The Visitation

The Visitation

A Stage Play by Forgotten and Loved

Chase: Please come in, Caroline.



Caroline: I’d rather stay out here.



Chase: I repeat, please enter the house.



Caroline; Sweetheart, we have no reason to be here.



Chase: One last time: Come in here or I will forcibly place you in this place.



Caroline: Okay. Okay. Okay. Don’t get to hysterical. It cannot possibly be well for your health. (She enters) Here I am. Satisfied?



Chase: (Ignores her.) This is it. I was raised here. All of my formative years were spent here. 18 years. 18 years. From 0-18. 18 years.



Caroline: Where’s the restroom?



Chase: See that chair right there? (walks over to chair) My Father bounced me on his knee right there. See that clock? That clock woke me up many times. It’s a cuckoo clock.



Caroline: Very nice. Where’s the restroom.



Chase: Here we are. This rug. (Gets on his hands and knees) Our dog used to leave piles of various excrements right here. Not a pleasant aroma, my dear. Not pleasant at all.



Caroline: Speaking of excrements: I shall find the restroom by myself. (She leaves.)



Chase: (Hasn’t noticed.) (Begins a cursory look throughout the main room. Circling throughout it. Touching the couch, the chairs, the carpeting. Conjuring lovely as well as tragic memories.) I remember this more than I ought to.



Hilda: (She enters. She is the maid.) Hello, Sir.



Chase: Hello, Hilda. I haven’t seen you in many years. Are you well?Hilda: Don’t worry yourself about my well-being. No one else ever does. Will you be staying long?



Chase: I’m not sure yet. Are Mother and Father at home?



Hilda: At the moment they’re out. But they shall be home soon. I really must know how long you’ll be here. I have to know how much to buy in the way of foods and toilietries and whatever else you may need or desire.



Chase: As I said I haven’t decided yet.



Hilda: You best decide soon, sir. I shan’t be alive forever.



Chase: Perhaps immortality will be yours.



Hilda: Perhaps you could be kind enough to consider how much stress your sudden re-appearance has and will affect me, Sir. But I know you won’t, Sir. I don’t mean a thing to you, do I?



Chase: I advise you to lower and lighten your tone, Hilda. I will not put up with your impudence. Now, march your frumpy a*s to the kitchen and do not return until I tell you to. Understood.



Hilda: Certainly, Sir. You haven’t changed one iota, Sir. (She exits.)



Caroline: (Re-enters) You had a maid?



Chase: Correction: We have a maid.



Caroline: That shall be something. Must we stay long?



Chase: Do you have any alternatives?



Caroline: Fine. But we must only stay as long as we have no other choice.



Chase: We’ll see.



Caroline: You’re cold.



Chase: It’s the way of the world, my love.



Caroline: I am not your love. Not anymore.



Chase: Stop it. We will discuss this at a later time. We are here for much different reasons.



Caroline: You should not have spoken to me so unkindly this morning.



Chase: Stop it.



Caroline: To refer to me in that way was unseemly.



Chase: Unseemly? You can’t even discuss your feelings in a sincere manner.



Caroline: You continue to pierce me through the heart.



Chase: Hilda! Please come back, my love, my light, my only.



Hilda: (Re-enters.) Yes, sir?



Chase: Is my sister, Viola, still residing here.



Hilda: Yes, Sir.



Chase: May you bring her down?



Hilda: (Not wanting to do it but having to) Yes, sir.



Chase: Bring her here immediately and promptly and without complaint or gripe.



Hilda: Yes, sir. (She exits.)



Caroline: Sister?



Chase: Viola.



Caroline: Is she kind?



Chase: Hard to say.



Caroline: Which means?



Chase: Hard to say.



Caroline; Chase?



Chase: Look at that teddy bear. That was mine. Then it was Charlotte’s. His name was Bobo. Bobo the Bear. Not the most creative name. But charming. Comfortable. Lovely. Endearing. Yes?



Caroline: Your sister?



Chase: Viola.



