"Trick Or Treat"

"Trick Or Treat"

A Story by Cody Williams

When asked Trick Or Treat, Mr. Wrigley unwillingly chose trick.


“Trick Or Treat”

By Cody Williams


            Old man Wrigley sat down in his red leather Lazy Boy recliner and pulled back the brown wooden leaver on the right side of the chair to prop up his feet. He reached over and grabbed his Budweiser beer from the table beside of the chair and took a drink. Wrigley lived alone. His wife died when he was in his forty’s which spiraled him into a deep depression. He is now 77 years old and is short and chubby. He is bald at the top of his head and has white hairs on the edge of it. He was wearing his usual. A sleeveless white stained tank top and his usual pair of white and blue stained boxers.

            The night was what he considered to be one of the worst nights of the year only second to Valentines Day. It was Halloween. He hated children thus hating Halloween. He only kept one light on (the small lamp in the corner of the living room) in the house trying to avoid as many trick or theaters as possible. Wrigley reached back over to the table grabbing the television remote. He pushed the POWER button and began to change the channels until finally reaching Chiller to watch his favorite Halloween series. He placed the remote back down on the side table and took another sip of beer.

            “Trick or treat!” two children screamed from his front porch while ringing the doorbell. Wrigley quickly let his feet down and placed his beer bottle on the side table. He sprinted across the living room turning off the lamp and the TV. He stood there in complete silence for a moment waiting for the children to go away. The two children rang the doorbell once more.

            “Trick or treat!” the two kids said again. Mr. Wrigley looked over at the door and could still see their shadows peaking through the bottom of it. He slowly and quietly walked over to the window with blinds in front of it on the end of the porch. He placed his middle and index finger on them and separated two of them. He looked out towards where the porch was located and looked at the two children. One was wrapped in only what he could describe as toilet paper to look like a mummy while the other one was dressed as a wear wolf.

            He continued staring at the children for a moment more. It looked as if the children were having a conversation amongst themselves.

            “Why won’t they just f*****g go away?” Mr. Wrigley said still staring at them. As if the little mummy boy heard him he turned his head and the glowing red eyes looked into the eyes of the old man. Old man Wrigley leaped back from the window and grabbed his chest where his heat was located with true terror. Breathing heavily he stood still to catch his breath for a moment before walking back to the window and peaking out of the blinds. There were no children to be seen. Mr. Wrigley let out a deep sigh of relief and walked back over to his recliner. He plopped down into it and rubbed the beads of sweat that were running down his face off of him.

            “It must have just been my imagination. Yes that’s it! Just my imagination!” He said to himself hoping that he was right. But the truth is that he knew that it wasn’t just his imagination. He knew what he saw. He looked into the eyes of the Devi’s advocate.

            He pulled the leaver again once more propping his feet up. He grabbed his beer bottle again and drank the last sip of beer out of it and let it fall to the floor. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. The TV began to get snowy until completely loosing signal.

            “What the f**k?” He said as he let his feet back down, stood back up, and walked over to the TV set. He began hitting the top of the TV in hopes that the picture would come back on. “Come on you stupid piece of s**t!” He screamed as he beat his fist on the tip of the television. It began to flicker from a snowy background to a completely black background. Every time the TV began going black the two children would show up on the screen. Mr. Wrigley leaped back again in fear. The two children turned their heads and looked back at him with their glowing red eyes before the TV began to get snowy again. His breathing began to get heavier and heavier until he heard the doorbell ring again. He looked over at the door and saw the two shadows peaking through the door again.

            “Trick or treat!” The sound of now a group of children said. He turned the TV back off and walked over to the window and peaked out of the blinds again. This time instead of two, there were ten children on his front porch. There was a girl dress as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, a boy dresses as a vampire, a boy dressed as the devil, a girl dressed as a witch, a boy dressed as Bat Man, a girl dressed as Wonder Woman, A boy dressed as the Jig Saw, a boy dressed as Jason, and the same two children that were dressed as a wear wolf and a mummy leading them.

            “Trick or Treat!” The children said again. “We know that you are in there Mr. Wrigley!” The little mummy boy said. Mr. Wrigley’s heart began to beat faster and faster. Without saying a word each child turned their head to the window and looked the old man in the eyes with their glowing red eyes. They looked different this time. They no longer looked like children, but they looked as if they have been dead for years. Each of their faces was a grayish brown color and they were wrinkly and looked rotten. They now had big noses like that of a witch.

            “Get him!” The little mummy boy said. The old man leaped back and the children began running towards the window. They began smashing their little hands though the glass and began climbing in the window. Old man Wrigley screamed and ran into the kitchen. He leaned up against the refrigerator and took in a deep breath. More children then appeared outside of the window and began smashing their way through.

