many other EU countries with their own longstanding and thoroughbred Nazi pedigree and, of course, the United States simply because Yugoslavia was socialist and anything that remotely carried that stigma in the eyes of your average ignorant American, arguably totalling some two thirds of that country’s population, had to be destroyed. So that’s exactly what these self-styled but vastly hypocritical proponents of democracy did. From that destruction emerged the Balkanization of the Balkans, you just couldn’t make that up, and So you talking absolute garbage Jose Barroso as your ludicrous assumptions, for that’s exactly what they are and not lucid arguments, are all demonstrably crap. I could go on with more examples but I think those are enough to state my case; for you Jose are the without doubt the archetypical scumbag; since if you didn’t know of these well known cases what the f**k are you doing heading the EU as its President; and if you did know and still gave the dishonest impression calculatingly undertaken by you to do so that no such situations exist or would they be countenanced by you, the rest of the EU Commission or the general membership of the EU, what does that make you? As if sensible people don’t already know. But what I found particularly chilling in its deviousness Jose is your ludicrous remark that Spain whose population is still largely and instinctively fascist as well as subliminally undemocratic to the core, would vote against Scotland remaining in the EU over Spain’s supposed and, even if these were true, irrelevant worries relative to Scotland’s own position concerning Spain’s own separatist movements. Are you or your fascist pals over the Iberian border for real Jose? Apart from the bizarre situation of the EU having been risibly given the Nobel Prize for democracy what the hell have the Scots exercising their democratic right to determine their own future have to do with Spain or its internal problems? And if Spain is seriously concerned about separatist movements within its borders shouldn’t it honestly and competently be dealing with these issues in an adult, mature and responsible fashion with those involved rather than Canute-like essay to arrogantly and patronizingly in Scotland’s case hold back the irreversible tides of political change by asininely and arbitrarily hitting out at Scotland that has nothing whatsoever to do with Spain’s long established and ongoing self-imposed problems? For ask yourselves this simple question: why are there separatist movements in Furthermore, isn’t Spain already among those other EU states telling countries in the global south, notably in Spain’s case it’s former colony of Venezuela where democracy noticeably for the very first time ever flourished under the stewardship of the late Hugo Chavez and continues to do so under his successor, what to do and how their countries? Kosovo, the so-called republic of Southern Sudan, East Timor, the wilful and dysfunctional breakup and political emasculation of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and the very same maniacal and inimical overtures directed towards Syria to achieve the identical objectives all speak for themselves are the undoubted doings of the EU in tandem with the United States and NATO of which several EU states are longstanding members and the new recruits are even more belligerent warmongers. So do grow up Jose and the rest of you. For how the hell can you say to the Catalonians, the Scots and others in Absolutely despicable, but what the heck! Against this backdrop however let’s not forget that It’s utterly despicable conduct as I earlier said, and there’s no getting away from that! And although in Scotland’s case I’m not a Scot or a resident there and the decision isn’t mine as to whether Scotland stays in the UK or not, I don’t mind at all saying to the scurrilous detractors of a sovereign and independent Scotland who’ve no interest whatsoever in agreeing to much less having an informed debate, discussion or even a general conversation along those lines about Scotland relative to the pros and cons of it becoming an independent Scotland and will do so because I detest unfairness, hypocrisy and double standards, am British and Scotland is still legally a part of the United Kingdom, that you’re completely out of line in your attitudes and along with Jose Manuel Barroso should quite literally go and f**k yourselves, as you’ve nothing remotely constructive or interesting for that matter to say about this particular matter or that anyone with a functioning brain would want to hear. Expanding further on the functioning brain analogy it’s rather understandable why the British government together with its parliamentary opposition of all parties want Personally I wouldn’t regard this deserved diminution of status as particularly a bad thing since the status that Britain currently thinks it has is largely an artificial one, is effectively nothing more than smoke and mirrors, isn’t genuinely earned, heavily relies on its fawning sycophancy to the United States: an authentic world power that Britain hasn’t been for most of the 20th Century, and we’re presently in the 21st Century, and particularly so since the end of World War II. Stems directly from events that exceptionally transpired in the wake of the Allies collaborative and resounding defeat of Nazi Germany and its Axis collaborators in World War II, and expressly on Britain’s part harks back to an idealized view of reality that a quite significant number of white Caucasian Brits and consecutive UK governments, one and the same in their allied mindset, shamelessly and hubristically persist in routinely immersing themselves in, and which relates to an era previous to World War II when Britain still had an empire on which it was claimed the sun would never set. But post World War II the sun had manifestly done so; however many ordinary Britons, our privileged elites and the powers that be who with a grotesque and perverse sense of their own entitlement to do so narcissistically run our country have continued to live in a state of denial with Britain’s true status in the world one that they find hard and truculently refuse to accept or come to terms with , preferring instead to persistently and delusionally carry on living in their comfortably ensconced world of make believe buttressed by an irremediable state of wilful blindness; that’s quite literally for them is a physical 21st Century presence pathetically regressed into the conveniently craved for existence of a bygone era. Easy for me to understand why this is so but nevertheless impossible to condone or have any empathy with or sympathy for, let alone justify. For in analogous terms as much as I love and absolutely adore Mohammed Ali as the remarkable human being that he is and similarly so for his outstanding skills as the finest boxer the world has ever seen, I would none the less be totally appalled if someone or persons in authority exclusively going on this great man’s past record as a boxer decided that that alone makes Mohammad Ali in 2014 eligible to be still the Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the World. That wouldn’t make much sense; and the same applies to For in doing so it might very well conceivably focus the minds of all Britons and particularly those of the political apparatchiks that run our country to at least start dealing with reality and not the fantasy world they’ve construct, grown comfortably accustomed to and accordingly happily ensconce themselves in. The reality for instance of Britain being a somewhat middle ranking, offshore European country that’s not even the economic powerhouse in European terms, that position justifiably belongs to Germany, with other qualities to practicably offer the world, and not those analogously of a delusional, punch drunk boxer kidding himself he can make a successful comeback in the boxing ring he has unceremoniously been knocked out of for some time, or worst still asininely convinces himself that he’s still the undisputed principal boxing champion of the world. Mohammad Ali had the grace, decency, dignity and obvious intelligence to know when to quit boxing, as do all other real champs, doing so while he was at the top of his game; and astute boxing fans love and affectionately remember this remarkable iconic figure for doing so and commemorate what he emphatically and innovatively together with successful aplomb brought to his particular sport. Try emulating him But right now the focus of our attention should be on allowing the Scots to make an informed judgement about their political future and not have a bevy of first-rate a******s either in the UK or worst still in the EU or its commission, however delusional they are like Jose Manuel Barroso, tell them or anyone else for that matter how they should run their own affairs. And the utterly useless energy of Jose Barroso would in my opinion be better utilized if he simply devoted his evidently unproductive time to seriously stemming and urgently eradicating the monumental corruption that’s endemic in the EU and especially the EU Commission where for decades now no honest firm of accountants can be swayed to sign off the EU’s accounts; which makes the endemic venal practices, snouts in the troughs, fraudulent expenses claims and all that sort of thing, engaged in by those within the UK’s parliament, abhorrent as they evidently are, look like minor indiscretions! © 2014 COLLYMORE |
Added on February 20, 2014 Last Updated on February 21, 2014 Tags: EU, Jose Manuel Barroso, Scotland, politics AuthorCOLLYMORECambridge, Cambridgeshire, United KingdomAboutAcademic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..Writing