List of Witches
A Chapter by Cinderwing
- Witch of the earth
- One of the Major four
- Long, curly, brown hair with
forest green eyes, tall
- Kind
- Leader of the Leo coven
- Zena:
- Witch of water
- One of the major four
- long sleek black hair that has
a blue tint to it and grey eyes
- distant, cautious
- Cayla:
- Witch of fire
- One of the major four
- extremely curly, long, very red hair, green eyes, short
- Bubbly, carefree
- Erik:
- Witch of air
- One of the major four
- short blond hair, blue eyes,
- smart
- second in command to the Leo
- Bella:
- Witch of day
- secondary tier
- wavy blond hair with blue eyes
- talker, funny
- Prophetess
- Damon:
- Witch of night
- secondary tier
- almost black hair, black eyes,
- cryptic, trusts no one
Non witches
- Henry:
- Crowned Prince
- Brown hair, green eyes
- arrogant
- Finn:
- Barn owl
- Ella’s pet
- good at making pastries
- loyal
- Big Daddy:
- Mr. Labuff
- Ella & Cayla’s employer
- single most rich person in the
- Father too Charlotte
- Charlotte Labuff:
- Wants to become a princess
(marry Henry)
- Snob
- Daughter too Big Daddy
- Vizier:
- Henry’s guardian after his
parents died
- Currently holds the thrown
© 2015 Cinderwing
Author's Note
This is a list of the caracters in the book. Tell me what you think!
Added on May 13, 2015
Last Updated on May 15, 2015
CinderwingPlympton, MA
Hey! I love owls and writing and will often incorperate them into my writing. I am a horiable speller so just bare with me! more..