            “AGGGGHHHH!” The old man screamed again as he ran out of the kitchen and into the living room again to the staircase. He began running up it getting halfway before he realized shadows moving from up stairs. More children began coming down the stairs towards the old man. He ran into the dining room into a closet. He shut the door and locked it. Standing there in complete darkness he let out a deep sigh and reached over and flipped on a light switch. He turned around with his back to the door facing non-other that the little mummy boy.

            “I asked you trick or treat Mr. Wrigley. Unfortunately you chose trick.” The little mummy boy said. Mr. Wrigley screamed and ran out the door and the little mummy boy followed. He began looking around but there was nowhere to run. The evil children had him surrounded.

            “Trick!” The children screamed out.

            “No! No! NOOOOOOO!” Mr. Wrigley cried out as the devilish children began to devour him.


Copyright 2013 by Cody Williams


A division of TTP Entertainment

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© 2013 Cody Williams

Author's Note

Cody Williams
This story is dedicated to one of my Writer's Café friends Angle.

I was asked some time ago to write a Halloween story. This is the result of that request. This was one of my more challenging stories because of the high expectation that it brought to the table. It is a return to my horror roots and I hope you all enjoy it. I hope that this is not too disappointing.


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I once got caught out and had to do a trick.... I had no idea what to do so I went quiet then looked up through my eye lashes, started laughing and shouted boo (I was 5) and I swear, the room screamed and they all jumped out their skin. Ha, funny moment. I got one sweet for that............. .-.

I loved this!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Cody Williams

11 Years Ago

Thanks for reading!



A great Halloween story! I enjoyed this very much!

:) Julie

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Cody Williams

11 Years Ago

Thanks for reading!

I once got caught out and had to do a trick.... I had no idea what to do so I went quiet then looked up through my eye lashes, started laughing and shouted boo (I was 5) and I swear, the room screamed and they all jumped out their skin. Ha, funny moment. I got one sweet for that............. .-.

I loved this!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Cody Williams

11 Years Ago

Thanks for reading!

the ending is such a good way to end a scary story

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Cody Williams

11 Years Ago

Thanks for reading!

Cody - this story draws back and can be do more with the scheme of things...this is a dedication...I see with the author's note...so I presume a genre you 're usually writing back when and now...seems to be a amiss in the plot of the whole story...I believe this can be done more to really get the audience...but this is impo...so if you are satisfied with the content then so be...thanks for the invite for the RR's...

Posted 11 Years Ago

nice halloween story.

best wishes

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Cody Williams

11 Years Ago

Thanks for reading!


11 Years Ago

you are welcome
Nicely written. You could probably win the contest with this.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Cody Williams

11 Years Ago

Thanks so much for the review!

nice one again i really enjoy the read. Thank you

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Cody Williams

11 Years Ago

Thanks so much for reading!

Hooph ! Certainly a spooky and grim one. And why is it that all the a$$holes in movies and stories are the ones we want to 'get it' first ? Cause we don't like them. They are rude, crude, use foul language, and you just know - they're gonna get offed by some great disaster first, in fact, as readers and viewers - we're counting on it. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Cody Williams

11 Years Ago

Thanks so much for taking the time to read it DW!

Personally, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. I was sure you were going to go classic, and have it all be the fabrication of a dream the old man had. Sorry that it didn't finish. It was still a fun bit of horror and I liked the fact that it was children becoming ghouls and zombies dressed as ghouls(and superheroes). It was a bit unique in that respect so whether or not you gave it a proper ending I liked it. I'm currently writing a bit of a horror short story myself and I saw that you have some experience writing in this genre, that is why I stopped by. I'd like to know if you would take a quick look at the opening for my story if I send it to you. I'm just looking at some feedback (any) because I don't have a lot of experience in story writing, but aspire to be a story writer/novelist.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Cody Williams

11 Years Ago

Thanks for the review Astro! Sorry for the disappointing ending. I started the story and I realized .. read more

11 Years Ago

You're welcome. If you want to read my story opening you can go into Forums/Test-out-your-work. Th.. read more
Sorry I gave up on your story before Cody. I just wasn't feeling well enough that day I started reading it to namigate through the istakes. But I rd it through and saw that it turned out to be a chilling Halloween story. I notice you got a lot of critiques on this one, aso I wn't suggest changes...you have a good idea...work on it...

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Cody Williams

11 Years Ago

Thanks for the review Marie!


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23 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on October 6, 2013
Last Updated on November 21, 2013
Tags: horror, evil children, halloween, ghost, zombies, Cody Williams


Cody Williams
Cody Williams

Elizabethton, TN

I am in my second year at Carson-Newman University in Jefferson City, Tennessee were I major in instrumental music education and minor in English. My passions include playing the trombone/euphonium an.. more..


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