Chapter 28: More Yetis

Chapter 28: More Yetis

A Chapter by Vertigo Cat1111

With a plan to recruit more fighters for the Resistance, Link and Midna know just who to go get... and it will help another one of their species, feel a little less lonley.

 Link and Midna's horses hooves clopped on the rocky trail, Epona neighing, seemingly happy to be traveling again. Link pet her, thinking once again, he felt sorry for not being able to bring her to Stormsky, and new sights... 

He hummed under his breath. Maybe one day. Laying his cheek on his auburns horse's surprisingly soft mane, his thoughts evolving and swirling around in his head, sinking his mind deeper. His eyelids almost grew heavy, as he rememebered everything that happened in the past 24 hours.
Midna was his now... and maybe it wasn't just sinking into his mind yet, but it all felt so insane. Not real. He was suddenly afraid this was all a very realistic dream. Reaching over to his arm, he pinched it, then said, 'Ow!' He'd pinched it a bit to hard somehow. His mind was feeling a bit dazed.
"Link, are you okay?" Midna asked, whipping her head to him.
He nodded giggling. "Yeah..."
"What are you laughing about?" she asked, raising one eyebrow. He contiuned smiling softly, but genuinely. Truth was, he was chuckling, because that he was so happy, he had to actually pinch himself. How many people did that? Well, he certainly did. He didn't know happyness like this existed, but he was glad it did, and wished it upon everyone.
"Just... happy, I suppose," he muttered. Midna turned away and even though he wasn't looking, he felt her smile, on edge. Pushing to urge to scoff at him, she let loose what she really felt. "Me too, Link."
Face turning red, Link realized how mushy this was, and turned his head back on the trail. But Link liked mushy. And there was nothing wrong with showing love for- well, who you loved.
But guilt still pricked at his rather full heart. He shouldn't feel so at peace when a war was thundering on the horizon. But he couldn't help feeling... warm.
He shifted around, and turned to Midna. "So, where should we leave the horses?" Link asked, trying to act casual.
Midna smirked and rolled her eyes. "Mmhp. What an interesting conversation." she chuckled.
"Hey, you didn't wanna talk about us!" Link frowned. "What else you want me to talk about?" 
Midna laughed out loud, throwing her head back. Link didn't notice he was smiling at her. "I don't really know," she chuckled. "But we're almost here, so let's chat about snow."
Link snorted, and climbed off of their horses. Link turned back, and gazed at Hyrule Castle and the river flowing through. Taking a deep breath, he took in the beauty, and wondered what was coming in the future. The wind brushed his hair, and he blinked gratefully. Clouds were approaching once again.
"You alright, Link?" Midna asked. An emotion she didn't regonize for a moment was filling his eyes. Looking for another longer second, she saw it was determination and hope.
"I'm fine," he breathed, staring at the clouds, and lighting striked, reflecting in his eyes.
He turned to her and smiled ever gently. "Are you okay?" 
Midna felt she melted when he set his gaze on her, and had to tell herself it was alright to feel like that. "I'm fine, too," she said, smiling goofily. "F-fine."
Link smiled once again gently at her. She was so beautiful.
Turning his head quickly to the cave that led to Zora's Village, and where it would soon lead them, to Snowpeak, the Yetis, and Stormsky. 
Link and Midna snuck, trying to hide from any of the Zora's sights, as it wasn't time just yet to request them into- well, the war. Or at least to help. Sneaking by quietly, they also hurried as fast as they could to the entrance.
 When entering Snowpeak officaly, this is when they wrapped their coats and more warm items around them. Looking to Midna, he watched as she pulled light blue long-sleeve over herself, then wrapping and pinning a coat around her tightly.
"Brrr," Link said. "I love the cold," Midna grinned.
 The Hylian shook his head. The cold was very much disliked by him. He'd always found it uncomfortable, and he was raised farther in the south. But he smiled gently at her. If she enjoyed the freezing air, then he could, just a bit, too.
Taking a deep breath of the bone-chilling air, he looked out, into the harsh cold beyond.
They stepped down, and edged more into the land, covered in a thick blanket of white. It was just barely snowing, but light-gray clouds covered the sky here. Perhaps, this is where the clouds were coming from... 
