![]() A Letter to my Younger SelfA Story by Matthew V. H.![]() A letter to my younger self. Warnings and knowledge I wish I had back then.![]()
Dear Younger Self,
I Know this is weird, receiving a letter from yourself from the future, but it is of dire importance that I broke the laws of physics to talk to you. I know you are only 15 and don't understand a lot of what I am going to be telling you but you will. I promise. First off, lets get some things out of the way before you ruin everything. You are an arrogant a*s, whether you believe it or not, and you choose to do everything the hard way. If you change this thought pattern things would get a lot easier for us in the future. Georgina, I know you like her a lot and things seem great, but she's a lying b***h. You aren't experienced enough for her. That is why she dumps you. Universal Studios doesn't make it any better. There is a lot of things on your mind at this time and I know there is. But it isn't as bad as you think. Do NOT attempt the suicide that you are planning. One, it doesn't work, and two it only makes you angrier that you failed. It is okay to be angry by the way. Our parents divorced and you ,deep down, blame yourself. It wasn't your fault. Three years from now you will be fed up with our home town, our friends, and being alone. You'll have Met Corinne and Cassey. For the love of God! stay away from Cassey, she screws us up more than you will ever know. She is a lying manipulative idiot that causes us to be stranded in a different country and unable to trust anyone fully.... ever. You need to stay at home... things go very bad after we leave. Your brother idolized you. He was crushed by our running away and turned into someone you can't bring yourself to respect in the year 2010. It is such a horrible idea, but I know you're going to do it anyway. Just use your head this time, the one on your shoulders. You think you know everything at 18 but you will come to understand a scant year later that you know nothing. You'll meet Mike, Even, Justin, and Johnathan when you move to Tacoma. These four guys will give you what you need to become the person you are comfortable with now. You are confused about yourself and why things keep happening to you like this. Relationships crash and burn, but don't worry. You will discover the reasons why in Tacoma. You'll also meet Kate, or Kat. She will be one of the only women in your life that will continually drive you crazy. You move in with her before Mike. It is all bad news, but she helps you understand more about yourself before you meet mike. At 20 you will be involved with Jessica. It is great, and you give your heart to her fully. So much so that you convert your own beliefs to her religion. This is a BAD idea. Her parents hate you and you know it. You know they can't stand you and you try to do what you can to make them like you but they can't stand you. My advice for this situation, run. Jessica screws you up something awful. Your beliefs in God, your faith in people, you perception or everything will change to the most cynical you have ever been. In essence, you become an a*****e. So much of an a*****e that your only friends are online. By this time you have started a role play group. This is your outlet to new friends that become your true friends you have always wanted. Your life is good at this point. Keep at it with Michelle, she's into you. It will just take a bit more effort. She likes you, she really does. Enter Erica. Run from this girl, run far and run fast. You will be forced into things you don't want nor need to do. You'll move three times in two years. Away from your friends and family and everything that you hold dear. Now you will become a dad if you decide to be with Erica. Zander is awesome, he is so smart and we love him more than we have ever loved anything or any one, but you'll be stuck with Erica the rest of your life because of it. She lies to you, bosses you around, and turns you into someone your friends don't recognize. No one likes her but they only put up with her because of you. You Meet Wendy because of Erica and leave your marriage for her and she is everything you want and need. You will want to Marry Wendy, but the problems that Erica gives you cause you to be less than warm to the thought of being married again. Look, you know you, and I know you. You'll do what you want, this is just some advice from an older wiser you. I'll be keeping in touch, just in case anything here changes drastically. You're older self. P.S. the Raiders get to a Super Bowl in our Life time, I know it is exciting, but bet against them.... it is a massacre. © 2010 Matthew V. H. |
Added on September 15, 2010 Last Updated on September 15, 2010 Author![]() Matthew V. H.Holloween Town, WAAboutTo be fair, I forgot this account existed! Guess this site is still going huh? A little bit about me, I stopped writing years ago because life got in the way, but I have begun to write again. I thin.. more..Writing