The Tightrope

The Tightrope

A Poem by Bailey C. Writing

Another assignment I had for creative writing class. Had to compare an emotion to something "unusual" basically.


Jealousy is a tightrope

the girl steps along


   by step

      by hard step

The steady descent 

into insanity

She’s up on the high wire

a hundred feet high

That’s where jealousy lurks

    that nerve in the brain

       confident in what it believes YOU deserve

           graceful in the one-way line it stalks across

Slow and steady

but shaking

Trying not to tumble

Shaking feet above the ground

only the large net near the bottom to

catch the fall

Arms out, one step at a time

     the fear of losing them attacks

         the brain

             the shaking feet, the frozen lungs

                 the rapid heart

The best circus performer

gets the prize they seek

             the special boy

                  the parent’s love

                       the instructor’s praise

It’s daring

to stay on the tightrope

You must know balance


            the grace to know when to face the net

Can you teach me how to perform?

© 2013 Bailey C. Writing

Author's Note

Bailey C. Writing

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Hell of a question at the end...

Posted 5 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 17, 2013
Last Updated on December 20, 2013
Tags: jealous, jealousy, tightrope


Bailey C. Writing
Bailey C. Writing

Detroit, MI

~ Heart of fire, mind of ice ~ I'm Bailey. I'm a twenty-four year old social worker near Detroit, Michigan. I love to read, and obviously I love to write. If you've ever seen a piece/writing .. more..
