![]() Jon and Molly -- Molly's ChangingA Story by Colleen Magelky AKA taurusgrl42895
"Jon, I've been with you since before Sarah!" I yelled. Jon didn't even look back at me. He leaned up against the window frame of the French doors, looking out at the lake that sat behind his house, our house.
"And you're already considering releasing me just because she asked you to?! Jon, you've done so much for her! What has she let you do? What has she given you?!" "The club." He stated. I groaned and rolled my eyes. Of course, the club. He started that when he still lived with his family in Sierra, California. Every weekend he'd fly out from our lake house in Michigan to bartend and visit his family and blood children and Sarah would stay here. Occasionally she'd go with him to visit Vanessa and Anna, two of his three sisters, and see how Vanessa was doing as President. Each time he left to go to the club, I'd go with. Each timeI would babysit his blood children when Vanessa and her husband, Jake, were in important meetings. I love Jon and his family. He was about to throw everything away from his wife of two years. "The club is all she has let you keep." I stated. I could see his hand start to tighten on the frame. "Who has gone out with you on assignments? Who as watched Lily and Nick when you couldn't and Vanessa and Jake couldn't? Who has NEVER left your side?!" "Enough." Jon said. "I don't understand how you can just leave your progeny for Sarah!" "Enough!" Jon yelled. I stared at his back. I could feel the red tears start to form. He turned to me and his eyes softened. His fangs were out. He's never yelled at me before. "Am I not good enough anymore?" I whispered. His face fell as did my red tears. Jon came rushing to me as I started to fall to my knees. "Molly, shh." He held me against his chest and stroked my hair. I could feel his lips on the top of my head. My turning wasn't anything extremely "special" like Miriam's--Vanessa's best friend--or Michael's...but I remembered that time. Clear as day. "One chai tea, one macchiato, and one espresso." Some rich b***h ordered. I nodded at each one, typing it into the computer. I yelled them back to my team and took her card. "And make it snappy, too." She snapped. I rolled my eyes, yelling back Rich B***h's order. I could hear Chelsea groan and I was thankful Rich B***h was the last order. She moved off to the side as I watched a tall dark haired adult, maybe mid-twenties, walk in with a dark, red haired girl that was about my age. They were both beautiful. I've seen them in here before, but I've never really seen them like now. They sat down, laughing, and pulled out a couple of folders from her backpack. They didn't order anything, but they started going over the content of the folder, instantly turning serious. I wondered what could be in those folders... "Are you guys doing okay?" I asked them after a couple of hours. Their heads snapped up and they closed the folders quickly. "We're doing awesome, thanks!" The red-head exclaimed. She smiled kindly at me and it served me as a shock. They were almost exactly like Rich B***h. They both had Calvin Klein jeans on, she had a J. Crew sweater on, and he had on a Calvin Klein sweater. She had on shoes that I'm sure were just as expensive as her jeans and sweater combined. He had a brand new model of Nikes. "You guys don't need any drinks or anything?" I asked. It was strange that they hadn't ordered anything yet. "No, thank you." The man said. "What time do you close tonight?" "We close at six." I replied. He nodded at me and the red-head watched him. I didn't want to be the one to look away first, but he wasn't backing down. He looked at the red-head who was giving him a look. She must have kicked him under the table. "We'll be out of your hair shortly." She said sweetly with a genuine smile on her face. "Take your time." I replied. She nodded and the man smiled at me again. I smiled in return and turned around. Within the next few minutes, as I was wiping down the counter, getting ready to close, the man came up to me. "Do you guys close every night at six?" He asked. Shouldn't he know this? He'd be in here before. Then again, I never watched them leave. "Yes we do." I stated. He handed me a business card. It read "Vamp Up the Night" and had his information. Jonathan Evans? He was from the Evans family? That would explain why he was rich. "You twenty-one?" He asked next. I stared at the teal and black business card a moment more. I looked up at him and nodded. He smiled. "Come by tonight around eight and you have an evening job." He stalked out of the coffee shop with the red-head, who smacked him in the arm. I had just been wondering how I was going to pay this month's rent with just $9.75 an hour, being head