Caroline: Anything I need to expect?



Chase: Hard to say.



Caroline: I need a drink.



Chase: No liquor in this house. That would offer a relief.



Caroline: A relief…



Chase Leave it for now. I wonder what could be taking Hilda so long.



(Suddenly, two older, elegant people walk in with a funny roly poly man trailing them)



George, the roly poly Man: I’m telling ya, guys. Best vacation ever. Best ever. So much fun. So much adventure. You two are great. You’re both 65 and I’m just 42 and you two old buzzards just wore me out. Hoo-boy! That was wild. Wild, I tell ya! Wild. I am amazed. Chase, how are ya! And you must be Mrs Chase! Or are you two liberated young pups who justy like to shack up and do the big nasty! Haha I kid. I kid. Well, I don’t kid so much, but…. You know, Chase. I’m still working at the bakery. Janitorial work still. It’s nice. It’s steady. I still do some odd jobs. Plus still doing some open mic nights of karaoke and standup. Sometimes I do them together. Yeah I got some new jokes, you wanna hear them? Okay, here we go: Aight, I walk down the street, see? And I run into the milkman and I say to him…. I say…. Hey,  Mr. Milkman, you see my wife recently? And he says, No, fella, why you ask? And I say cuz I heard some milk cartons banging away in my bedroom last niught and it sure wasn’t me! And he looks all confused and I say, early april’s fool! Cuz it was only March 25th. So, what ya think, Chase, and Mrs Chase or….. Whatever you kids call “comfortable, modern” relationships. Haha. Woah, guys, don’t stand there like stone statues. You’re like a pair of gargoyles. Boy, I tell ya, my comedy just isn’t appreciated by you high society types. I imagine you’ve remained wealthy. Have you? Oh, man, I’m sorry, total social faux pas. None of my biz. Absolutely not my biz at all. I need to keep this mouth of mine shut I tell; you. I’ll be back… or as Arnold would say….. (Poor imitation, please)….. I’ll be back! (He exits.)



(Throughout all this the parents, Cecil and Cicily have remained seated, staring into space. Finally as soon as George has left. They rise.)



Cecil: How nice to have you back.



Cicily: Yes.



Chase: So…



Caroline: I’m Caroline.



Cecil: Ah…



Cicily: (Qucikly heading for the kitchen) Lemonade.



Caroline and Chase: No.



(She’s already gone)



Cecil: So….. How is…….. It’s drafty in here. Let me crack the window.



Chase: They’re cracked.



Cecil: All of them.



Caroline: Not sure.



Cecil: Let me check (Swiftly exit’s the room)



Caroline: Hm. The restroom was nice by the way. Had paintings of yours hanging up. I never knew you painted. Your stuff was reminiscent of one of the famous painters throughout the last thousands of years.



Chase: Monet or Cezanne?



Caroline: Yes.



(Hilda re-enters with Chase’s sister, Viola. Viola is in a wheelchair. Cannot speak or move. Catatonic state. Cannot make sounds. Nothing. No recognition. Nothing. At all. At all.)



Hilda: Here you are, sir.



Chase: Place her on the couch. I’ll hold her hand.



Hilda: Yes, sir. (Places her on couch) Your parents have returned, sir. They seem well, Sir. But sometimes apperances are not what they appear to be, Sir. You never know, Sir. Not at all, Sir. Shall I remain, Sir? Or shall I leave you three alone, Sir?



Chase: Please leave us, you b***h.



Hilda: Yes, sir. (She leaves reluctantly and tears up the smallest bit.)



Chase: (Sits on the ground and speaks up to Viola) Hi. Been a while. Fifteen years, give or take. Hard to say. So much lost and gained and lost and gained again. Haven’t been in the same place for those years either physically or emotionally. Yeah. Mom and Dad, huh? And George. You don’t seem different. Exactly the same. Life’s a charade and a chore and a condundrum. That meant something or other….. The other seems most likely. It is perhaps a bit expedient to discuss such a thing here… Tonight….. I can never say I understand or that I feel what you or I…. It’s a bit of a dream state, it’s….. I see Bobo the Bear is still here. Remember him? Okay. That’s enough for now.



