Eh...Just a tribute to my B.F. that has stole my heart...
My heart was broken, but you stitched it up
My eyes were hollow, but you gave them new life
I was on the road to suicide, but you stopped the blade
I was crying, but you stopped the tears from flowing
My life meant nothing, you are my only reason
I was in pain, but you healed me
I thought I was finished, but you gave me something to continue for
I was a damsel in distress, and you were my superhero
Even through my mistakes, you were always there to hold me
When I was lost in the dark, you were my light
I never said love in my whole life, so here it goes…
There, I said it. Happy now?
I love you and that’s all there is to it…
I'm sorry, was that too much?
I hope not...because I ment it...
And I always will
Yes, I know there are lots of '...'s in there but still...ignore them if you dun like them and dun post a review saying 'You have too many '...'s bleh,bleh,bleh' or something like that
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O.O omigodsh!! I just realized that yew wrote this fer Zack!!!! AWWWW!! CHIBI KAWAII LITTLE BLONDE PPLZ IN LURV!!!! *chibi kawaii mini happy girl talkeh for like......until yew see me next* AWWWW!! Have joo showed this to him yet?? You need to!!! ^w^
NIKKEH!! UN!! O.o Why didn't you ever show me any of yer poetry at skew?? I mean...I amma yer best friend.........aren't I?? Well......all I can rlly say ish......O.o dawmn geena.........
I am a nut. And I troll. I write depressing poetry or whatever comes to mind. I may sound depressing through my writing, but I'm actually rather sweet once you get to know me. ^-^
I am a crazy rave.. more..