From PUSH - Now Available

From PUSH - Now Available

A Story by Christopher Byron

Ryan Parker, a young man who has just discovered he has an unbelieveable power - A telekinetic ability with almost limitless power - has been captured by a government agency. He secures a chance at freedom by agreeing to help convince a young telepath to



           Do it now. The other ones are coming.

           “You know Thomas, if it means anything, I am sorry about all of this.” Ryan said, facing his friend and turning his back so it was wedged against the frame of the car.

           “What do you mean,” Pratt asked, puzzled.

          “You were right. I do have the worst luck in cars.”

           Understanding showed on his face, but it dawned a split second too late. Ryan's bound hands came up quickly and he through all of his force through the window into the wall of the mountain. The force was crushing against his body as he was squeezed against the frame of the car, but with the force of the impact, the truck fishtailed and swung wide across the road. The rear fender hooked on the ancient cabling but it was too low to stop the force of the large vehicle and it smashed through the posts and plunged into the drop.

            The wheels made purchase on the steep scrabble side of the hill and Pike strained to gain some kind of control as the truck barreled nose down through the brush.

           All of the men were yelling, the noise deafening in the cab. Ellis was frozen, hands latched onto whatever he could hold. Pratt however, having control of himself, was trying to free his pistol from his hip. Ryan tried to throw his weight against him as they dropped but was hung up by the seatbelt. When Pratt looked down to try and grab his gun Ryan balled his fists and smashed them down on Pratt's face knocking him unconscious. Then there was nothing left but the drop.

           Buffeting off of scrub pine and boulders the truck was slammed from side to side as Pike tried to maintain control. There was no use as the truck flew from the ridge and fell straight down into the trees. At the last minute Ryan threw his power out in front of him holding himself up against gravity. The force of the impact rocked through him as they hit the ground. A huge pine skewering the truck, smashing through the windshield, deflected from hitting him only by the strength of his power.

There was the smell of gun powder and pine and blood in the air as Ryan shook his head. The airbags had deployed on impact, but had instantly been shreded by the branches and broken glass. Ellis' head was cocked unnaturally to the right. A branch punctured his neck. Blood dripped slowly from his open mouth. His sightless eyes staring.

          Pike's body looked unscathed, the firewall and steering column of the truck shielding him. He probably would have been okay, if he hadn't been completely decapitated. Glancing to the side Ryan couldn't even see where his head had ended up.

         Dangling from his seatbelt Ryan then looked toward Pratt. The tree had ripped most of the left side of his face off. Trails of skin could be seen mixed in the bark above his face. His left eye oozed from under the ruined lid. A branch pierced his hip. Ryan couldn't tell if he was breathing. He hoped he wasn't.

          You have to get out of there. They're coming.

          The voice in his head was intent and he told himself to grieve later. He reached for the door to find he was wedged against another tree. He looked up into the rear section of the car behind his seat. Flexing his tired muscles and drawing on his failing strength he sent his power ripping into the side of the car, smashing through the passenger side wall and with a yell tore the rear section of the car completely off, tossing it aside and letting the cold mountain air wash over them.

           Ryan pulled his feet under him, bracing them against the drivers seat that still held Pikes headless body. Then he released his seatbelt. Standing up on the back of the chair he looked up at the nearly 200 feet they had fallen from the road. He knew he was going to have to stop Patterson's crew of they'd hunt him down. He had to get back to the road.

          He looked over again at his friend. Sadness touched him and he reached out and touched his friends head, straightening his tousled hair, his hands coming away tacky with blood.

          “I really am sorry.” he said. Then he summoned his power again, slamming it down through the remains of the car and into the ground, launching himself up the side of the hill. He rocketed over the hardscrabble and continued until he was high above the road then pulled his power back in and allowed himself to drop. He reached out with his gift to slow down when he got close enough and stepped onto the road with steel in his eyes. The dirt road clung to the mountain, curving along as it descended. Ryan had brought himself down at a straight path near where his SUV had smashed the railing. He could hear the other truck coming and quickly raced to the far end of the pass just before it started to curve, giving himself the most free space to act when they came into sight. He breathed deep, steadying of himself. There was only one way to end this. He stepped into the center of the road to wait.

