Why I Write

Why I Write

A Poem by Colette

the Why I Write challenge--Almost Dead Poets Society




because i’ve had my heart broken

i’ve broken hearts

i’ve broken down


i write to keep it all together

mend those chards

and carry on

like the piece of abstract art that i am


i write because i’ve been challenged

by significant health concerns

since i was 19


my post traumatic stress

has post traumatic stress!



i still get told by some people

that i am the happiest

most unique

most amazing person

they have ever met



when i’m havin’ a moment

and i do mean moment

where i crumble, i cry

i say something out of character

for my happier than tho personality

people can’t seem to accept


my flaws


though i constantly say

I’m not perfect!

I’m not perfect!


i’m flawed.


i laugh when i alert my audience

My issues have issues!


everyone seems to want me to be

a Hallmark greeting card


i’m so not


i write to express

what i can’t get anyone to listen to otherwise


that i’m wounded


that i struggle"daily

with physical ailments

family turmoil

lack of love

financial distress



i’m like a Vietnam veteran

nobody knows the trouble i’ve seen


i write because i’m like no other


i write because i’m like a monkey

that needs to be held...

needs a warm body to cling to

but, i lack that

and it’s practically unbearable at times


i write because i want to Live

i want to shape the world

i want the people of now

and the people of the future

to have someone to identify with

someone to offer them Hope


someone to whisper

I survived, you can too.


i write because i have so many words floating around in my mind

attached to so many emotions

and i don’t have a human to speak the majority of them to


i write because i have an attraction to words

comics. magazines. books. letters.


i write because me, pen and paper have been long time friends

i remember fondly my first, tiny, lime green diary

and journals that followed where i wrote in code


i write because i’m in love

i’m in love with writers like Anais Nin


Marguerite Duras



and more...


i write because i’m in love with nature


i write because i’m a medical mistake

and a medical miracle

constantly aware of my own mortality

and the birds, squirrels and animals are my signs

that Life is Beautiful


i write because my father abused me

my brother bruised me

my sister is oblivious


and i miss my mother more than i can articulate


i write because i’m grateful

because i think it makes a difference when i do

a few kind words, a compliment

because i believe a note of compassion can affect someone

and prevent me from feeling like an utter waste of space


i write for myself and others


like what the flight attendants tell us to do

with the oxygen mask that drops in the airplane

i’m taking care of me first




i care for all of you

© 2013 Colette

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Added on June 26, 2011
Last Updated on May 7, 2013



Phoenix, AZ

"The poet...is not nearly so concerned with describing facts as with creating images and establishing mental connections." from the book "Uncertainty" by David Lindley I'm in love with metaphors.. more..

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