But he saw them coming from the south- so suppose, they were coming in at all sides? The snow shimmered, and Link suddenly worried he was gonna slip. "Careful, Midna," he warned. Hopping off the heights of the overhang, he looked to the many mountains that dotted the sky, and knew it wouldn't be too long to get to Yeto and Yeta.
But, he couldn't wait to get out of this weather, though he knew it'd be a long time till then. Light snow flecks swirled among the ground in the light breeze, and Link was suddenly grateful that it wasn't extremely windy out. The snowflakes fell peacefully, and strangely, Link smiled at them. Somehow, he got the vibe the flakes were happy too.
"Uh, Link..." Midna said, sounding worried, and Link turned his head quickly to her. She was staring off at the waterways, with chunks of ice floating in the black, dangerous water.
"It's okay," he said, a bit nervous himself. "We've crossed it plenty of times..." But crossing it could still be treachourous, he knew. One small slip could be the end of his and Midna's life. And that was more bone-chilling then the air. 
He flinched, imagining the icy sting as he fell in, and the feeling of his lungs being to filled with black liquid to suck in air... He shuddered. He stared at it, trying to remember where the unstable chunks were, and trying and straining his eyes to see the junctions.
As of last time, it didn't seem there were any.
Frowning, his nerves felt a bit shook up. For some reason the thought of crossing this unerved him more then the first time. Albeit, it was fall, so everything should be even more frozen over. Sliding his boots around the ground, he suddenly, nearly slipped. Midna hurried over and caught him.
"You okay?" she asked urgently.
Link nodded, trying to stand back up. "Er, yeah..." he muttered trying to shake the fear he'd just expirenced off. Ignore his near, swift fall, hoping Midna would too,
he realized why it was much more dangerous at the time. "It must've rained here recently," Link confirmed.
 The ice was exactly what it'd be if it had gotten wet. He'd been around enough snow, even if he disliked it, to know what this intensely slippery feeling was.
"Wait, why- Would it snow here...?" Midna asked. "It's so cold here, it would always automatically snow- right? I mean, it should."
Link frowned staring at the snow on the floor. What if them being together really created chaos of some sort? Or... maybe it just rained.
This was ridiclous he suddenly realized and shook his head. Silly.
But how should they get across-?
"Maybe, a wolf could-" Midna suggested trailing off, almost shyly. Link's ears perked up. "That's a great idea. Hang on..." 
With the familar wooshing noise. he fell onto all four legs as a wolf.
Shivering in the cold, he was glad he had thick fur. But as he looked down to his paws, as he rubbed them on the ice, in which they felt less slippery, he remembered something that made him feel even more cold. The moment he was remembering was which in, the resistance and his friends had been horrifed to see a wolf...
Were they scared of him now? Frightened at this idea, he began to jump across the river as Midna barely turned into an imp and hopped across the river, each platform sinking a bit as he jumped. "Woah!" Midna shouted, her tiny hands gripping tightly onto his fur.
He remembered how desperately he'd wanted to call out to them, and say it was him, but merely couldn't. Even if he barked, they couldn't understand. In fact they'd be even more frightened.
Shaking his head, he jumped the last hop over, and began speeding through the snow, leaving puff and twirls of the white stuff behind him, just as fast as his thoughts. Snorting, he wondered when the last this snow had been touched. 
But thoughts of that could not keep away the more painful ones. He wanted to believe they were not frightened of him, but there was a hanging doubt in him.
Were they gossiping about it now? Well, perhaps not his closest friends, like the children, or Rusl, Telma, Auru. But maybe ones who seemed to have thoughtless grudges and illogical anger towards him were... Shad and Ashei. 
Sighing, he kept bolting ahead, to find Yeto and Yeta.
Link prodded his nose around the snow, and was following Yeto's scent into the cave. Digging in, he hopped in the cave. "Hey!" Midna exclaimed suddenly, quite loudly. She prodded one of his ears in natural Midna form, and frowned. "What's the matter, Link? You seem- down."
