Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Unicorn Princess

It the second day of school we all were at the lunch table. I was not myself, I was really spacey and looking at Ichi a lot and I don’t do that normally with guys I like.

“Rose, Rose, ROSE!!” Shay yelled at me.

“What? Sorry, just thinking” I replied.

“What are you staring at? Never mind we were trying to ask you, what you did this summer. We all told what we did now you!”

“Well, I did not do much, just wrote 37 songs, drew 35 pictures, and read 30 books. That was after my birthday party,” I said with a straight face. Everyone looked at me in disbelief that I did all that in a little over a month.

With a smile on his face Jacob said, “No, what did you really do?”

“I really did if you don’t believe me ask my dad!” I was getting mad that they did not believe I really did thought things when I did.

“Sorry, Rose that is not like you to read and write that much in a month.”  Sorry for what he said Jacob went back to his food.

“Rose, are you okay? You seem different more spacey than normal. So what the heck is going on? Is it you brother is he being a butthead again, do I have to hurt him?” asked Shay. Always what to beat up my brother because he is mean to me but I can handle it.

“No you don’t have to beat him up its fine. Its I have a crush and it is worst than normal you know how I had a crush on Mason and I could not stop think about him and looking at him, it’s like that but with a different guy.” I explained.

“God Rose, why do have the biggest crushes on the most horrible guys?” Shay asked.

“Adrian thinks he okay.” I said, knowing no one knows who it is but me. Last year Adrian had a small crush on Itchy, I don’t think you can call it a crush.

Adrian looks up from her book, she been reading the whole time, and says “What about me approving of the guy you like? I did not know you liked anyone, I guess I can’t wish you don’t like anyone this year or most of it.”

“So Rose who is it? Does anyone know who you like?” Shay asks trying to stay calm; it was not working so well.

“No, no one knows but me, Monica and Beery,” I admit.

“SO WHO IS IT???” asks everyone at the same time. Some people, from the table that Itchy was sitting at, looked at us because of how loud they were when they asked (even Itchy look but he looked at me and I was like OMG!!).

When they looked away I said in a whisper “Ichi.” Shay, Adrian, and Jacob looked as if they were going to hit me and that was my queue to leave before I got hurt. So I took care for my tray and went to hide in the library. I hide normally no one but Jacob finds me. Jacob always seems to find me, it kind of scary, but sometimes comforting knowing someone cares about you that they will look for you just to make sure you are okay. He came to where I was sitting and sat beside me and just put his arm around me, even though I don’t  like him like that I know he likes me like, so sometimes I let him put his arm around me.

“Jacob, I am sorry.” I said and leaned on him.

“What are you apologizing for?” he asks as if he does not know, well I think he knows I know he likes me.

“I know you like me and I did not mean to hurt you by knowing I like someone else and I feel bad for you.” I say slowly trying not to make him mad.

“For one how did you find that out and second that is very sweet of you to think of Me.” he said the first part with a shacked face and the second part with a smile. Then, we hear footsteps Jacob jumped up and said barely audible “I have to go and if anyone asks I was not here.”

I thought what is up with him; he is acting very strange today like he trying not to make someone mad. Well I was still sitting there grabbed my book and acted like I was reading but I was thinking about Ichi and how strange Jacob was acting around me, no like “l like you and trying not to make a fool of myself.” Well Itchy stepped around the corner all by himself which was strange he always had people around him. I don’t think this school year could get any stranger and it is only the second day we have over 170 more days.

Ichi came right you to me and asked “Rose can you help me find The Maximum Ride series?” I was thing okay this is getting so strange I hope nothing else happens today that is strange.

Of course like an idiot I say really happy “Yah of course I will help you!” So I help him get the first book and then he leaves. I am walking on the moon and I go back to class because the bell was about to ring to tell us to go back to class. The rest of the day is normal, well as normal it gets.


            It’s Friday night over at Shay’s house getting ready for a dance not much to get ready it’s a casual dance, for ones I a m not going to over dress. Shay is trying to get to get out of me why I like Ichi. All I will say is “Does it really matter why I like him? I just do.” I am making her mad but I am not ready to tell her or anyone else for that matter.


            During the dance I had many people come up to me and say “Why do you like him?” at first I thought Shay put them up to it then I thought why would she do that? It was like any where I went every one asked that then I realized that someone had to tell them and the only people the know where my friends. Then I thought maybe one of the people that where sitting at the table close to us may have heard. I wanted to go home but I was going to Shay’s house and thought I will vent to her tonight I just need to act like I have no clue what they are talking about and have a good time to night.

            Well to spare the time Shay agreed that either one of the weak friends of ours told someone or someone heard. We made a pack to each other that on Monday we would find out who started telling people who I like. It was more for us to know it’s not like a have a repetition that I am worried about. I hope Ichi does not find out that I like him that would make things strange and I don’t want any more strangeness.


            Monday I was have a small get together with my friends, but I did not want to go because what everyone was saying was bringing me down. Every one of my friends tried to cheer me up, it did not work as well as they hoped. Well I had a feeling this was going to go on for a while. 

© 2013 Unicorn Princess

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I really like the inner conflict and your informal writng voice.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 3, 2013
Last Updated on January 3, 2013


Unicorn Princess
Unicorn Princess


I have all these stories and poems in side me and need to get them out to the world. more..
