Xenophobic Turkeys Voting For Christmas

Xenophobic Turkeys Voting For Christmas


Lemmings aren't the only ones enamoured by pointless suicide.


By Stanley Collymore


Blacks comprise just 13% of the US’s population but make up an

Aggregate of 75% of those incarcerated in its jails and 90% of

The grand total of those on Death Row. High School proms

As everyone but you it seems knows are in the 21st

Century in several states of the USA still strictly

Segregated, as evidently many Caucasian

Moms and dads, and their likeminded

Offspring too, obviously appear

To like things that way.


And long after slavery was officially outlawed and the white

Pastime of lynching Blacks supposedly practised no more,

A 60 year old white supremacist and company executive

With AGC, Joe Hundley only this month while on an

Internal, Delta flight from Idaho felt absolutely

At liberty to deliver along with racist abuse

A pugilistic punch to a 19 month old

Crying, non-white baby.


But that’s not all as I’m sure everyone who isn’t totally brain

Dead is well aware; and that includes Blacks too if they

Would simply stop hiding behind that convenient

Memory of theirs or the house n****r mask that

Unhappily so many of them proudly and

Sycophantically wear! Even though

Regrettably they’re not alone in

Adopting this ludicrous stance, since crime in the

US isn’t seen by those who comment on it as

The accumulative sickness of a brutal and

Largely immature society, but rather as

A matter of Racial Demography.


Worst yet is the Japanese-American community that collectively

Was interned throughout World War 2; something which the

Powers that be in the USA would never have considered

Let alone ever do to the German American one of 33

Million souls. This despite the latter’s unabashed

Affinity with Das Vaterland accompanied by

Strong Nazi sentiments that the civilized

World quite rightly abhorred. Even so,

German-Americans didn’t give a damn;

Their only concern being - and were it not for the

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour would surely have

Succeeded in their endeavour - to impede US involvement

In what they expediently and dishonestly saw as Europe’s war.



None of this though stopped America when it belatedly entered the war

From spitefully setting off in typical uncultured revenge two thermo-nuclear

Blasts in a row: both of them in Japan, at Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively,

Not Berlin or anywhere for that matter in Fascist Italy! Yet here we have in

The 21st Century two utterly moronic, female Xenophobes �" ignorant

Perhaps of history and predictably so, spouting off about their

Country’s nationalism and pathetically being rather proud

About it too. And who are they? Why Americans of course:

One Black the other Japanese! Which aptly endorses what I’ve always

Known and concurred with! That realistically, there’s no possible

Way of accounting for what’s essentially extravagant stupidity?


© Stanley V. Collymore

21 February 2013.



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Added on February 22, 2013
Last Updated on February 25, 2013
Tags: stupidity, xenophobia



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
