

A Story by Dean Thomas

A neo-noir Story of Man who overcomes dramatic change and loss within a decade's time, He's A journlist private investigator, ex-marine,His descesions within the war, come back to haunt him.


Episode 1- The Sheets Ripped Right Off Me

Scene 1,introduction,September 10th 1948 New York City, Upper West Side: The main character Cole Landau is seen sitting in front of his psychiatrist sharing his troubled and deeply conflicted past, the psychiatrist is a women by the name of Cathleen Saint Claire. Cole is a twenty two year old World War two veteran who fought in Operation Iceberg at the tender age of nineteen, Cole being in the 10th rifle division, shares his memories and grief with Cathleen, his memories and inability to come to terms with his past are a vital part of who Cole is, and a driving theme throughout the story.

Cole: Coming in here, to your office each week, it honestly feels like a waste of time, I still feel the same and honestly I don’t believe any amount of drugs or psychoanalysis can help me, honestly. Now don't get me wrong, its not like I expect you to wave a magic wand and make me feel all better, no, I don't expect that, but I think the lack of progress that is occurring is because of my indirect way of telling you how I feel, perhaps I should tell you what I believe was the match that lit this roller coaster of feelings.

Cathleen: That would be wise of you to do, yes.

Cole: My childhood,(Chuckles, nervously) If you can call it that, was deeply you mind if I smoke In here?( Cole realizes Cathleen is smoking and goes on to light a cigarette, blowing the smoke out of his mouth slowly, thinking about the sob story he is going to present, he continues to speak) Anyhow, my parents were not ready to bring another human being into the world, they were people who would’ve benefited from getting some guidance before hand(chuckles nervously) And I wasn’t even their first child, anyhow my mother, well I never felt her love, there's the bombshell of this session, she was insane( takes a drag from the cigarette, runs his fingers through his air and his speech speeds up) She was, well is kinda insane, and well my father, well he just loved the bottle more than me, So you could imagine what that mixture of problems could do to a kid, ya know? But honestly between the war, loosing Robert, my impoverished childhood in California, I don't think much can really break me at this point ya know?

Cathleen: Cole, think its important that we touch more on the subject of your mother, it appears to me that whatever you experienced with her serves as a catalyst probably for most of the negative emotions you feel today, You see Cole your still a boy, but your experiences have made you more bitter, more detached to what you really need, based off our previous sessions it seems to me that you’ve only been trying to survive your whole life, and in turn have subconsciously neglected your basic childhood needs, like feeling loved by your own mother for example, I think its important that you learn the ability to distinguish what you need from you want, I think Finally were on to something, but unfortunately(sighs) our time is up, but you have my number, and if you are ever in need call me.

Cole: Miss Saint Claire I believe we are onto something, I'm honestly looking forward to seeing you next week.

Cathleen: (looking at his with a bit of offense in her eyes) As am I Cole.

(End Scene)

Writers Note: There are multiple narrators to the story, Cole being one of them, he provides his perception of the world around him, usually providing the audience with an extremely detailed, beautiful perception of the life of a journalist in the late nineteen forties to early sixties, Cole himself is a writer, and often gets in the habit of narrating mundane tasks as well.

Scene 2: Six Days Later, September 16th, Cole is sitting in his office at the fictional Tribeca Times building on sixth avenue, He is a journalist that writes in trending News, politics, and often reports on the investigations of the NYPD, specifically Bernie Sawyers and Richard Helms. Michael McCoy, his co-worker is seen going into Cole's Office with a newspaper and a shocked look on his face.

Michael: Can you believe this( throwing the paper onto Cole's desk)

Cole: Believe what?

Michael: Meredith Thomas was murdered last night!, what the hell right? I swear. I don't know what this world is coming to, I thought winning the war was the solution to all our problems, but I guess droppin' the A-bomb wasn't enough, eh?

Cole: Michael( in complete utter shock) I knew that girl, and..and not like most people know her on stage but, Michael (chuckles nervously) I swear to god what I'm about to tell you is true, Meredith was my girlfriend, Michael,( stays frozen for a beat), we were in love..we were....

Michael: Cole, you should go home, Ill tell everyone you weren’t feeling well. Please Cole for your own sake and sanity. Cole listen to me, there's life and then there's work, go home.

Cole: (Standing up, loosening his tie, in complete shock, tears in his eyes, looking down, rubbing his eyes) Yes, Michael, I agree, I'm going to do that, I'm going to need sometime to take this all in.(Reaches for the newspaper, Michael Grabs it)

Michael: Cole I don't think you should read this, please.