           It was probably less than a minute, but it stretched on in Ryan's mind. Perception, ever so fickle. Ryan could see it all, as Patterson rounded the corner. His face was clear through the windshield. First he took in the broken guardrail, understanding instant in his eyes and the truck ground to a stop. Then, before the doors could open the veteran warrior's eyes settled on the boy in the middle of the road before him. He reacted quickly slamming his foot onto the gas pedal. The large vehicle charged at the small form in the road, but Ryan was ready. His right foot braced behind him as he brought his bound hands up. His force slammed into the ground at the front wheels of the truck raising them off the ground. With everything he had left Ryan lifted the still speeding truck and sent it spinning over the drop. The engine screaming and the tires spinning freely as it passed over the edge. He could hear it crunching as it went end over end down into the ravine.

          There was no satisfaction in it for him. Even though he'd wished Patterson dead more than once. He fell to his knees in the middle of the road. Retching and heaving at what had just happened. His mind was spinning and he could feel, even in the stunning cold, that he was near passing out. He was exhausted by all the effort, but he knew he was too close to the base to allow himself to stay there and rest. Somebody would most likely be passing this way soon. He needed to get moving. Reluctantly he got to his feet. He walked to the side of the road where the snow was still clean and scooped a handful into his mouth. It was cold and refreshing as it melted and trickled down his throat. His hands where bright red but, bound as they were, he couldn't get them into the pockets of his jeans. He regretted having not been able to get the key, but he'd deal with all of that later. He pointed himself down the hill and started jogging along the road.

           It was longer than he'd expected to get to the base of the mountain. At first he tried to keep his mind active with questions.

          Where was he going to go?

          Who could help him?

          How could he get word to Catherine that he was okay?

          But it quickly progressed into just trying to keep putting one foot in front of the other. His jog became an off beat shuffle. Then it wound down to just a walk. When he came to the end of the road, he was little more than a frozen zombie. He didn't notice the chained, brown wooden barricade that closed this road off from the main highway for what it was for several seconds. Not until after he passed the sign that read,


           did it make sense to him that he was now off of government property and on his way to civilization.

           He took a long time leaning against the gate. He was shivering violently, his lips beginning to turn blue. He couldn't make up his mind. Left or Right? Which way would lead him quickest to people? To heat and food? Would either way, or was he too far from everything? He didn't know. Just pick one, he told himself. But he couldn't. Going the wrong way would kill him. So would staying here.

           He noticed the sound of the approaching car before it registered in his mind what it was. He might have ducked into the brush looking for cover if he'd had the ability to think about it, to reason. As it was, he just stood there, leaning against the gate as the little silver sports car approached from the left and rumbled to a stop on the berm a few feet from him. He didn't believe what he was seeing. In the driver's seat was the girl from Atlanta, the girl who he was supposed to be out hunting.

            The girl whose voice had been in his head this morning.

           Her fiery red hair was unmistakable. The green of her eyes looked right through him. She smiled at him but didn't move. Ryan was struck again at her unconscious beauty. He slowly pushed himself off the gate and stumbled to the passenger door. As he opened it the heat from the cabin washed out over him, stinging his raw flesh. He fell into the seat, pulling the door shut behind him. His teeth were chattering when he looked over at her, questioning.

           “How did you know...”

           Then she was reaching over the console, her left hand on his neck pulling him gently toward her. Her lips closing softly on his and the world went away.

© 2008 Christopher Byron

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what's his power????
i have Have HAVE to know more!!!

(i love girls with red hair and green eyes, lol, i use them frequently in my writing, i need to post my other book The Flames Rising soon so you can see =] )

Posted 16 Years Ago

I loved this!
I was mesmerized from the first line to the last wishing it would not end..


Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 29, 2008


Christopher Byron
Christopher Byron

Meriden, CT

Christopher Byron has spent the last 12 years working in the music industry. His long standing love of science fiction prompted him to write his first novel, Push, completed in 2008. When not writing,.. more..