Hilda re-enters: Shall I return her to her room, Sir.



Caroline: May I speak to her?



Hilda: Sir?



Chase: Yes, fine. Give us a few more moments, Hilda. Then you may return her to her bedroom.



Hilda: Yes, Sir. (She exits.)



Caroline: (Crosses and sits directly across from Hilda) How are you, dear? You’re not cognizant of anything, yes? It’s okay. Not your fault. Maybe someone is at fault and maybe not. Can never say. Not really. Too hard to tell. I grew up in an environment of silence. Chase and I have been together for… How long, Chase?….. Doesn’t matter. It means something. Not sure what. But……. Hilda!



Hilda: Yes, ma’am?



Chase: Take her away.



Hilda: Your sister or…. This woman of yours?



Chase: You know.



Hilda: (Places Viola back in her wheel chair. Wheels her away.)



Caroline: Is there no TV in this house?



Chase: I need some fresh air. Now. I’ll be back. (Exits.)



Cecily re-enters: I just remembered. I forgot your lemonade.



Caroline: Huh? Oh, no worries.



Cecily: Let me….



Caroline. Stay. I can’t be alone right now.



Cecily: Ah…. I’ll sit….. Over here. (Sits as far away from Caroline as possible.)



Caroline: So….



George re-enters: Hoo-boy, let me tell ya! That husband of yours, Cecily. He is a card. A certified member of the crazy band, if you know what I mean! He just beat me in three consecutive games of checkers! I could not concentrate. My mind and my heart and my soul (Yes I have one!) were elsewhere! You ladies wanna hear something really funny? I am in love! Yes I know, who woulda thought a guy like George could ever be tamed but it has happened! It has happened indeed! Hallelujah! Amen, ladies! Amen! Chris has indeed risen because I am in love! Now, you want to know her name? Her name is……… Ahhhh it’s too much. Too much I tell you. I cannot tell you yet! But I will. Let’s just say she has a much different way of communicating than anyone I have ever met before! I don’t even think you’d call it communicating in the normal sort of way! I’m telling ya I am on some kind of a role today. I cannot shut up but that’s okay, the rest of you remain so far back in some alternative ether of existence and expression, whatever the hell that means! Haha. I tell you I haven’t been in love since 2nd grade! I loved a girl named Susie Carmichael but she preferred a boy named Charlie Brown! Yes sirree, Bob, as God is my witness his name was Charlie Brown! Last I knew he was drinking himself to death somewhere in Alaska. Why did he end up there? I don’t know- must have loved igloos! Haha I tell you I just cannot stop today. I go on and on and on and on and I cannot. Okay. Here ya go. Here’s another joke. This one begins, okay,. Here we go: I walked into a bar and at the bar was a guy who looked like Willy Wonka and I say “Hey, Wonka, where’s my damn candy, a*****e?” And he says “Check your a*s, your Mother shoved em up there earlier” And I say “That ain’;t nice, Wonka, I’m about to kick your a*s!” And he says, “Oh, yeah, well let me tell ya something, bub, I’ve been kicking your fat mama’s a*s all week!” Let me tell ya that Wonka guy pissed me off but he was so funny I couldn’t do anything. Not a single goddamn thing, ya know. I just have to keep going. I find it hard when there is silence. I don’t deal well with it. I need some kind of noise and my voice is as good a noise as any so I don’t stop/ Pereseverance- that’s what it is. Total perseverance and dedication and commitment to a given task. I continue to talk because I’m committed and who knows? Maybe it makes someone laugh or cry or think or change… yes, change! I know that’s a politician’s thingamajg but it’s damn important, ya know? We can’t all styay the same forever~! Nope, we need progress and growth! Yes, now, I know sometimes change is the oipposite of growth and people regress and that ain’t good, but, hey at least I had some kind of a mark! Can’t accuse me of not changing just a little. I had a mark. I had a voice, ladies. And it spoke loud and clear and no one was ever…. Hey, here’s another joke…. So I’m hitting the pavement again and I begin crying! Yes, a tough guy like me is crying, and a really cute chick, younger than me, but not sick young, ya know? She comes up and she says, hey, you okay, man? And I say, no, man, I ain’t okay, I’m hurting. I’m mourning. I can’t see or touch or feel or hear or whatever the one is. And she says, can ya taste? And I say, nope! Not a bit. And she says, hey, it could still be worse, and I say, how? And she says, you could be a vegetable! Hahah I don’t know about you but that sort of positive spin gets me all the time! Well, I’m ready for something to eat. I’ve looked through all the cupboards here. Nothing to my liking. I’;m going out for something. Not sure what yet. But I’ll find something. See ya ladies later! Love you! Hugs and kisses! (Leaves.)



