A Psycho Pass FanFic of Sorts

A Psycho Pass FanFic of Sorts

A Story by Colleen Magelky AKA taurusgrl42895

This is a slight fan fiction of the anime Psycho Pass that I wrote soon after I started watching the first season. I actually really like it and it's probably not going to be continued, but enjoy.

"You alright there, Vanessa?" My partner, Jake, asks. I jolt up from looking at my computer. I stopped paying attention to the report I was writing and quit typing it up completely. I shake my head and look over at Jake. He has a concerned look on his face. I nod and he raises an eyebrow.
"Just not much sleep lately." I tell him. He continues to look at me suspiciously, but he turns back to whatever he was doing.
"So how did you get into this line of work?" He asks me without looking at me. I glance over at him. He's messing around with Solitaire on the computer. I turn back to the report. It's not a secret in the bureau was happened to me as a kid. I still take the stupid drugs for it too. I guess it's a good thing...I have nightmares on the nights I don't.
"I guess you haven't been here long enough to hear about the rumors about me." I say and his mouse stops clicking. "My parents were killed right in front of me."
"They were?" He asks, curious.
"They were. That day has haunted me since it happened. I was stuck in an orphanage and I was stuck in foster homes and I was just plainly stuck. They evaluated me every week during school to make sure my psyche wasn't disturbed because of it. Once I graduated from college, my psyche was disturbed and I was instantly thrown in therapy. My mind worked so elaborately and I was so intelligent that they agreed if I could help out in the FBI, they would ignore my psyche as I physically did not show any threat. I've been here since. Plus, I want to catch my parent's killer. They were never caught. It's been twenty years now.
"Better way to get in that me." He says. I glance sideways at him.
I was there for the deciding factor on if Jake should have a position on my team. Jake is a convicted murderer. He managed to keep such a good psyche that, after his kills, he wasn't found for years. That is...until I joined the force. I managed to track him down the old fashioned way and he was thrown in prison for torturing, cutting apart, and basically obliterating each of their bodies. Sometimes before killing, sometimes after.
"How could you do that to someone?" I blurt out on accident. I freeze. That was incredibly rude. I turn to face him and he holds a hand up and shakes his head.
"Your psyche was compromised because after you left college, once you had your degree for a career, you wanted to find him and do to him what he did to your parents, right?"
"I guess you could say that..."
"You believe you would be doing justice for killing him in return, right?"
"I guess."
"So you wouldn't feel remorse?"
"No, I guess not."
"I have no remorse. I have little feelings. What I do have, I cut off from everyone else. I killed to have fun. Then, of course, you ruined my fun..." He says while turning around in his chair, Rubix cube in hand.
"You killed innocent people." I say defensively. He chuckles and waves his hand again.
"It's your duty and I understand why. No need to get your panties in a wad about it."
I look at the back of his head for a moment and turn back to my report. I need to get this finished before--
My phone rings and I push the button. A hologram of the chief's head appears on my desk. She pulls up a file of the next target. Another man. I swear...it's like crime is only committed by men in this stupid country.
"Robert smith." She states. "He was a former high school teacher when his actions were starting to get questioned. When too many accusations were brought through to the superintendent, he felt the decision to remove him from Sierra County High School was the better one. His psyche was compromised slightly, but it's worsened and a woman was found dead. One of his former students."
"Where is he now" I ask. Jake's now leaning over my shoulder, looking at Chief for himself.
"At an old abandoned warehouse that was once his family's. There was another psyche scanned but we're not actually sure there's a hostage. I'm sending divisions two and three with you. You'll head the investigation. You'll also have a rookie. She was supposed to be sent to the office to meet you, but since this happened..."
"Understood, ma'am." I say. She disappears and I look up at Jake. He nods and we grab our gear.
"A rookie, huh?" He asks. "I knew one was coming, I just figured they wouldn't make her do this case right off the bat."
"Well...she'll enjoy the fun." He smirks. I roll my eyes and we make our way to the vans. I open the door to the enforcer fan and motion for Jake to get in. He lets out a sigh and climbs in.
"Inspector Evans." A voice says. I turn around to find divisions one and two and their enforcers.
"Alright, good. " I say. "Let's get a move on. We'll debrief in the vans."
We all climb into our respective vans. The vans start up and I punch in the destination.
"Inspector McGuire, Inspector Lansing. It's been too long." I say jokingly. They chuckle and smirk.
"I want your divisions to go in from the sides." I say as I pull up the blueprints of the warehouse. "The front of the building has already been closed off with holo-officers. Jake and I will go through the back with our rookie."
The camera that's been embedded into the steering wheel of the van sends the feed to the back of the van where the enforcers are held, so they can be briefed as well. We've all worked together long enough to understand each other's mindsets, so when it comes to actions, it's not hard for us to pull it together.