barista here. Maybe this was something I could try out. I left my apartment with my diamond nose ring, rather than the blue one I had been sporting lately, a fitted t-shirt, skinny jeans, and sandals. Judging by the business name on the card, it couldn't be anything too fancy. I made my way to the address on the card and was about to walk through when a bouncer stopped me. "Only certain people allowed in ma'am." I showed him the business card and he raised an eyebrow at me. I heard garbled speech in his ear piece. "Your name?" He asked. How could anybody know my name anyway? "Uh, Molly Brown?" I questioned, rather than stated. "You're clear." The bouncer stated, moving to the side for me. I nodded a "thanks" and made my way in. I looked around. It looked like they weren't ready to open yet. Jonathan popped up from behind the bar and smiled at me. I gave him a small smile in return. "Welcome to my club, Molly." He stated. I cocked my head to the side in confusion. How did he know my name? "How do you know my name?" I asked him. "Your name tag at the coffee shop?" He chuckled. I could feel my face heat up. Of course. That would have been the obvious thing, wouldn't it? "Oh, so why did you offer me a job?" I continued. "We need a new manager/bartender. I thought you'd be perfect for the job. Pays well too." "What about the job at the coffee shop?" "If you need the money, keep it, you'd only have to be here by eight, we open at nine. If you want to quit, I'll give you a dollar raise." I weighted my option. The only good thing about the coffee shop was the people and free drinks. But the drinks didn't matter, the shop wasn't that expensive. I could always hit up with them later. But, what about the pay? I got $9.75 an hour, plus tips...whatever ones there were. "What am I getting paid?" I asked. He laughed and I raised a pierced eyebrow. "Good question when deciding what to do." He replied, a smile setting on his lips. "If you don't quit, eleven dollars an hour plus tips, if you quit, twelve and tips. If you do extraordinarily well the first week, you'll get a fifty cent raise either way." MY jaw dropped. Tips at a club were huge! I would be making bank! Maybe I'd quit at the café after all! Jonathan's laugh brought me back to reality. He lifted my chin with two fingers. "Do you know how to bartend? Or do I need to train you?" He finished in a husky voice. I swallowed hard and his eyes darted from my neck, back to my face, a smirk played on his lips. "No, I know how." I stated after swallowing. "An alcoholic mom does that too you." He chuckled again and led the way to the bar. "Now, before you come back here, you have to know we're a special kind of club." He stated. "Very special." I heard a familiar voice say. I turned and jumped when I saw red-head perched on the bar top. "I was never able to properly introduce myself," she said. She held her hand out to me and I took it. "Vanessa Evans, this oaf's younger sister. But you're welcome to call me 'Ness' or 'Nessa'." "Nice to meet you." I said reluctantly. She smiled at me, a pair of vampire fangs showing. I pretended I didn't notice and turned back to Jonathan. "What's special about this club?" I asked him. He only smiled a knowing smile. "Promise me you won't freak out." He demanded politely. I stared at him a moment and nodded. He nodded back and held the hinged counter top open. He pulled out a couple of deep red bottles. "Read the name." She commanded. I looked at her and she nodded. I looked at them. O- and A+? Those were blood types. I looked up at them. They both looked at each other slightly shocked. Jonathan cleared his throat and turned to me. "Now that you're not screaming for the hills, you'll get a proper explanation later, I promise. But only certain people will buy these and you'll soon learn who." "Like me! Which reminds me!" Nessa turned to Jonathan. "Did we ever get AB+ or AB- in?" "No, just like the real stuff, it's rare." Jonathan replied. "Damn..." She muttered. Jonathan turned to me. "You and I will go over manager duties later, right now, let's just get you set up in the computer and get you a t-shirt or some of Ness's clothes." He said. I nodded and followed him to the back office. After about an hour, everything was set up and we were five minutes away from opening. Nessa sat at the bar, watching me intently as I refilled the small straw cups. I raised an eyebrow at her. "Yes?" I asked. "Did you want me to make you a drink now?" "Wasn't planning on it, but sure." She replied. "I was trying to figure out what was so intriguing about you." "Uhm...thanks?" I held up the mixer, indicating that I needed to know what to mix. "Two parts A+ and one part B-." "I'm intriguing?" "There's something about you that Jon and I can't point