Life And Death

Life And Death

A Poem by Colby


We use it everyday,

To talk,

To sing,

To whisper the night away,


To be there for somebody else when they’re down,

To walk,

To run,

To stroll into town,


But there’s one thing that stops this life,

It’s called Death,

Whether by gun,

By disease,

By explosion,

Or fear,


Or suffering for weeks,

Or months,

Or years,


Death will find us all,

One of these days,

And take us to the land beyond ours


*To stay*


Death is unexpected,

It can catch you by surprise,

And yes it will find us,

There is no disguise.


Life: a fragile thing to have,

It can be good,

Be bad,

Be great,

Or just had,


And you only get one,

So you get to choose,

You live and you die,

You win or you lose,


Whether you see it as victory,



Or cheer,


Or pain and the sorrow of dreadful tears,

It is how you make it,

It is how you want,

But you have to work for it,

Not just sit and grunt,


Say hello to a neighbor,

Go buy a new shirt,

Be good to people,

Or shovel some dirt,


Be a good friend,

Ride on your bike,

Don’t look into evil,

Or the fear of the night,


Be happy to be alive,

You’ll be right in the front,

But make it how you need it,

Be true,



Be the lead of the group,

Be good,

Be strong,

Find some good friends,

Let them come along.


Summing it up,

I have one thing to say,

Be good,

Be true,

Be strong,

Be brave,


Live life the way that you want it to be,

Draw your own path…

*And you’ll be happy*


~Colby Faisst~



© 2008 Colby

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Very nice man
I like this lots
I can see you put lots of time in it
Congrats. =D

Posted 16 Years Ago

Wow, very touching. I like this one a lot. You put a lot of words and simplefied life and death. Good job :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 8, 2008



Colfax, CA

Hey, I'm Colby. I started writing anout a year ago on my 12th birthday when I wrote a little poem about it. Since then I've been hooked on poetry. I've only written a few poems so far but I sort of wa.. more..