"We'll wait for the rookie, only because she has no idea what's going on." I say. Katie and Brian nod and we pull into the crime scene. The holo-officers recognize the van and let us pass through them. I climb out and as I climb out, a girl runs up to me. She has short brown hair and a nose piercing. She's breathing heavily, as if she's been running late and was trying to make it here on time. I look at her as she tries to catch her breath.
"I'm looking for Inspector Vanessa Evans?" She asks.
"You're looking at her." I say. She instantly stands up straight and holds out her hand.
"Molly Brown, reporting for duty." She says. I take her hand and give it a shake and turn back to Katie and Brian.
"I'm sorry you got this as your first assignment, but we can't let that stop the investigation from taking place. So I can't give you any sort of special treatment or formal introductions. We'll have to wait for that later. You realize you'll be working with enforcers when you're on my team, correct?"
She looks at me with concern. She's worried and scared, and she has a right to be. I mean, I'm basically an enforcer myself.
"They're under our control. Even as a rookie, they listen to your orders. Your gun will help you take care of them if they get out of hand or try to escape...but none of that will be happening on my watch."
The van doors hiss and swing open and they climb off the van. Jake's hands are in his pockets. Every investigation we have, I'm always concerned that he's going to try and run off or try and kill one of us, but we've been on enough assignments together in the past couple of weeks that I know he won't...but still...
"Inspector Brown," I say sternly. Her eyes jolt away from the enforcers and are quickly on me.
"Pick up your gun. You'll be with Jake and I. Hurry. We need to get a move on before the possible hostage's life is in danger. Your gun will speak to you on the way. Inspector McGuire.
Katie nods.
"Inspector Lansing."
Brian nods.
"Let's go."
We all go our separate ways, Jake and I passing Katie's team to get ahead so we're coming from the back of the warehouse. Jake's ahead of Molly and me and I carry up the back. Jake has his gun positioned like I do--by our heads as we run. Molly's unsure where to hold hers. I guess they wouldn't teach them how to use the Destroyers in the academy. Man...I've been gone too long.
Target nearby. The Destroyer says in my head. We turn the corner and Jake kicks down the door, quickly pointing his gun in that direction.
"Figures he'd be toward the back." Jake states, looking around as we enter the warehouse. "He knew the sides would be blocked. I don't think he knew the back would be, though."
"Shouldn't we shut the door somehow?" Molly asks. "He could slip out behind us and we'd have a chase."
"Already got it." I smirk at her. "Nice thinking, though, rookie."
She blushes and I motion for us to break up. With the manpower we have, we'll surround the inside of the building as well. I turn the corner and head a scream. I quickly run and turn the nearest corner, finding them.
Target is dangerous. Paralyzer engaged. Please proceed with caution. Aim carefully and shoot down the target.
I aim at the suspect and pull my trigger as Jake rounds the corner on the opposite side of him. However, the paralyzer doesn't work and the man takes off running back towards the warehouse. Now he's in hysteria, unsure of where to go and what to do. He knows he's going to die.
Target is now lethal. Destroyer activated. Proceed with caution. Aim carefully and destroy the target.
"F**k!" Jake growls. He and I begin to take off down the path the suspect did.
"Where's Molly?" I ask him.
"I have no f*****g clue." He growls agin. How a killer doesn't mind killing another murdered is beyond me, but, then again, I guess if killing is in your blood...
"Stop!" I hear Brian yell. "We have you surrounded!"
Jake and I come from the back. Somehow, Molly managed to get herself in front of him and is aiming her Destroyer at him.
Target is not redeemable. Aim carefully and destroy the target.
The Destroyer's have "transformed" into a larger gun and are firing up the final shot. THe man is holding a knife to the woman's throat and looking at all of us. Before he even makes a move, a fire is shot and the man explodes into a of body parts and organs. The majority of the blood lands on the hostage, but some manages to make it onto Molly. I suddenly realize that Molly managed to get to him first, but froze at last second. Thankfully, the other two divisions made it in time to surround him, otherwise the hostage would be-
Hostage's psyche has been compromised. Hostage level: lethal. Aim carefully and destroy the target.
"No!" Molly screams. I don't even hesitate. I quickly pull the trigger and the hostage explodes into her own body parts and organs as well and Molly falls to her knees. The front half of her body is now covered in blood and she's in shock. I pull my arm up and look at my wristband.
"Targets have been destroyed. We have an inspector that needs a paramedic for shock treatment." I say and put my hand back to my side. Molly's widened eyes look at up at me.
"Why...?" She whispers. I don't even make a second glance at her as I walk past her.
"It's better than trying to save her and her spending the rest of her life in therapy to bring her psyche down. We don't need more people like me littering the therapy wards."
Jake follows me out as the paramedics rush in to help Molly with her shock. The cleanup robots have already started taking pictures and cleaning up the scene.
"Don't you think that was a little harsh for Molly?" He asks me. I shake my head.
"No. I understand it's her first night, but we can't have any hesitations like that." I tell him. "The quicker she realizes what I'm like and what you are like, the better. Hopefully it'll give her a hard shell."
Jake shrugs and climbs into the back of the van, pulling up his wristband and talking into it. Notes for his report, I'm sure. I climb into the driver's seat and watch as the paramedics walk Molly out in a blanket. She'll be fine. I think to myself.