out..." "Something good I hope." I said while handing her the drink. She smiled and took a sip. "Wow, you're so much better than the last bartender! And yes, something good." Jon walked out of the back office and gave me a smile. I smiled sheepishly. Nessa watched us both and shook her head. Soon, a ringtone of my favorite band rang out. It was Don't Tell Dave by Dance Gavin Dance. Nessa pulled out her phone out of her pocket and answered it. "Hello?" She spoke into the phone. She nodded and hung up without saying another word. She looked over at Jonathan. He raised his eyebrows and then sighed when she nodded again. "Molly," he said to me, "you're going to have to run the club." I stood there in shock. I hadn't even had my first shift yet! Why wasn't I going to have Jon to help me?! "W-What?!" I stuttered. Nessa gave me a sympathetic look and I heard her voice in my head that matched Jon's words perfectly when he spoke them. "You'll do great." They made their way out of the club, but not before giving me a reassuring hug. I stood there staring in awe, but soon snapped out of it when people started filling the club. Okay, this was my proving moment. I crashed in my bed at five or six in the morning, I couldn't remember. I soon also realized that I would be up at eight for my shift at the coffee shop. I left them a voicemail, letting them know I was puking my guts up--complete with puking sounds. That should convince them. I was beginning to fall asleep when someone knocked on the door. I groaned loudly. Who could possibly show up at my place at this un-godly hour? I made my way up to the door and opened it. I was shocked. Jon was standing there with a black leather jacket on. He smiled at me and I only blinked. "How did you know where I live?" I asked. "And why are you here at this un-godly hour?" He laughed. I narrowed my eyes at him, but he only smiled. "Your application, that we had to fill out, gave me the address, and nine is an un-godly hour for you?" "I must have only been half asleep..." I mumbled. I motioned him in and I sat at the dining table. I laid my head down. "I went to check on you at the coffee shop, but they said you were puking your guts up. Are you okay?" I groggily looked up at him. Was I okay? I did a twelve hour shift at the coffee shop and did another twelve hour shift at the club. Did I look okay? "I've been away for twenty-four hours. I'm not sick, unless exhaustion is a sickness." He laughed again and I glared. "Where did you go last night?" "We had emergency business to attend to with our father. How was the club?" "We ran out of your blood drink so I had to go in search for some to find it in your back office, rather than the cooler. The bouncer broke up thirteen fights, and I got hit on all night. "I don't blame those people for hitting on you, you are gorgeous." My face reddened at his statement. I gave him a sheepish smile. "Thanks..." I mumbled. "Well, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Get some rest and I'll see you tonight." He smiled, kissed the top of my head, and left. This went on for the next few week. I'd show up for my shift, Nessa and Jon would disappear, and then he'd check up on me the next morning. First at the coffee shop and now at my house, now that the shifts at the coffee shop were over. But this next night in particular, set me over the edge with him leaving. The next morning, he checked up on me, and I was awake and ready. "How was last night?" He asked. I glared at him. "Apparently there were 'out-of-towners' that drank our whole supply of blood drink no matter how many times we said 'no'. The bouncer wouldn't kick them out either, saying they were a friend of your sister, Taylor's, and they were allowed. Over thirty fights broke out because of them and then there was an attack on the bar. Not to mention the number of girls who hit on me as well as guys." "I'm so sorry, Molly." He said sincerely, with a sincere look. "I'll talk to the bouncer. I told Taylor she wasn't allowed to bring her friends anymore. He came in to hug me, but I stepped back, holding my ground. He frowned. "I just want to know where you keep disappearing to and why." "Molls, it's not that simple..." He replied, running his hand through his hair. "Molls" was a new name he had been calling me. "I can handle it, just please, tell me." He bit his lower lip and stared at me. It looked as if he was having a battle in his head. He walked behind me and locked the door. He looked at me. "You won't run?" He asked. "You showed me a blood drink that smells and tastes like blood!" I threw back at him. He gave me a look as if saying "fit the pieces together". I gave him a look back. "F**k." He stated. "We--I shouldn't be telling you this--we're vampires, Molls." That made sense. Vanessa's