Link transformed from a wolf and shook his head. "No, it's just-" He shrugged his shoulders. "What if they're scared of me now?"
"Scared?" Midna asked, now turning into her Twilit form. "The resistance?"
He stayed, back to her, and nodded, wincing awkwardly. "I mean, yeah... don't they seem- kind of frightened?"
"I don't suppose there's one way to feel about you're friend being a wolf," remarked Midna gently, and he flinched.
 Her next words were said with empathy and softness. "Well, you had to sacrafice many things to keep them alive... and anyone who doesn't feel GOOD about it... just isn't your friend. That's how it goes, right?" she basically explained.
Link smiled softly, unintentionally. 'Why is she always right?"
"Thank you, Midna," he responded. He turned around and Midna gulped nervously, but still smiled back at him. "It's not any problem."
She placed an arm on his shoulder and said, "Let's keep going."
Link walked to the large stone and rolled it over, revealing the mountain Yeto and Yeta generally argued about dinner (or breakfast, or lunch) on.
A blast of wind pelted at them, but they contuined to walk uphill, rather slowly, as to not lose their balance and fall off.
An even strong brush of air hit them, but Link would not allow himself to halt and neither would Midna.
"Midna... you go ahead and stay right their, I'll get them now." "No way, Link, I'm coming with you, of course."
Not saying any more, because he knew better, Link contuined trudging up the pass, trying to ignore the wretched and icy wind. 
He felt for sure, any exposed areas were wind burnt by now. He paused for a second, wrapping his purple cloak even tighter, creating a safe haven from the howling winds, that grew and grew as they climbed.
Midna muttered something, as they were struggling through a rather steep climb, and Link turned to hear, confused.
Pulling the cloak off of his mouth, he raised an eyebrow at her. 
What'd you say, Midna?" he exclaimed over the loud, strong winds.
But suddenly he fell backwards, hit by something solid. 
For a moment, he thought it was an extremely strong gust of freezing wind, due to his body being so numb. But as he looked up squinting his eyes, the storm began to calm down in that moment, and he spotted Yeto and Yeta.
"Link!" Yeto cried waddling over to him, and swooped him up in his big arms and spun him around. "WOAH!" Link gasped.
"You here, you here, miss you!" he cheered happily. 
"Link!" Yeta also grinned hopping on over to the much smaller boy, compared to Yeto.  She nuzzled his head, and Link definietly felt warmer. "Uh..." Link heard Midna mutter. Yeta looked up slowly first, then Yeto.
"Huh? Link who that?" Yeta asked.
Link pushed his head from from drowning in Yeto's fluff. 
"Uh- she's my best friend."
"In the whole world!?" Yeto gasped loudly, too close to Link's ear for comfort. He winced.
 "Yes... My bestest friend in the whole world," he looked to Midna as he finished his sentence, who was staring at him. Her cheeks turned purple and she swiftly whipped her head away, pouting.
"She was with me when I came here to see you guys first, but she was- uh, in my shadow." Link tried to explain to the silly yetis. "Oh... I wish I could hide in someone's shadow," was all Yeto said. "You can hide in mine!" Yeta smiled at him.
Link shook his head, smiling. He pulled out from under Yeto's arm, and shook his head off from any snow that had fallen in his hair. "So- We have a small request for you guys..." Link began. "Small?" Midna shouted. "I don't know about that..."
Link winced and knew she was right. But- he had to ask. He turned back to his furry friends. "Well, we're- Midna and I and even Hyrule- is in danger," he began slowly.
"DANGER!?" Yeto howled. Once again, he scooped Link in hi arms, now grabbing Midna also, and swung the around. 
"AAAH!" Midna screeched. Link grinned but also giggled in fear. Poor Midna wasn't used to this.
"Oh no!" Yeto cried. "Danger, danger!" he repeated. "YEEEEES-" Link exclaimed when Yeto flung them on the snowy floor. Yeta waddled over. "What kind?"
Link smiled at her, trying to regain his bearings. "Well- it's a lot. We can't explain it all right now, because Midna and I-" "Pretty name!" "-still have a lot of ground to cover," the Hylian tried to explain. 
The Yetis didn't seem confused, just intent on listening. "So, we were wondering... Would you be willing to help at all?" Link asked, cringing at his own question. Tension filled the air, when suddenly Yeto once again rose from the snow. "YES! WE HELP! WE HELP! OF COURSE WE DO!"