Cole: Michael, its my girlfriend( emphasizing girlfriend with a grieving and upset tone.) You know what, I'm just going to take your advice, I'm going to relax and just try to breathe.

Michael: Good idea Cole, oh, by the way( direct eye contact, sympathetically) I'm terribly sorry about your loss.

Cole:( reaching for his hat on the coat rack, exiting the door) Thanks, Michael, your a good man.

Scene 3: (Cole is walking down sixth avenue down to Greenwich Village Where he resides, usually taking a cab, now walking comes across a bar entitled “Pearching's” this bar served a vital, and unfortunate role in Cole's life, here was where his father spent many of nights and squandered the families money. Cole feeling in shock and his judgment blurred decides to walk in and have a drink.)

Cole:( looking up at the sign with a nostalgic feel,) Well would you look at that, Pearching's, haven’t been here in awhile, not since I had to drag pops out and walk him home, I wonder if Eddie is still working here, God, do I hope he isn't, hope he did something with himself strayed away from the family tradition. ( Cole walks in and immediately goes to the Bar, where an old friend is surprised to see him)

Eddie:( cleaning a a mug, puts on the counter and squints at Cole, once realizing it is who he suspects he attempts to talk to him) Cole? Is That you? Holy S**t! It is you, Cole how you've been man?

Cole:(unpleasantly surprised) Ah, Eddie, you still work here, (whispers under his breath, “typical”) anyways how have you been man, whats new? Any Good stories from your Costumers?

Eddie, eh..nope, not to much(laughs) anyway are you back ...visiting..or?

Cole: No, I live in the village,

Eddie,What? And you never come and visit, not even for a quick drink or to say hello? Your breaking my heart Cole(laughs)

Cole: I've been busy, I apologize, listen, I'm here now though, and Well...I'd like a drink.

Eddie: Alright! That's my man, what are we having?

Cole: well I'm not really a drinker, so Whiskey?

Eddie( Putting both hands on the bar, looking at Cole) Just...straight whiskey?

Cole: Sure Eddie (sighs).

Eddie: Cole Something's on Your mind, You can tell me, buddy I know you pretty well, you can confide in me.

Cole:(Eddie hands Cole the drink) Eddie, You barely know me, but since you're prying, Im just going to lay it out, you ready?

Eddie: Cole I'm Ready for anything

Cole: Well Eddie you asked, do you remember Meredith Thomas

Eddie: Yea That theater rat you were seein'? She was smoking Cole, don't Tell me she dumped ya?

Cole:(putting down his drink, looks Eddie in the eyes, slightly smiling) Well, Eddie, She was murdered last night. So that my friend is what is bothering me.

Eddie:(Cleaning a glass, dropping it) Holy s**t Cole, I'm sorry brother, what are you going to do?

Cole: Have a drink, how the f**k do I know?, Jesus I don't even know what I'm feeling right now, I mean I've seen loss in the war, but(takes a sip of drink) but this is different.

Eddie: Well did you love her(lighting a cigarette)

Cole: F**k you Eddie.


Cole: How can you ask something like that? Did I love her? Of course I did, I still do, she pratically saved my life growing up....

Eddie How so Cole?

Writers Note: Eddie continues to ask how, while Cole zones out into a flashback when Him and Meredith were younger, the Year is 1942 in Los Angeles California, during the Summer, they spent their time together at an unnamed park. They are sitting under a tree.

Meredith: How Cole?

Cole: I don't know, I just came home and he was passed out on the kitchen floor, Mother couldn’t really handle it anymore, so he and Robert decided to stay at my grandmother, I came home, and I just saw a note explaining why he they left. (laughing nervously) Mother threatened so many times to leave him, I guess she actually meant business this time.


Cole: Yes Meredith?

Meredith: I love you Cole.

Cole: I love you to Meredith, I honestly do, Actually(laughs nervously) Can I tell you something?

Meredith: Absolutely Cole.

Cole(Takes Meredith's Hand): I adore you, You've kept me going, Your the reason I wake up, that I don't give up and that I keep on going, you keep me grounded and stable, You keep me feeling warm and safe by your very being, I love in every single way, Your voice is the sweet delicate mediator to my chaotic life, Your caring and support are the the fuel to the fire my heart burns for you, I love all of you're being, who you are in whole. I love You Meredith.

