Project Izzy Chapter 3

Project Izzy Chapter 3

A Chapter by LuvWriting

In this chapter Jay come in. Hope you like him.

Jason Michaels sat in the car staring out into the vast planes of nothing. His long blond hair was straightened as always. His big dark shades were on his face as always. He was in a limo as always. He wore the best clothes as always. Yet nothing about this day suggested an regular day or something that happened ‘always’.

He still couldn't believe what had happened. Even after a month in the hospital and countless people telling him how and what happened. He still just couldn't believe it.
Everything was finally going right! I had stared in a few box office movies! I got 3 record deals! My songs were on the radio! My life was finally coming together after dad’s death! And now it’s fallen apart again! He thought sourly. If he had been more aware of the road instead of joking around with his mom then he could have avoided the accident. Sure it wasn't his fault, it was the idiot who blew the red light’s. But he still felt a bit at fault. But all that didn't matter now. Because he was in a car being driven to the damn country. To stay with some close friend of his mother. He didn’t even know her name! According to the nurse at the hospital, who had over heard the social worker and his aunt talking, they didn't even own a home. They lived at an Inn!!!

Jay let out a long low sigh.

"We'll be there in about 3 minutes Mr. Michaels." The driver called back to him from the front of the car.

 "I told you! Call me Jay." Jay muttered.

  "Now, Jay. Be polite when you meet the Heralds." Phoenix, Jays manager, said with a frown. "They will be your legal guardians until your mother wakes up from her coma."

  Jay frowned at this and turned back to the window. All there was outside were scattered farm houses and lots of crops. Jay couldn't even tell what crops they were, there were so many. The closest town was 10 minutes ahead of where the Inn was located and the closest city was an hour behind them. They were practically in the middle of nowhere!

 "Just up ahead now." The driver said.

Jay looked out the front of the car. At first he could only see a hill, but as they rounded the top of it he's eyes widened at the sight before him. He saw many things, there was a large lake with multiple streams feeding into and out of it. The streams feeding out of it flowed into multiple areas of green grass. Inside those areas were horses grazing peacefully. Then he saw a large barn with people walking around leading horses here and there. Finally he saw an outdoor ring. In the middle of it was a girl. She was holding a long rope attached to a jet black horse who cantered around her in a circle. He twisted in his seat to watch as she tugged gently on the line and the horse came to a stop. She walked over to it and patted its neck. The horse bumped her with its nose and the girl stumbled back laughing. Before he could see anymore, trees hid her from his sight.
The car turned onto a long driveway and there was a sign with letters on it saying 'Herald Inn'. The car continued up the drive and pulled up in front of the beautiful house. It was made of light grey stones and had a structure of a house you would have seen in the time before the Civil War, one of the big plantation owner's houses. Jay guessed that's what this had once been, a plantation owner's house. While he stared, Phoenix got out of the car and opened the door. Jay stepped out and stretched.
 "You must be Jason!" A woman appeared at the doorway. She was tall and had short blond hair. Her face was full of excitement. Her brown eyes sparkled in the evening sun. She was dressed in a sky blue dress that reached her knees. Her smile was motherly and welcoming.

  "Yes, ma'am I am. But please, call me Jay." Jay put on a fake smile that he was so use to using, and followed Phoenix towards the woman.
She must be Mom's friend. Jay thought to himself.

 "Hello Mrs. Herald. I'm Phoenix, I’m the one who talked to you on the phone yesterday." Phoenix held out his hand to the woman. " I am happy to finally meet you."

 The woman shook Phoenix's hand and smiled. "Let me call the family out." She turned into the house and called out "Seamus! Ana! Isabelle! Come out front!"

  A few seconds later a man walked into the welcoming room inside the doorway.

 "What is it Kate?" The man, who Jay supposed was Seamus, was dressed in jeans and a T-shirt stained with paint. Around his waist he had a tool belt and was holing a hammer in his left hand. His brown-gray hair was short and clean. "Oh. You must be Jason. Welcome to our humble Inn."

 "Thanks, but please, call me Jay."
"You got it. Hope you'll enjoy living with us. I know it will be a bit different from your usual life style, but just tell Kate, me, or one of the girls if there's anything you need." Seamus winked and started to walk back into the house when he was almost plowed over by a young girl that looked about the age of 13 who was running down the stairs.

  "Ana! Walk down stairs. It's not safe to run down them." He kept walking as he chuckled.

 "Fine." she said with a little smile. "Mom, what did you need?" Ana hurried over to her mom and looked at her. Jay looked back and forth between both mother and daughter and could not see any resemblance between the two. The girl looked Hispanic with her long, dark hair and her tanned skin, while the mother was definitely European with her finely featured face and her curly blond hair.

Wait... Jay suddenly thought. Herald. Kate, Seamus, Ana, and Isabelle. They’re that amazingly rich family that is in the top 20 richest people of the world!

 "...until his mother is out of the hospital." Mrs. Kate was saying. Jay snapped out of his realization and wondered what the first part had been, but brushed it off.

  "Hi, I'm Jay."

 "Ohmigosh! Your that guy...The one...He's a...He was in...His voice is...O.M.G.!!!" Ana was gazing at Jay with adoration when her mother spoke.

 "Ana, where is Isabelle?"

 "Working with Moon and checking up on Shilo, like, ever 5 minutes."

 "Goodness. That girl always takes her barn chores more seriously than the Inn chores. Really, that’s why we have the guys down there." Kate ranted.