"Aren't you Jake Chekov?" Molly asks. I turn around and look at them. Molly's just walked in for the day. She looks better, but she's not completely better. Jake looks up from the book he's reading. He finished his report hours ago, I'm still writing mine up. I was the team leader after all.
"Huh?" Jake asks.
"You're Jake Chekov. The one who tortured and killed and dismembered countless people. You're in the history books already.
"Congratulations. You watched the news five years ago and also read books." He says, leaving no emotion on his face. She blushes slightly.
"Don't take that personally." He says. "You're new. I'm messing with you. But yes. I am. Before you ask, I don't regret doing any of it."
Molly clears her throat and nods. I turn back to my report as she finds the desk that's been set up for her. She sits down and gets started on typing up her own report. A hologram of the chief appears on my wrist and I bring it up to look at her.
"Your new enforcer is on his way. I think you'll be shocked at who it is." She says and signs off before I can ask who it is.
"We're getting a new enforcer?" Jake and Molly ask. They look at each other and Molly clears her throat again.
"I got the e-mail this morning." I tell them and shrug. I finish typing up the report and right as I hit "send", the doors to our office open. I make sure the report sends before I look up. When I do, my jaw drops. The man chuckles and smirks at me.
"Well, sis..." He says. "Looks like we're in the same boat."
"What are you doing here, Jon?" I ask, standing up out of my chair. I quickly go over to him and embrace him in a hug. It's been years since I've seen Jon. After our parents died, our whole family was separated in the foster system. I haven't seen any of my siblings since, and even with the technology of today, it's really hard to find them. I eventually gave up.
"I was asked. My psyche never returned to normal. I've been in and out of therapy up until a couple of days ago. I was allowed to stay out of therapy for a few days to adjust. The deciding factor was that I was told I'd be able to see you."
"Have you heard from anyone else?" I ask, hoping. He shakes his head.
"I heard that Anna and Shawn have been doing well, though. THey were too young for their psyche to be disturbed. I have no idea where Clint or Taylor is."
"How did you hear about Anna or Shawn?" I ask. He looks at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Do you not watch any entertainment channels?" He asks. I shake my head. My head is always shoved into my work and I only watch the news, that way I know if anything of importance will come through work. Like catching killers. Like last night. I used the news a great deal with trying to capture Jake.
"Anna has become a famous flute/violin soloist. Shawn is in the biggest band in the country right now. He sings and plays guitar."
I nod sadly. I wonder if they even remember us...
"And here you are. An inspector on the task force." He says with a smirk. I can tell he's slightly upset that he was demoted to an enforcer while I was easily chosen as an inspector. Now that I think of it...I don't know why I wasn't thrown on the team as an enforcer when I was first asked to join.
"How did you managed that?" He asks. I shrug and bite the inside of my lip.
"I guess they thought I'd be better as an inspector rather than an enforcer..."
"What?" He asks, confused. I guess he never knew that my psyche also never returned to normal after college.
"My psyche went south after college, Jon. I was in therapy for a while. Not as long as you, though..."
My wristband goes off and I pull it up. Chief's face appears again.
"I'm sorry to break up the reunion, but you have another reunion to attend to." She says sadly. THe file is pulled up and I see a photo of my sister, Taylor. She looks crazy in the photo. The videos that accompany it aren't much better either.
"Your sister hasn't reached lethal stage, yet. You still have hope of saving her." I stare at the videos. Is it even worth saving her? She basically went on a killing spree. I have a broken family now--more broken than before.
"I have little hope of saving her. I can't let her be like this or stay in a therapy room for the rest of her life. Just like the hostage. We're heading out now ma'am."
I end the hologram call and look up at Jon. He stuffs his hands in his suit pants pockets and sighs.
"Never thought she'd get this bad." He says.
"Let's go."

