The Girl

The Girl

A Poem by Clive D Costa

She sat there in a melancholy way....

She just sat there in a melancholy way
Silent, like the silent day.
About the place, quite and cold,
About the girl: she didn't look too old.

It was winter, icy and dark
Slippery roads, frozen bark.
The whole area was chilly white
It looked like the scenario of a beautiful night.

I ventured further, to get a look at her.
Now that I did she had skin like leather.
I sat down , to ask"what's goin' on?"
I hardly believed my eyes"She's gone!"
Was that a ghost? or was it just me?
Was that the past? or was that a memory?

© 2013 Clive D Costa

Author's Note

Clive D Costa
Please leave some reviews and comments. I wanna know whether you like it or not

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hmmmmmmm the last line leaves me pondering i liked that :) .hmmmmmmmm from what i read you described the weather to be of a cold and white aura .which described her being being meloncholy quite well .it was somewhat to surreal so i do believe her to be a memory

Posted 11 Years Ago

I love when poems end with cool questions like this one. It opens a conversation with the reader. Personally, I like to think she was "a memory" :)

Still, I think the line I like best is "Silent, like the silent day." What a resonant and beautiful line to have in a poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Clive D Costa

11 Years Ago

thank you
Oh my! I love it!! though you need and comma before speaking...

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Clive D Costa

11 Years Ago

One common mistake i have.

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3 Reviews
Added on January 11, 2013
Last Updated on January 11, 2013


Clive D Costa
Clive D Costa

Bronx, NY

I'm calm and i like to write. I prefer writing over most other things. more..