"Mom. It's Izzy we're talking about, you know that right? There's no WAY she would be able to stand still up hear while Shilo was down there. It just doesn't fit her character. She cares more about the animals than she does herself. She remembers to give them their medicine every month but cant remember to take hers for even two days in a row!" Ana had a worried tone in her voice.
"I know. I know. That's one thing that worries me." Mrs. Kate turned to Jay, "I'm sorry Jay. Seems my eldest daughter is busy. I'm sure you'll get to meet her soon. In the mean time why don't we get you settled into your room and let me show you around."

 Mrs. Kate led Jay and Phoenix up stairs and showed them a big room with a queen sized bed and a big dresser. It had a private bathroom with a sink, toilet, and shower. The window faced to the side of the house so he could see the lake in the distance. Once the three of them had put Jay’s things away, Mrs. Kate took them around the house. It was a large and beautiful house. There were 3 stories, the top two had rooms for guests. In the basement was a gaming room, a home theater, and a small pool. On the main floor there was a small living room with lounging chairs and a few desks. There was also a flat screen TV and a couch off to the side. There was also a large dinning room that connected to the massive kitchen. Also on the first floor was a library with book shelve fully stocked and stretching up to the ceiling and a few leather recliners ready for people to read in.

Around 6 o'clock Mrs. Kate brought them back into the living room and told them to sit. Jay fell onto the couch, but Phoenix declined.

  "I must be on my way. My plane leaves in a few hours. It was nice to meet you Mrs. Herald. Jay, I'll be back in a week or so to check up on you." He shook Kate's hand and then walked out the door and got into the car.

 "Well Jay, it seems Izzy's not coming up anytime soon so I'll have to make dinner. The remote to the TV is on the side table and the guide is in the drawer. Just call for me if you need anything." Kate turned and walked into the kitchen. Jay surfed the channels, but there was nothing good to watch. Some other people came in and Jay relinquished the remote to a little boy who put on a cartoon.

   A few minutes later, Jay found himself on the back porch staring out into the small forest. He was leaning against the cool marble railing when he saw her. She was running out of the forest trees towards the house. She shot up the marble stairway and blew past Jay without a glance at him. Jay followed her into the house to see what she was so excited about.

  “Everyone,” the girl cried. “Everyone! Come quickly into the living room! It’s time!” As she called everyone she grabbed the remote from the table where someone had left it, and turned the TV onto Video 1. Instantly the screen filled with the picture of a black and white dog laying in some straw.

  Echos of the girls cries came from all corners of the house as guests called to other guests. The living room started to fill up with guests and they jabbed at each other for seats. Some settled on the couch and others stood around. The littler kids sat criss-cross on the floor in front of the wide screen. All were talking quietly in hushed anticipation. Jay looked around for the girl and found her standing to the side talking to Mrs. Kate. He watched her. She looked a bit like Mrs. Kate with her long hair. Except her hair was black and wavy while Mrs. Kate’s was blond and straight. She was just over average height and was thin. Jay could see she had some serious muscles in her legs and arms. Her mouth was set in a gentle smile and her grey eyes sparkled with happiness. Jay was curious about her so he moved a little closer to them to hear what they were saying.

  “Izzy! Your shoes! Their all dirty and its getting on the carpet.” Mrs. Kate was saying.

  “Oh. Sorry mom. Don’t worry though. I’m going back down in a minute. I just wanted to let everyone know.” Izzy looked around the room and the back at her mom.

   “But Izzy. I need you to meet-” Mrs. Kate was cut off by a little girl about the age of 5 or 6 who was tugging on Izzy’s shirt.

  “Ms. Izzy! Ms. Izzy! Can I name one of the puppies? Please!”

 Izzy laughed and crouched down to look at the girl. “ Yes, Rachel you can. But first they have to be born and grow up a bit so we know what their personality will be like.” Izzy patted Rachel’s head and stood up. “I’ll meet who ever tomorrow, but right now I’m going back done to help Shilo. I don’t want anything to happen to my girl.”

 Mrs. Kate sighed as Izzy turned and jogged back out of the house. Jay watched her go then turned his attention to the TV. He watched as the dog moved around in the straw. Then Izzy appeared on screen and patted the dog.

 “Here comes the first pup.” She whispered to the camera. An anxious hush settled over the room.

  Jay started when Mrs. Kate came up next to him.

“That” She whispered pointing at the TV screen, “is my daughter Izzy. Looks like you won’t be able to meet her till tomorrow morning.”

 Jay nodded and watched as the girl watched over the dog with a kind of protectiveness that he had never known himself.

The first pup had been born at 6:45 AM and the sixth pup at 10:22 PM. Izzy had watched everyone and made sure Shilo took perfect care of them, which she did. Just as she was about to turn off the light and head up to bed, she heard rustling coming from Shilo. This worried her, since the vet and told here there were only 6 puppies, so she went to do one last check. What she saw startled her. There in the straw, Shilo lay and she was licking a seventh puppy. Izzy smiled and watched as the runt started suckling milk. Finally Izzy made her way to the door, turned off the barn lights, and made her way up to her warm, comfy bed. The last thought she had was about the last puppy and then she was asleep.

© 2011 LuvWriting

Author's Note

Jay come in!!! I personally love him...But then again, what author doesn't love her characters.... Hope you guys like him too!!!

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This is so good!!! Please keep writing. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 7, 2011
Last Updated on April 7, 2011



Tampa, FL

I am Sophomore in High School who loves to write and create stories. I am a military brat so I have learned a lot of things by moving around. I love riding horses and I do crew(which I dont love very .. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by LuvWriting