You Found Me [Harry Styles Love Story]

You Found Me [Harry Styles Love Story]

A Story by Claudia ")

Claira has been bullied her whole life. She is a loner, she gets teased for it. One day she can't take it anymore, she was going to committ suicide. What happens when her biggest bully, walks in?


Clairas POV
As i read through the mesages left on my facebook account. I sighed, and read the last one while straightening my hair.
- Your a stupid s**t, why are you even still here, no body wants you here, and you should just kill yourself, you would
look better that way! - I sighed as i clamped the straightener shut, on the last peice of my hair. I wonder what it is like
dying. Is it just like sleeping? Do we dream? Would anyone care if i went? I doubt the lasy one. Maybe i should test out
what it feels like, i may not come back to share my conclusions, but i will know what it is like ...

I put on my outfit. And got in my car. As i was driving, i put on the radio. I was listening to the end of "R.I.P" by Rita Ora.
Then a ctachy tune came on. Dum. Dum Dum. Dum Dum. Dum. Dum. "Your insecure don't know what for, you turning
heads when youw alk through the do o or" I sung loudly. I sang through most of the song and got to school. I was still
silently singing to myself when i walked intot the school, when i heard a familiar, british, husky voice.
"OI S**T!" He paused, adn i could hear him smirk "WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?" He laughed, really loud. As did his followers.
"Because, i have somthing to live for, unlike you, all you seem to live for is pick the absolute s**t out of everbody" I
whispred, his face turned from a smirk, to a frown, then a smirk again, as he came up with a 'good comeback'
"Pfft, like what? All you do is cry, and cut, and cry again" Linsday his girlfriend laughed. and walked up to me and got into
my face "I didn't know that s***s, have tounges" She said, spitting in my face. I sapt back. Her smile dissapeared as she
punched me in the gut and, i dropped to the ground.
"Your lucky, were at school, you little b***h, cause if we ever get alone," She paused before smirking "Lets just say, that
it will be, long, slow, and painful" She asid before spitting on me again and walking away, Harry wrapping his arms
around her wasit. I thought for a minute i saw him turn his head and mouth the words *I'm Sorry* but then i thought better,
and passed it off as him, whispering things i don't even wanna think about in Linsday's ear.
I sighed got up and dusted myself off. Everyone was still laughing. I shoved past them all, when i got stopped.

By Will Sweeny. Harry's best friend, and former band member, before Harry ditched him for the Xfactor. he smiled at me
I sighed "What do you want, Will?* His smile grew wider and i shoved past him, he was trying to ask for sex again.
He grabbed my arm. And flicked me around to face him. My eyes grew wide. He leaned in and kissed me passionately.

I felt a little spark. I've liked Will, for a while, but i want a real relationship. Not one for SEX.
He pulled away and smiled at me. He grabbed both my hands and got on his knees. He opened his mouth and whispered.
"I'm so sorry for trying to force you into anything. I want to take it slow, you are beautiful, i want a real relatinship," he
paused looking into my eyes. "With you. I love you Claira" I opened my mouth in shock.

I didn't elieve it for a bit. I sighed and dropped hid hands. He sighed.
"No. I don't believe you, you bully me for so long, ask for sex, and now YOU want a real relationship with ME?" He smiled
"Nope, never did, never will" he got up off the ground and went over and laughed with his friends.

I sighed and ran from the school, tears streaming down my face. Why won't anybody accept, will anybody EVER LOVE me?!



Chapter 2 Claira's POV


I got home and slammed the door, causing a photo to fall of the wall and smash. I picked it up, not even caring that my feet
were getting stabbed with millions of peices of glass. I picked it up, and studied the faces. Emerald green eyes, taller than the
girl in the photo. Curly locks. It's harry, with his cheeky grin, and dimples it's hard not to tell. The girl. It's me.
Blonde, blue eyes, short, skinny - ish. Harry has his arm firmly around my waist, 7th grade, the formal. He was my date.
I was his. A tear slipped from my eye, why can't it go back to this when Harry was my best friend. When i still loved him.
I don't know if i still love him. Do I? ... I sighed and let the tears fall, with the photo, smashing th frame, and taring the photo.
I ran up to my room and slammed the door. A good thing about NOT having parents.
They don't have to deal with the fact, that their daughter is leaving the world for good, going to sleep. To Dream...

I grabbed the little, metal box, i kept THEM in. I knew exactly where i kept them, i used them heaps before. I never thought
it would get thsi extreme, well, maybe in the back of my head. But i didn't go around cowering, hoping "Gosh, hope I don't
die today!" I opened up te box and looked at the array of razors in it.

Sharpener blades, big and small, shaving razors. Normal razors, Big ones. I chose the biggest and thinnest one i had.
I have used this onece before when i wanted to die. It cuts deep when you want it too. Well they all do, but htis one is the worst.
I sighed as i sat down in the bath tub. I layed one hand across my chest in half of a mummy position. I used my other hand
and slid the razor, slowly and breifly over my wrist. The blood, beaded. Then it got flowier. And then it was pouring out of my
wrist. I started to feel a little woozy. I sighed and layed my hands in the mummy postion again, closing my eyes.

I was dreaming. About a better place. Harry. Kisses. Perfect.
I heard a door slam, and lazily opened my eye. Harry. He was standing in the doorway, shock written pure on his face. Then
 ...... regret!? Is he feeling regretful for what he did? Good. I hope i die, so it's on him for the rest of his life. tell that to your
your kids "How i killed Claira Green" Great story.

He took my hand. And i jerked it away.
"Get. Out" I hissed. he shook his head. And leaned down and whspered in my ear.
"I'm not letting the girl i LOVE die" And he kissed me, slow and passionately, the sparks flew EVERYWHERE.
Noting like when Will kissed me. I felt like i could die, and someone would finally CARE.
I am in love .... with my biggest bully.

And i only took in how woozy i was, just before everything went black, and i started to dream. I think, or was i already dreaming? Was any of this ...


Even happening?

© 2012 Claudia ")

Author's Note

Claudia ")
Ignore My Grammer :P
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This was great to read, good fan fiction!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Trying to define ourselves while others force the fake reality on us is a spot we have all been in. Your Narator reacts the only way one could at that point. The only real thing to do is find someone to help. Be the hand at the end of someone else's rope and you will never reach the end of yours.
I have to admit I was confronted by a bully in Noosa once when I walked by him and his table of Mates he said "I hate f*****g Americans" I paused turned back and gently placed my hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ear "I f*****g hate you" and walked away and like most bullies he did not even have the courage to hit me in the back. Bullies are cowards.

Posted 11 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Claudia ")

11 Years Ago

Thanks for The Revweiw :)
I'll update soon ...

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2 Reviews
Added on October 24, 2012
Last Updated on October 25, 2012


Claudia ")
Claudia ")

Eugella, QLD, Australia

HEY! I'm Claudia, I'm 14 I LOVE One Direction ;) I write fan-fics and stuff, i'lltake fan requests, only if i know the band or person :P] Anyways, that's me byye :D more..