Cecily: I teach Sunday school. I was the superintendent of the Sunday school at our church for many years, but I don’t have that kind of passion or energy anymore. I’m not even particularly religious, it’s just… it feels nice… it’s freeing and peaceful I suppose. It’s something and isn’t that what all life is about: something?



Caroline: Or other, yes. That’s Chase’s thing. It’s all about something or other but not sure what. Haha.



Cecily: Ah. Yes.



Caroline: I like Bobo the Bear.



Cecily: Yes. That. Nice. Thank you. Let me go check on Cecil.



Caroline: Must you leave and leave me alone?



Cecily: I’ll return. Soon. (Leaves room.)



Caroline: (Looks blankly yet longingly around the room. Trying to catch one thing in the room that transfixes or interests her. She begins to walk around but everything remains the same. She sits back down. Puts her face in her hands and silently weeps.)



Chase: Stop it.



Caroline: The cruelty must stop.



Chase: Stop. Cheer up. Put those tears away. Keep them for any other day. Not today. This is not the time or the place.



Caroline: When then? When? They need to be relased and cleansed sometime. Why not now?



Chase: There are rules and conditions we cannot fully know or understand until such time allows and dicates.



Caroline: Now I shall go for some air.



Chase: (Grabs her as she tries to leave) That cushion right there which you were just sitting on is to be glued to your a*s all night, you understand. I don’t want you leaving here. We came here for reasons unknown but they remain reasons and you will…



Caroline: I will receive my air or I will leave and remain gone.



Chase: (Crosses to where she was sitting.) I shall hold your fort down.



Caroline: (Looks and exits.)



Cecil: Ah. Hi.



Chase: Hello again.



Cecil: So…



Chase: I heard…



Cecil: From whom?



Chase: I meant…



Cecil: Very hot in here. I have cracked all the windows and yet. It’s hot. Very stifling. Feel like I’m in Hell sometimes. Things sound so loud all the time. I’m 65. Could be part of it. 65 isn’t old but it isn’t young either. Past mid-life… I assume… unless I am an exceptional case…. Possible….. But not very likely. But you never know. Bobo the Bear. Remember him?



Chase: Yes… I was telling…



Cecil: Your Mother and I still attend the church. She teaches Sunday school. I’m on the board.



Chase: Oh… Yes…. I heard…



Cecil: Doesn’t matter. Just thought I’d share some….. Updates or current goings on…. It’s… Nice, isn’t it? Nothing too rocky….. Your sister… I meant to say….. She is…..



Chase: So, Robert is…



Cecil: Yes he’s… ah…



Cecily enters: Cecil, we should visit Viola.



Cecil: Ah. Yes.



Cecily: (Takes his hand) Here we go.



Chase: May I…



Cecil: Ah… No. It’s fine, it’s just…. Alone time. Private…. Things have…. Yes. Just…. We heard you saw her so…. Later…. Okay… Ah… yes…. (Cecil and Cecily exit.)



Chase: (Left alone. Picks up Bobo the Bear but puts him back quickly.) Bobo…. There was a time….. A moment in time…. When all was…. It was better… at least…. Saner…. There was… some kind of a… a…. was it safety or… was it…. There was not as much in the way of..