Meredith:( completely taken back by the passion Cole has presented) I...Cole..I don't know what to say ...I...I

Writer's Note: Meredith's Father walks up and screams to Meredith It's Time To come home)

Meredith: Cole, I have to go. I'll See you later, hang in there....I Love You.

Writers Note: Cole watches as she walks off with her father, she continually looks back to see if Cole is Still there watching.

Writers Note: The Episode transitions back to present day(9/16/1948), Cole sitting at the bar, paying for the drink when a Man walks in who seems to take liking to Cole, His name is Bobby, he as well lives in the village, He is a Five Foot * inch man, Black turtle Neck, black thick rimmed glasses and a an liking to all things art that portray The human Condition in its most accurate form.

Scene 4:

Well Eddie, There's not much you can do about, I guess I'll just go home, wallow, rot even, I need some time to do some rotting, I'm to fresh and arrogant these days anyways.

Bobby:(sitting down next to Cole) give this guy another...What are you havin' bud?

Cole: uh..whiskey

Bobby:(slaps the bar) Get this man another whiskey! On me, no man is doing any rotting, not on my watch. How about this, wait whats your name? Forget it, ill find out soon enough, how about you come to my place, I live right in the village you know? Come on, It'll be good time, a good group live there.

Cole: A good group? Sorry Bud, I don't swing that way.( leans hid head back and swallows the rest of drink, then puts it on the bar)

Bobby: No, it's nothing like that, I live with my girlfriend, but a couple others are down on their luck, we look after each other come on it'll be a good time, I'm not asking you for commitment or anything, we'll take it slow.(Begins To Laugh)

Cole: What the hell, not like I got anyone to go home to, sure Ill go with ya, I'm Cole by the way.

Bobby: I'm Bobby Shaw, pleased to meet you. (Takes his hand out to shake, Cole's but Cole rejects)

Cole: Well nice to meet you Robert. Hey, uh, just out of curiosity what do you do for a living?

Bobby: I'm an artist.

Cole:(begins to laugh) Oh, I see an “artist. Hey Eddie can you get me some peanuts?( Eddie is at the other end of the bar talking with patrons, Cole yells louder) Eddie! Let me get some peanuts over here.

Eddie: Sure thing boss Coming now. ( Eddie hurries over to get some peanuts.)

Bobby: Hey Buddy what do you got against me? I haven’t known you ten minutes and your already pushing me away.

Cole: Oh Don't take it personal, Your in a bar filled with people who have a sad enough life to come here to relax, You gotta have thick skin here bud. I'm not a regular by the way. So any way when are we going?

Bobby: You know what I think I'm going home alone tonight Cole, have a nice night, or try at least. (Pats him on the back as he walks out)

Scene 5:

Writers note: September 17th, Friday, Cole walks into the Tribeca Times Journalism institute and goes to office, when a attractive secretary by the name of Julia Bennett walks in expressing her sympathy to Cole on his loss.

Cole: (Sitting down type writing, hears a knock) Come in.

Julia:( In a shy voice knowing to some degree she is intruding but feeling compelled to express her sympathy to Cole due to her fondness of him)I'm Sorry to bother you Mr. Landau but I just wanted to say I'm deeply sorry for your loss, I heard how much she meant to, and from what I heard she was a fantastic person, as well as being very talented.

Cole: Julia, how did you even know I was in a relationship with her?

Julia: Oh, Michael told me, he told most of the people in the coffee room, he said to be warned you would be feeling a bit down today he then told us why

Cole: What! (Outraged, his eyes widen, and Julia becomes a bit nervous and embarrassed)

Julia: Oh Cole, please don't make me regret me coming here.

Cole: Don't Worry about.( Gets up and goes to Michael McCoy's Office, where he is interviewing an investment banker) Hey Michael, we got to talk, now.

Michael: Uh, Cole can't you see I'm a little busy right now?

Cole: I don't give a s**t, come here.

Michael:( To the Banker) If you'd excuse me a moment.(He steps out into the hallway with Cole) Cole what the hell has gotten into you can't you see I'm working

Cole: Yes I could, but what I don't appreciate is you telling the whole office about my loss, how would you like it if I told everyone Lisa died?

Michael: Cole listen, I just was trying to help so told some people since I thought you'd be on edge today that's all, now if you don't mind I got work to do. I'm Sorry.

Cole: Yea, well you don't seem like it.

Writer's Note: Julia approaches Cole as he is walking back to his office, and shyly but eagerly invites him to lunch.

Julia: Um...Cole, I'm actually going out to lunch right now and was wondering if you'd want to accompany me? I'm going down to the flamingo, If you want we can have a few drinks maybe?

