![]() Chapter 3: IreneA Chapter by Dead Angel![]() A look at how Serena was first introduced into the vampire world and some background on her mother Irene![]() Serena sits on the bed with a photo album on her lap. It’s been a whole week since she’s moved into the mansion. She has yet to leave her room, she didn’t want to see anyone nor did she want to accept her new life. Ash did stop by everyday to give her a cup of blood and even tries to get her out of the room, but she refused each time. He has done all he could to get close to her and tries to start a conversation like they used to have, but she kept pulling away from him and never says more than a word. Ever since Armand announced her as his mate she was very uncomfortable around him and he felt it. She began flipping through the pages of the album looking at pictures of her childhood; she stopped when she came across a picture of her and her dad. It was taken when she was 8 years old at a playground near their old house. It was when she turned 11 that he left her mother for another woman; she never got to spend anytime with him after that. She and her mom were so depressed and grief stricken that their house was like a morgue for almost 4 months. Eventually her mom remembered she had a daughter to raise and had to move on with her life. Things slowly began going back to normal and they were both smiling and acting their old selves again. It wasn’t until after Serena found out she was pregnant that her mom told her about Armand. “Oh Serena he’s so perfect and charming, an absolute gentleman.” She sounded like a 15 year old school girl talking about her first love. “Mom who is he? Where did you meet him?” “His name is Armand and I met him while I was at the bookstore. We were both reaching for the last copy of ‘Plays in the 1800’s’.” “Only an English professor would buy a book like that.” “Oh he used to a literature professor at Harvard. He’s so handsome, he’s tall, has black hair up to his cheeks and pale blue eyes, they are so beautiful I can’t help but stare at them.” “And how long have you been seeing this guy?” “Well we had our first date that same night, so about 2 months.” “Five minutes after meeting a total stranger, you say yes to a date?! Mom! He could be some psycho killer or something.” “Oh Serena stop it! You worry too much…Shoot…hang on.” She heard her mom fiddling with something on the other end. “Mom? What are you doing?” “I dropped my earring.” “Your earring? Where are you going?” “Armand is taking me on a moonlight dinner in the courtyard by his mansion.” “Mansion?! He has a mansion?” “Yes, apparently his family is very rich and he inherited it you know, old money. I just found out about it myself; he didn’t want to mention it and have our relationship based around that.” “Irene, are you ready darling?” She heard a velvety voice say. “Yes Armand I’ll be right down.” “He’s there now?” “Yes he’s waiting downstairs. You should really plan a visit sweetie, I want you to meet him.” “I’ll talk it over with David.” “Ok. I gotta go honey. Talk to you later.” “Bye mom, I love you.” “Love you too, bye.” It was about three months after that conversation that she drove up to her mom’s and met him. They had a simple diner at her house and she was amazed by how perfect he looked. His face was so serious and with his built body it made him very intimidating. They were at the table eating Butter Cream Chicken. She tried not staring at him but even then she could tell that there was more to him than he led on. they were eating in silence when he spoke that velvety voice she heard before. “So I understand that you’re pregnant.” He said. Serena was still trying to figure out what he was hiding that she wasn’t paying full attention. David was the one that spoke for her. “Yes we are actually. Going on four months now.” “That’s wonderful, congratulations.” “Thank you.” “Aren’t you going to eat?” Serena asked. She noticed that his plate was still full while theirs were practically empty. Armand was blind sided by her question that he was thrown off. “Excuse me?” “You haven’t touched your food. Aren’t you hungry?” David and Irene looked at his plate and had confused looks on their faces. Armand gave Serena an intense stare that she thought he was going to rip out her heart. “I’m not feeling well at the moment.” He said dryly. “Are you sick sweetie? Do you need something?” Irene asked concerned. “No darling I’m fine, it’s just an upset stomach. It’ll eventually pass.” He reached for her hand and his face soften as he smiled at her. Serena knew that her mom was in love with this man but she also knew that there was something really wrong with him. She watched him the entire night and saw how lovingly he started at Irene, how he held her protectively as they went outside to the gazebo. She knew that he loved her just as much and that conflicted her on whether or not to trust him. A year and a half later her mother announced their engagement. Serena was skeptical at first, but her mom assured her that it was what she wanted. “I love him Serena and I really want you to be happy for us.” “I am mom; I’m just looking out for you. If this is what you want then you have my full support on the whole thing.” “It is. I want him and the lifestyle he’s going to give me.” “Lifestyle?” “Oh you know the lifestyle of the rich and what not.” She knew her mom was lying which meant that her assumption was correct. The wedding finally came and David was sick and Colleen was just an infant, so she went alone. The ceremony was in the courtyard of Armand’s mansion and the reception took place inside. His guest gave her the same feeling he did so she kept to herself. It was toward the middle of the night that she met Ash. He wore black slacks and a black dress shirt with a silver tie. He asked for a dance and her uneasy feeling went away and she said yes. They danced three songs and he led her outside where they talked the entire night. She enjoyed being with him which was odd to her. Though she had just met him she wanted to stay out there with him forever. It finally came time for the bride and groom to leave and she ran to her mother. When they hugged it felt like it was the last one she would ever get. “I love you sweetheart. Don’t ever forget that.” “I love you too mom.” She gave her a confusing look but all Irene did was kiss her goodbye and climbed into the limo. Armand gave her a nod of acknowledgment and went in after her. Serena watched as they drove away unaware that it was the last time she should ever see her mom. A few months later it was Colleen’s birthday and she held a party but her mom never came; she only sent a gift. She gave her a call and her excuse was that she and Armand were busy. Months and holidays passed and they never showed to any occasion, which made Serena worry. When she confronted her mom she gave the same excuse then she thought Armand was keeping them apart because he didn’t like her. Irene said that was a ridiculous accusation and scolded her for thinking such a thing, but Serena didn’t believe her. Her hatred toward him only grew when she got the letter of her mother’s death. She hated Armand for not protecting her and for isolating her; her mom was all she had and he took her away. She knew she could never forgive him for what he has done and that she would never accept this nightmare she was forced into. © 2010 Dead Angel |
Added on December 31, 2009 Last Updated on January 21, 2010 Author![]() Dead AngelWeslaco, TXAboutUse our Free Myspace Banner Maker! Click Here! View my page on Poetry Flow Hello! If you are reading this then you either heard about me from a friend or your just browsing. My writing comes fr.. more..Writing