The crummy apartment is far from the city where I live and where we're all stationed. I get out of the front of the van with Molly and go to open the back doors where Jon and Jake are.
"So you're willing to kill your sister? Just like that?" She asks me as I unlock the door. Jon gets off and Jake follows behind. He locks his gaze with me and I look away first.
"Yes, Molly." I tell her. "Has the chief told you about this team yet? Prior to Jake?"
She shakes her head.
"My team was destroyed by the same man that murdered my parents. My psyche is well over 300. You should know that's execution level. My enforcers and my partner were killed in the incident. He let me live. I don't have a clue why, but he's let me live for this long. My psyche goes up every time I hear about him or he's somehow involved with my cases. I'm finally just putting a team back together. I won't hesitate to kill anyone. Not even my sister. My teams are the only family that I have."
"So how are you an Inspector instead of an Enforcer?" She asks. I look at her as I pull my Destroyer out of the gun box.
Fingerprint recognition: Inspector Vanessa Evans. User is authorized to use. Safety ill remain locked until target is found.
"I have no idea, Molly."
"S****y apartments." Jon says, looking over his Destroyer. "I wonder how Taylor went so downhill."
"There's no back or side entrance like in the warehouse. This is a break in and quickly surround. I want to get this done as quickly as possible.
They all nod and we head up the stairs. I send Molly and Jon up the elevator in case she's already making a break for it. Jake and I go quickly and quietly. Jake doesn't even question my choice of being okay to kill Taylor. To be honest...I rather no paralyze her...but that's the Destroyer's decision, not mine. We reach the door after Jon and Molly already have. Molly's face has a hardened expression. I wonder if she's concerned about Taylor since she's Jon's and my sister. Even so, she can't hesitate like she did last night.
I nod at Jon and he busts the door down. Jake, Molly, and I quickly slide into the room and Jon and I follow behind. Jake and Molly go to one side of the apartment and Jon and I take the bedrooms. I hear the sound of a knife hitting the ground over and over again. I lean up against the door and notice it's coming from that room. I take a deep breath and open the door quickly and point my gun in the direction of the blonde head I see. It's definitely Taylor.
Target is dangerous. Paralyzer is engaged. Proceed with caution. Aim carefully and shoot down the target.
"Didn't think my own sister would come to throw me into therapy. Oh? And my brother too?" She asks with a chuckle. "Of course. A family reunion of sorts."
"Taylor, what's going on?" Jon asks, Destroyer carefully aimed at her. I want to pull the trigger now--to end whatever's going through her mind now, but I also what to hear what she has to say.
"Life's been hell, Jon." She says. The tapping of the knife is driving me up a wall. She won't stop throwing it into the ground. I look around the room and find a man hanging from his ankles. The sound of his dripping blood has now entered my ears and now that's beginning to bug me. I look back at Taylor.
"Our parents were killed. I was separated from what family I had left. Now my sister the Inspector is here to paralyze me and send me to therapy--where I'll spend the rest of my life and never be able to leave because my psyche is too high."
Taylor's make-up is running down her face and her hair is in tangles. She has so may rat's nests in her hair that they look like dreads.
"Taylor. Ness's psyche is over three hundred. I could kill her now with the Destroyer." Jon speaks up again.
"My little sister's psyche is at extermination level and she's an Inspector? Ha!"
I cringe at her fake laugh, and I wish I had never told Jon, but she finally stops throwing her knife. Instead, she holds it to her temple, then points it at us as she speaks.
"Your life is still better than mine." She says, looking at me. "You could be killed at any moment, yet you get the nice life of an Inspector. You know, the guy who killed our parents managed to catch me in his grasp?"
I instantly tense up and glare.
Inspector Evans, your psyche level is reaching lethal levels. Please take deep breaths and remain calm.
"Yup. I don't know how I managed to get in his web of lies and stupidity, but I did."
"How could you?!" I yell at her, tears welling up in my eyes. How could my own sister get involved with the murderer of my parents? What did she think would come of this?
"Ness, calm down." Jon says. "The Destroyer is going crazy."
"Maybe I just want to die too. Besides. This was my last task. Lure you guys here. I'll see you in Hell, sis." She says.
Target is now lethal. Aim carefully and destroy the target.
I quickly pull the trigger, watching my sister explode into body parts and organs. I lower my Destroyer and stare at the pool of blood that was once my sister. She was to lure us here, what does that even mean? The knife falls to the floor, the one that was also once my sister's, starts to flash and beep.
"Run." I demand and Jon and I book it for the door. We barely make it into the main living area of the apartment before the bedroom explodes. I slide across the floor into a pair of legs and look up. Jake's standing there while Molly is helping Jon up off the floor. Jake helps me get to my feet and I look back at the room. I pull up my wristband.
"Target has been destroyed. A bomb has just gone off. Chief. He's back."

© 2015 Colleen Magelky AKA taurusgrl42895

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Added on May 23, 2015
Last Updated on May 23, 2015
Tags: fanfiction, psycho pass, fan fiction, fanfic, anime


Colleen Magelky AKA taurusgrl42895
Colleen Magelky AKA taurusgrl42895


My name's Colleen and I'm trying to remember that this website is here. A lot of my other stories are on Wattpad, however, so go check those out! Junior psychology major just making my way through .. more..
