Why Ma are you fixated on constraining?
Held up within society's fair laws
It's not only that I want to be a rebel
I'd never want to live without a cause
Those people standing out there on the corner
Looking side ways as they see me walking by
I used to think they did it out of boredom
But I now think it may be linked to the green dye
Whistling Dylan as I walk into the dairy
Smirking as I see the teller's face
Thinking if this could last for a lifetime
I'd be defining of the angsty teenage race
Why defy the people all around me?
Why not just bow straight down to all their norms
I never thought I'd hear myself say it
But I've been fighting being normal all along
For normal in my eyes I see as fatal,
A sickness that will choke your very soul
I don't want to be your perfect little yuppie
It's too fun being the bravest and the bold
But one day if I ever get the notion
If one day I feel normal coming on
Rest assured Ma I'll continue to resist it
I'll be a hipster proud and loud until I'm old