Link and Midna backed away, in case he was going to spin them around again, but he just kept stomping, snow flying up, in excitement.
"How we help?" Yeta asked, coming closer, as her husband contiuined to yell and make interesting noises. Midna frowned. "You'll have to leave home." she admitted.
Yeto slid over on his knees. "Yeah, yeah, of course we do that!" he said, grinning. He clasped his hands together. "Where we go?" he gruffled.
"Well, you're gonna have to go south and east. It's called Kakariko, and you're supposed to go to Kakariko Village," Link began. Midna spoke up. "Yes, but, it doesn't snow over there. It's still cold this time of year, but it doesn't snow..." she explained.
Yeto nodded. "That okay."
Midna suddenly got an idea, as Link kept speaking about directions.
She bent over and looked through a satchel of hers. "Where is it," she whispered under her breath. Fiddling her hands through it, she came across what felt like paper.
Pulling it out, it was the map of Hyrule she was looking for. Marking Kakariko Village with a ink pen, she hurried over and shoved it in Yeto's hands.
"Here. This is a map of Hyrule." she began. She traced her fingers over the pen mark. Smearing it, she said, "See, that's the village you need to go to."
Whipping out the pen, she marked exactly where they were at. "We're here. You're here. And you need to get to there. Is that okay?" She looked up at them, worried it was too far. 
"Oh, that okay!" Yeta said. "We be fine, we be fine. "
Midna smiled at them. "Good, and keep the map."
Yeto looked down at Yeta. "Go now?" He asked. Yeta looked to Link, as if waiting for direction. "Yeah," he agreed. "If you want." They fell forward on their bellies and Yeto waved at them. "See you soon!" 
"Bye! We'll explain it all when we come back!"
"So... igoo?" "No, IGLOO," Link corrected, emphasist on the 'L'.
"Oh. Igloo." "Yep."
It was a nice dome, if not a little bumpy on some sides. The entrance, Midna peered, seemed big enough for them to squeeze into. Link dropped to all fours, almost insticuntal,  he crawled his way into the ice fort, and Midna just stared, confused. She heard the noise of him dropping his weapons and moving them to the side.
"Come on, Midna! You can come in!"
Shifting uncomfortably, she was certain it was even colder in the igloo. Was this silly mountain of snow really worth the effort? She crawled inside and lifted her head to look around. "Hmph." It was bigger then it had even looked on the outside. 
The floor was like a pit as if Link had dug the ground out from it, to create more room. In fact, Midna looked behind Link and saw a cave. "Woah!" She said. He had built the igloo into the entrance of a cave. 
Link began to start a fire, and Midna was surprised it was definitely much warmer in here... How exactly? Now they were completely surrounded by ice and snow.
This didn't make enough sense.
"I guess you're... right about the warmth?" she muttered. "Yeah. The times it's snowed in Ordon Village, Rusl taught us how to make an igloo. I think it traps body heat or something. I couldn't stop shivering that winter." He explained.
"I think it'll get even warmer in here soon, since we're here now, and not to mention there's two of us."
"Hmm," Midna repeated, looking around. Her mind found a way of worrying about the Yetis and the others. "You..." Midna began as her partner rubbed the sticks together. He looked up at her. "You suppose everyone will be okay?" she asked, frowning. Maybe some reassurance from her best friend will whisk her mind away from this worrying issue.
"Oh yeah," Link said reassuringly. "They even seemed happy," he chuckled.
He smiled at her, as his own worries tumbled around in his head- about the monster he seemed to be, to his friends.
"Mmm," Midna mumbled. Well, that soothed her mind- just a little bit. But another question bothered her- a less serious one. How had their marriage lasted so long? Or- how long had they been together, also?
She looked to Link, wondering if somehow HE had an answer. 
But he was just cooking some meat, it seemed. But, marriage couldn't last that long, could it? All she ever heard was stories of pitiful divorce, after a few years of matrimony. So- maybe they weren't happy. Ideas bumped into each other and were knotted, and she was confused.
"MATRIMONY IS A BUNCH OF BULL!" Midna exclaimed loudly, making Link jump. She was furious.
