Chapter one: Punk

Chapter one: Punk

A Chapter by C.J


Officer Young stared at the teenage boy sitting front of him. The boy couldn't of been no older than 17 or sixteen. He seemed somewhat tall for his age, yet his youthful hairless face revealed he was still only a teen. The officer observed the boy and took note he was pretty handsome...beautiful in a sense would be more accurate. He had dark hair and eyes, which gave him a dark look. He was definitely tall and slender. He reminded Officer Young of a panther if that panther has looked somewhat like a girl. Officer Young wondered why such a good looking boy would be sitting in front of him with his hands cuffed. The boy showed no signs of discomfort or stress, he actually looked a little bored. Officer Young glanced in the boy's direction and his eyes came in contact with the boy's. The kid's eye’s looked black and uncaring. He quickly averted his gaze.

Officer Young wasn't sure how to start. The boy had nothing on file, he hadn't even said his name! Officer Young opened his notepad to write whatever the kid said so he could at least have something, but so far the kid hadn't said a word. Officer Young felt he should try to get the boy to open up, he stood up and offered the kid his hand "My names Officer James Young." The boy looked up at him and held up his hand cuffed hands. The Officer's face flushed when he realized his blunder, he attempted to laugh it off. "I'll be right back..." He started walking to the door when the boy finally spoke "So you're just going to leave to leave me in here all by myself?" Officer Young didn't take this as a threat, to him it seemed nothing more than an innocent question. He smiled and asked "You're not going to try to run off are you?" The boy blinked apparently dumbfounded, yet the naive officer had no idea why.

The boy shook his head, and Officer Young went to find the chief. The Chief of the New York police department was a broad man with a hearty mustache; he towered over the young, timid officer. Yet Officer Young addressed him like he was an old friend, "Hey Chief I have a question for yah!" The Chief of Police sighed " James how many times do I have to tell you to address me was Chief Montgomery, learn to some respect!"
Officer Young laughed "Right will so sir!"

Chief Montgomery glares at Officer Young and said "Aren't you supposed to be interrogating that one boy?"

Officer Young tugged at his collar "Well yeah... but I was-"

Chief Montgomery growled "So you left that punk alone!"

Officer Young blinked and asked "Punk?"

"Yeah Punk.", The Chief replied, "He's a gang banger must of built quite a reputation for himself, that one's as bad as it gets."

Officer Young was puzzled "But Chief there's nothing on file about that boy so how do you know that?"

Chief Montgomery said "You don't know where he was arrested. He was found in an alley with the body of a boy, he was about 11 and the boy had numerous shot to the back and the older kid was just standing there with a cold expression on his face, with the young boy's blood on his hands."

Officer Young stammered "Yeah...well do you know for sure he's a gang banger or has any kind of rep or-"

Chief Montgomery interrupted again " That boy's body is covered in numerous tattoos, gang tattoos, like Bloods, Crips, MS-13, that's what the guys who searched him said."

"Why all the different gang tattoos, I mean the Bloods and Crips are like enemies right?"

The Chief shook his head "I don't know but it must mean that boy has some kind of influence or enough of this what did you want in the first place?"

Officer Young thought for a moment then said "Oh yes! I well...I was wondering if... I could take the handcuffs off he'd be more comfortable."

The Chief's eyes squinted "More comfortable...a criminal more comfortable?"

"You know so we could get him to you know open up!" He stammered "He hasn't really said a word since we brought him in and he is just a kid and well we don't have anything on him and he doesn't seem violent so..." Officer Young sheepishly looked at his feet. "Such naive thinking..." Chief Montgomery muttered "Go ahead but don't let him out of your sight!" Officer Young nodded and started back to the interrogation room, when he thought that a drink would be a good peace offering.

He stopped by the coffee machine and got two cups, he wasn't sure how much sugar the boy took so he just took the small basket of sugar baskets and a small bowl of cream. The boy looked at him in surprise when the cheerful young officer came into the interrogation room with the two coffee cups in one hand, a small bowl of crème in the other and the basket of sugar packets in the crook of his arm.

He stumbled almost dropping the sugar when the boy jumped up and caught the sugar with his two hand cuffed hands. "Good catch!" Officer Young commented. The kid didn't respond he simply slide the basket on the table and took his seat. Officer Young placed the two cups on the table and the bowl of crème next to the sugar. He sat down across from the kid. He pushed the coffee and the crème and sugar over to the kid when he realized the boy was handcuffed. Officer Young got up and told the boy "I'm going to un cuff you but you have to behave or the Chief will chew me out."

The boy nodded and Officer Young figured that meant the boy would be good so he un cuffed him. The boy rubbed his wrist and looked at the coffee, crème, and sugar placed in front of him. Officer Young laughed and rubbed the back of his neck "I wasn't sure if you took coffee with sugar or crème or how much so I just brought the sugar and crème with me..." He started babbling "Now that I think about it I don't know if you drink coffee you're still young so you're about 17 right. Well kids like Coca-cola right? I mean if you don't drink coffee but..."

The boy interrupted "It's okay I drink coffee." He picked up the cup, took a sip and started adding a packet of sugar to it. Officer Young took a drink of his own cup, which he drank black, and after he put his cup down he laughed.

About 8 packs of sugar lay empty on the table and the boy was busily adding package number 9 when he realized he had an audience. he coughed and sat down the now 9th empty packet of sugar. Officer Young observed "You really like sugar huh? You really are just a kid." The boy responded apparently not liking to being referred to as ' kid ' openly, "I'm 16 and you're not much older than me. Isn't your last name Young and you keep saying I'm young." The boy turned his attention to his now sludge like coffee. As he stirred it slowly he murmured softly "Anyway thank you for the coffee Mr. Young."

Officer Young gawked at the boy, that was the most he'd heard the boy say in the whole time he'd been with him. Officer Young figured getting the boy to talk was a good start. "It was no problem", he replayed, "And you're sixteen huh? You're pretty tall though for sixteen. I’m only 5'7 how tall are you?"

The boy shrugged "About 6'2 or so."

Officer Young grinned "Wow 6'2 you could be a basketball player or something!"

The boy shrugged again "I don't really play basketball."

Officer Young surveyed the boy over "Yeah you look more like a runner to me."

The kid brushed his hair over and Officer Young asked "Are you a Runner?"

The Boy shrugged "I kinda like running...I'm good at it"

He continued in a almost inaudible whisper "Guess there’s been quite a few things I've been running from..."

Officer Young was almost about to question what that meant when the boy said as he stuck out his hand to Officer Young "You can call me Mason Todd."

© 2012 C.J

Author's Note

I will upload more chapters depending on the feedback so please review.
I fixed the errors but if you see anything please let me know.

My Review

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interesting so far...the officer seems a little to trusting, but great start!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

I can't believe how I messed up on it I'm very sorry for that and the typos and grammatical errors n.. read more

12 Years Ago

Alright thank you for reviewing, I hope you found it interesting enough to read chapter 2 as soon as.. read more
C.C. Marx

12 Years Ago

No problem and naive characters can be interesting I will be sure to read more :)

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1 Review
Added on November 4, 2012
Last Updated on December 20, 2012
Tags: police, gangs, friendship, adolesence, boys




There's beauty in everything even if everyone doesn't see it. I am an Otaku, an writer, an artist and I hope you enjoy my writing please review it if you have that sounds a little...hmm well .. more..