Cole: I'm the one that's supposed to ask you, but sure, why not, let's go.

Scene 6: Cole And Julia sitting at the Flamingo restaurant, Greenwich Village.

Julia: So what do you do exactly Cole?

Cole: Well, I write. Tribeca Times Columns in literature reviews, plays, playwrights, local news even. Local news is the most interesting.

Julia:(she sat there one hand on her cheek, stirring her straw with the other, practically lost in Cole's eyes, she continually keeps the conversation about asking questions about Cole)

Cole: Well, its interesting, it's real, it's stimulating, and the response you get back from the public is amazing, what I mean by that is this; Well here's the thing When I was younger I wanted to be a lawyer, Civil Rights, and honestly it's a bit cliché but I look standing up for the little guy, sometimes the people who are disadvantaged who need a voice, and honestly I want to be that voice, but I'm getting of track, and of course I'm not a lawyer, but possibly someday, but I still fulfill that need of sticking to the big guys, I mean the type of writing I do now isn't exactly doing that but for now I write about things I enjoy, literature, I love Melville by the way, his writing kinda puts me at ease you know? I'm trying to work my into the investigative end of Journalism, but the firm I work for now and the paper I write for doesn't include a section like that, meaning I would have to leave the paper, and work independently for a bit, until some other paper picks me up, likes what I produce.

Julia: You want to hear something funny? I actually find that interesting.(She begins to smile at him, and laugh a bit)

Cole: How do you find that funny?

Julia: Because honestly Cole, your the first guy I met who I honestly find interesting, your not like all the other horn-dogs that I've been with, I just simply like who you are, I wish there were more people like you in this city, well on this Earth even.

Cole:(sighs) No you don't

Julia: (Her eyes widen) No, I do Cole(she begins to smile) I Like you.(blushes)

Cole: Julia, Do you want to come back to my place, I live pretty close to here( he begins to smile growing more and more fond of Julia, his motives are alternative, trying to heal from Meredith) How bout you come over, I can show you some of my writing. What do you say?

Julia:(understanding the hint) Sure Cole I'd love to( giggles a bit)

Scene 7: Cole's Apartment

Writer's Note: Cole's apartment is quite messy which is a reflection of his mental state, Cole has a tendency of being unorganized and will often express how he doesn't find cleanliness or organization important. The scene begins with Julia and Cole on his bed in which he is showing her his folder of all his writings and she is very enthralled, Julia is very close to Cole her legs against his with her arm around him, he doesn't seem to mind.

Julia: You seem to write many love poems Cole, are they all about Meredith?

Cole: Well most are, yes, You know whats funny, I have not cried yet, is that normal? Am I going to?, I still can't believe it, It's almost like my mind is telling me that she's still alive, almost as if she's just somewhere else. Have you ever felt like that before?

Julia: Cole everyone griefs differently

© 2015 Dean Thomas

Author's Note

Dean Thomas
This is a sample of the first seven pages of the first Episode. I would appricate your feed back and comments. I am writing it in a manuscript format, and eventually would like to produce a series of films with this story.

My Review

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The start was interesting. But there are a lot of errors, confusing dialogues and repeated sentences in every paragraph.
You shouldn't be able to use the same word in the same sentence. Some sentences are lacking punctuation, like period, commas.
Since the dialogue is confusing, you should rewrite it in simpler words. The accent was good enough, but I think it's a little organize. Try reading it out loud so you will be able to catch the errors.
The story is fast, but it's just right for the first episode.
I think there's too many characters being placed in this sample. Try introducing the characters in the other episodes so readers will have the chance to get know the first character and his background.
Cole's flashback about Meredith was short and cut. Meredith just said 'I love you,' though we didn't know how they met or developed their relationship better. Cole has a mental state so he should be rampaging when he heard the death of his girlfriend.
Cole's decision about making love with Julia was quite fast. He should be hesitating because he still loved Meredith.
I might add that if Cole is trying to get over with his past, he should have been talking pills or anything.
Since this is a manuscript, you should express your character's past through the dialougue and movements.
I love the story concept. Reminded me when I read J. K Rowling's cuckoo calling. You should revise and edit this as much as you can. Reread it and try to develop your character's concept first.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 15, 2015
Last Updated on March 15, 2015


Dean Thomas
Dean Thomas

Hackettstown, NJ

Vagabond notes 2 Vagabond notes 2

A Screenplay by Dean Thomas