George re-enters: Chase! I was just talking to your lady out there! Your Dulcinea, if you will. Except she’s not a w***e, I didn’t mean that! Haha don’t hurt me! Don’t hurt me! Oh my God, is that Bobo! Yeah, Bobo the Bear! I remmeber him! Both you and Viola, ya know, your sister… remember her? Haha, yeah I heard you talked to her earlier. She’s still pretty…… quiet… haha no no that’s not funny I know. I know. I rememver you both had Bobo and I tucked both of you in with him. Yeah rememvber when I used to tuck you kids in? Remember that? Not sure what was going on with Hilda. I guess she was somewhere else. Vacation, maybe? Ahh haha who knows. I cannot remmeber a thing which is funny because remember that one time I was in that play! Okay, true, I only had two lines but I remembered both of them! Actually it was two words, “Magnificent” and “Magnificent” haha I really though I was going to get them backwards! Haha I tell ya, hoo-boy, have I had a busy day! I went to your parents becauser thety looked lonely and I always feel I need to help the lonely. It’s why I’m helping you right now! Haha I walked in here and you’re looking all sad and lost…. Haha I know that look! You and your little sister, Vi, both always had that look! Haha those were great times. Yes, that’s right! I’d tuck you in and you would both look so lost? Haha you sure you don’t remember those times? I only tucked you in a few times. For a week or something. I tell ya…



Hilda: Sir?



George: Hilda, you silly girl,. I was talking. I was making him think and laugh and cry and… everything! I’m like that. And I haven’t even gotten to one of my jokes yet! Haha Let me tell ya…



Hilda: Sir, your sister needs you. Now.



Chase: Ah… but…



Hilda: You must go to her….



Chase: But…



Hilda: Sir, please. For the sake of…. Please, sir, go to her…. There have been changes



Georege: There it is again: Change! Progress. Yep it’s all about… well it ain’t about nothing really, it just….. Ya know it happens! Even to people like little Viola who cannot…



Hilda: Sir… (She grabs Chase and runs out of the room with him as…)



Caroline re-enters: Ah… I was expecting…



George: Mrs chase! Or whatever New-age thing you have going! You know you could model if you wanted. You know I said I was in love earlier? Remember that? Well, I should tell you about her…. Or him… you never know! Don’t judge! It’s the 21st century and all that, it’s happening, it’s all new! The truth is I love more than a few people! Two, mostly. Yes. I still don’t know if I can part with their names. In fact to speak their names at all might be…. Kind of… a problem haha. Yeah I’m not sure why I laughed there either,…. Have you met Bobo the Bear? (Grabs Bobo) Please, please, hold him and treat him as though he was your own little child. When Chase and his sister were little they treated him… well, it haha, like it was their own child. They would rock him and sing to him, and hold him so tighly. Shower him with hugs and kisses and just coo to him about how wonderful he was. They learned that stuff from me haha. I was good at making others feel important. Always have been. So, I had a busy day, I followed Cecil and Cecily around, haha they’re still so young which is weird since they never really do or say anything, maybe that’s what makes them so buyant and perusable. I know, I know, you’ll say they’re not those things, but they are, you just have to meet them at the right time in the right place and, you know…..



Cecil: George and……. You…… ummm……. Cecily and I were on our visit with Viola and….. Things have changed…. and….. Viola will be…..



George: What do you mean? Do you mean… what I think you mean which would mean…. Oh no, no, no, come here, come here!



Cecil: Ah… No… No… Please… it’s fine. She will simply be elsewhere from now on…. Cha… the man you’re with…. Will… he’ll…. Take her…. And…. As I said, she’ll be….. Elsewhere…. From this…. This moment…. On… Yes…. It’s…. ummm…. It’s…. well, thank you…. Thanks much…. I….



Cecily reenters: have you…. Ummm… our visit with…..



Caroline: which…. What does this…. I don’t….