Link stared at her, trying to figure out what she was screaming about exactly. "Huh...?" He mumbled. "Ma-matrimony?" "Marriage!" Midna put it simpler, frowning. 
Link shook his head. "No, I know what matrimony means, I just mean- why are you screaming?" 
Midna looked to him raising an eyebrow.
"About matrimony I mean."
Midna face planted into the floor. "Stop saying THAT!" She wailed. Link flinched. "How stupid IS THAT!?" Midna felt like murdering some random innocent couple in cold blood. "How stupid is... what?" Link dared to ask, still confused. "MATRIMONY!" She yelled. 
That word had been uttered a million times it seemed. And why didn't she just say marriage? It was much easier. And what did she have against it?
"UGH!" Midna growled. "It never lasts, why do people do it?"
Link finally pieced it all together. Link smiled gently at her. "No- Midna, you've got it wrong." He spoke up. She looked up at him frowning, heavily.
"Link, how stupid does someone have to be to fall for that shi-" "No, let's think about this for a moment."
She scowled, then looked away, deciding not to meet his eyes. "Okay, well," he began, placing the meat on sticks above the fire. "You... love me, right Midna?" He asked, unsure of how she would answer. "Of course!" She said. But winced right after. 
She wasn't used to being so open. Well, at least it was a good step forward?
A big one at that.
"Okay, then, well," he stuttered, "you're- gonna-" he wasn't prepared for the question he was gonna ask and knew Midna wasn't either, but there wasn't really going back... "wanna be with me forever... right?" he asked, his voice getting quieter, and cracking, as he struggled to spit the words out. 
"Oh... yeah," Midna said, shrugging, her face turning extremely hot. So did Link's. Damn, what had they gotten themselves into?
"Well, generally that's the best way to do it- that's how we promise things. Rings mean that-"
"I know, but why do people do it if they just break up!?" she frowned, wondering what this night has turned into. 
"I- well, that does happen. But... if people really do love each other, then they'll fight for it. Sometimes it works- sometimes they're not meant to be."
"But we're meant to be!" Midna exclaimed. Link eye's widened at her extreme passion, and she winced once again. Goddesses, who was she turning into...?
Or what?
"Yeah," Link began. "Exactly. So you- we'd fight for it right?" 
Midna nodded vigorously. "Well, yeah! And make it work." Link smiled at her. "Exactly. So it's not anyone's fault when couples don't work... It's just what happens sometimes, y' know?"
Midna stared at him. "Yeah... I guess so." 
She found herself instantly relaxing. "So-" she began, about to start on her Yeto and Yeta questions, but lost them. "So... are you sure, we could make it work?"
Midna asked, embarrassed. Link gave her an- 'everything's okay' smile, and her shoulders fell, tension melting.
This was too romantic, Midna told her self. 
She hovered over to him, and, as he turned back to his food. "That's why Yeto and Yeta's relationship remains so-" he searched for the right words. "Good."
"Mm," Midna mumbled again. "He did a lot for her- everything because he loves her."
He turned to her when she remained silent, and she was right next to him, big red eye staring into his blue orbs. He smiled at her, and she saw something in his eyes. She gasped lightly... was she so important in his eyes? Honestly?
She stares at her imp reflection and tilted her head, squishing Link's cheeks together.
Her heart zoomed around, like crazy, insanely. He really admired her...
She brushed a piece of hair from his face and blushed herself. Link couldn't take it anymore, and took her in his arms and rocked her like a baby. "Midna, uh!" he joked, liked the yetis. Midna laughed loudly. Still gigging, she said, "love you lots, uh."
They laughed, as they confused even themselves.

© 2020 Vertigo Cat1111

Author's Note

Vertigo Cat1111
I don't remember what it exactly was, but I've seen someone use the scenario of Link and Midna talking like Yeto and Yeta before, quite a while ago! So, it was inspired by that. All rights belong to Nintendo besides my own things!

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Added on October 16, 2020
Last Updated on October 16, 2020
Tags: Link. Midna. Zelda. Twilight Pri

Legend Of Twilight: Everlasting Dawn


Vertigo Cat1111
Vertigo Cat1111

🐱💙My biggest writing inspirations are Lorde, Gabbie Hanna, and Phoebe Bridgers. If you like any of them feel free to talk to me about it! Never be afraid to go on tangents to talk abou.. more..