and Jon's fangs, the blood drink. "Vamp" Up the Night... "That's all?" I asked. Those were the only words that could come out of my mouth. He gave a dry chuckle. "That's definitely not all. Why aren't you scared?" I Shrugged, quite unsure myself. I should be running and screaming, getting called a lunatic, thrown into a mental hospital. "I hate the mood that is coming off of you right now." He said. He could feel my mood? I gave him a strange look. He sighed. "There are other supernatural beings, and that's why we've been disappearing. We're having uprisings and Vanessa, Clint, Anna, and I, plus Jake, have been disappearing. Vanessa's dad is the president of all supers and we're his children, so we have to handle the situation. He sighed heavily, throwing himself into one of my dining chairs. "We're being over-run more and more each day... It's getting harder and harder each time... I don't know what we're going to do..." "Sounds like you haven't really talked to anyone about this." I told him. I'm sure he hadn't either. "I've talked to Ness, but she just gets angry. It's not something I'll discuss with Anna. Clint doesn't want to talk about it outside of actually doing it..." He goes on. "Jake can't because he's always with his dad, interrogating the supers who were involved." "Now you can talk to me." I said softly. He looked at me with sad eyes. "I don't want to pull you into this..." He whispered, looking at his hands. I sat in front of him; my hands pulled his into my lap. I stared at him, quickly rethinking my thoughts of what I was about to say. "Jon, tell me ow I can help." I stated. He looked at me. His eyebrows furrowed and he shook his head. "We can't let any humans get involved..." He said quietly. "So turn me." I said almost instantly. He stared at me, eyes wide. "Molls..." He didn't say anything for a good few moments. He shook his head. "Jon, I have a feeling for you that's more than a brother and less than an actual relationship. I want to help. I don't want to see something happen to you. You've taken care of me from day one... Please. I'll do whatever you need me to do." "Molly...what about your family? Friends?" "My family doesn't think I exist anymore and my friends barely hang out with me anyway." "Molls...I don't want to do this to you..." "Please, Jon..." I whispered. The look on his face told me that he was struggling again. He bit his lower lip again and then put his hand on my cheek. "I know the feeling you're having, Molls." His thumb stroked my cheek and I closed my eyes, leaning into his hand. "I could never do this to anyone, but I feel I need to right now..." He whispered. I could feel him shifting in his chair, his hand never leaving my cheek. "Trust me..." His warm breath said in my ear. "I'll never let anything happen to you." I nodded in reply and he kissed my neck. He soon clamped down on my neck with his fangs. Before I could let out any sort of pained scream, his hand covered my mouth. I breathed heavily against it. He cautiously pulled away from my mouth and slipped his fangs out of my neck. He quickly caught me from falling out of my chair. He picked me up and gently laid me down on my bed. He bit his wrist and held it over my lips. "Drink, Molly." He said softly and caring. I opened my lips and he turned his wrist over so it would rip into my mouth. I grabbed his wrist and sucked on it. I could hear a moan escape his lips and he soon pulled away after. I weakly licked my lips of his sweet tasting blood. It tasted like brown sugar, rainbow chip frosting, and cookies. I sighed dreamily and he smiled lightly at me. He stroked my hair as I closed my eyes. "Sleep..." He whispered before I fell into unconsciousness. "Molls..." Jon whispered as I finished sobbing. Jon hadn't called me "Molls" for awhile. "You're right..." He whispered in my ear. I sniffed lightly. "I can't let my only progeny go. She can't go on like my children will. She hasn't been alone in such a long time--" "I don't know what I'd do without you, Jon..." I responded. He chuckled lightly. "I know, Molls. If Sarah doesn't agree, then I'll make her go." "You don't have to do that for me." I said, trying to pull away to look at him. He held me tight. "We've been together longer. She isn't as worthy." I smiled into his chest. I didn't mean to guilt him and possibly lose his wife...but now everything would be okay. I wouldn't lose Jon.
© 2015 Colleen Magelky AKA taurusgrl42895 |
Added on April 28, 2015 Last Updated on April 28, 2015 Author![]() Colleen Magelky AKA taurusgrl42895MOAboutMy name's Colleen and I'm trying to remember that this website is here. A lot of my other stories are on Wattpad, however, so go check those out! Junior psychology major just making my way through .. more..Writing