GEORGE: I see….. I….. haha okay. Well at least she’ll be okay. Still healthy… as healthy as…. Haha ya know what I mean. This reminds me of a joke, you see this girl got kicked out of her house because she was sneaking and sleeping around which I know is not the case here, but lsiten, this is how it goes. This is what happens. This girl gets into it with her Mom who then tells her,. “well ya know what, young lady, your a*s is grass! Your a*s is out of here!” and the girl says “Let me tell ya my a*s has been grass./… and….. Hahaha…..” you know I can’t remember the rest of the joke and….. Bobo the Bear! Should he go with her as she goes… wherever she’s going or haha, does Chase want him or should he remain here to remind us…. Haha of…. Ya know… hahah..




Caroline: What is with this bear….



George: hahaha you really wanna know? Okay well as I said I love two people. Two people who won’t really speak to me for different reasons. One gave up speaking or emotion or moving or… haha much of anything long ago… the other can…. Of course but he doesn’t do it well, he’s distant and moody and no one eve rknow what’s he’s thinking or feeling. Not his wife or whatever or his parents or his sister since she can’t…. haha and whaty happened was during one week of their lives….



Chase: Caroline, we must go.



Caroline: But, what about….



Chase: it’s too late. She’ll live if that’s what you want to call it… and….



Geoirge: As I was saying….



Chase: George. Here you are. Here is the attention you want from me. Get out. I will pay you a lot of attention soon and it will not be….. I know and you know, we all know what Bobo represents. We know and remember… even my sister who cannot…. Cannot…. Hell, I can’t express it either. You can express it all but so what? It’s,…. get out of here…. I have not forgotten a thing…. Nothig has slipped my mind or theirs (gesturing to Cecil and Cecily) I know why you stikc around. We all do. Caroline, you don’t and you shouldn’t have to. Some places and events are left unexplored and unvisited. Why couldn’t I…..



Cecil: I just want to say…



Cecily: No… the fact is….




Chase: The fact is…. You continue to go to church to atone for allowing and continuing to allow this… creature to be part of….. I can’t save her. She’s done. I wish she wasn’t but…. She is…… 15 years ago all hope was lost… and…. I’m saving myself…. And this, this aldy who will be my wife. Caroline, (gets down on one knee) please marry me…



Careioline: I don’t….. I knoiw… but…



Chase: That was a bit rushed but let’s leave. I know you’re supposed to fight for it until the end but I’m done. I’m leaving. George, if you wish to stay. Fine. I’m gone. Mom and Dad, I haven’t called you those words in many years, if you wish to remain with him and your daughter…. Then….. We must go… (He pulls Caroline quickly out the door.)



George: haha well you just never know. Who knows what happened there? I feel like this is something out of Pinter? You ever read him? Oh yes, he made the pause very important. I’m not actually sure, this is something I’ve heard, but let me tell you….



Cecil: Cecily: Destroy the bear.



Cecily: Ah… Yes… (Crosses to the bear and rips it to shreds.)



George: No… but…. Please… that… that meant that was there when…. Please don’t…




Cecil: Good. George, this should have been done long ago. You are not forgiven. You cannot atone. You will not matter. You are nothing. We have hidden behind a myriad of excuses and allowed you to trail us because we wouldn’t truly acknowledge you and now….. Leave.



George: But…. I know he won’t see me, but she will….



Cecily: We put her out of her misery.




George: You mean.



Cecily: They are both done. At peace. It’s over. Leave.



George: (Slowly looks around. Any memory of what he had or felt or was is gone. He dejectedly exits and goes who knows where.)



Cecil: So….



Cecily: No one’s coming back.



Cecil: No.



Cecily: Some thing in life are something



Cecil: or other. (They share a sluight moment then…)



Cecily: Lemonade?



Cecil: it’ll do. (they walk off….)



(The end.)



© 2013 Forgotten and Loved

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Added on November 18, 2013
Last Updated on November 18, 2013


Forgotten and Loved
Forgotten and Loved

Jackson, MI

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