![]() Chapter the FourthA Chapter by ChryissFlashing lights and drifting people like spectators flickered in my vision; everything passing by in such a haze that I suddenly found myself sitting in a deserted waiting room. My sense of time betrayed me, the ticking of black lines on stony white indicating 57 minutes had elapsed since our departure. Just as I was about to get up and pester the receptionist for details, the doctor appeared. Beware of smiling doctors, darted across my mind. I detected no clues from his demeanor as he approached and gave the report. “Luckily for him and for you this occurred in a parking lot. He got a good beating, some bruises and scrapes, but that’s about all. If it had been anywhere else he would’ve suffered a heavier blow as well as you getting possibly injured. He’s awake and well; you can see him if you like.” A heavy exhale gusted out of me as I finally released my breath.Thank goodness. I tentatively rotated the knob, my heart threatening to give out on me with its incessant pounding despite the stable situation. The lock unlatched and the door glided open. Propped up on some blanched pillows, Kade greeted me with his customary smirk. “Didn’t I tell you it’ll be alright?” I laughed softly at his words, replying, “Actually, you said nothing of the sort.” Sighing amusedly he shot back, “I’m the patient here, give me some slack.” Uttering another chuckle I strode over to him and situated myself on the side of the cot. “How’re you feeling?” I queried, a hint of concern present in my tone. He crossed his arms in defiance. “Didn’t I say I’m alright?” A small smile crossed my face as I brushed his cheek. “Something like that.” Kade had to stay overnight since it was getting late, and he was still a little bit wobbly though he digressed he was fine. I would pick him up the next morning. Out of earshot from Kade the doctor informed me to keep an eye on him and not stress himself. Even though his injuries were minor, he ought to have plenty of bed rest. Nodding, I bid goodnight and left the hospital. ~ “**** it! I’m not getting into that chair!” Kade demurred, clenching the covers of his bed. “But sir, you must; it’s hospital protocol,” pleaded the nurse. Concealing a smile underneath my hand, I suppressed a laugh as I observed his tiny tantrum. I felt bad for the sweet girl who had to put up with his objections, but this was Kade after all. When she desperately repeated her statement a few more times, I decided enough was enough. “Kade, get in the wheelchair,” I said sternly, my expression firm. He looked like he was about to protest again, but then determined better not to. Sighing, he plopped onto the seat and folded his arms as the nurse rolled him out of the room. Encountering the doctor as we left, I thanked him and waved goodbye. Laurence gave me an early dismissal to pick him up, and the next day began the weekends. I brought upon myself to heed the doctor’s words and take care of Kade in the coming few days. Something told me he would overexert himself if no one was there to keep watch of him. Entering his house, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Sloppiness I suppose. But the scene in front of me was quite the opposite. “Am I in the right house...?” I gaped. “Were you expecting a mess?” he asked, taking in my surprise. I dumbly nodded. It wasn’t just neat in here, it was immaculate! The living room looked untouched and the kitchen leading into the dining room almost spotless! Seems I’ve misjudged him. Without another word he made for the stairs. After a few steps though, he stumbled momentarily before I caught him. He grudging grunted his thanks, and we proceeded together to his room. Upon entering my jaw dropped. No, I judged correctly, I revised. Unlike downstairs, this room was in complete disarray. Clothes and papers were strewn across the floor with posters plastered against the wall and jumbled boxes in a corner brimming with a variety of items from CDs to books to who knows what. Taking a panorama of the so called bedroom, my expression crinkled in distaste. My eyes landed on a scarcely familiar sheet of paper. Is that math homework from two weeks ago?! I shook my head and tutted at the sight. I had a lot of work ahead of me. Ushering him onto the bed, the only piece of furniture not suffocated by other objects, I set about tidying the room up. As I worked, his slate coloured eyes observed my every motion. Disregarding his presence I shuffled, catalogued, and set aside until the room looked like every other room in the house. Satisfied I gave a curt nod to myself and went downstairs to refresh myself. Delving into the refrigerator and then on to the freezer, I settled upon the surprised find of an ice pop and headed outside. Cleaning had taken up almost the entire day as the sky and air spoke late evening as I plopped myself on the second to last step on the porch, my legs sprawled out in front of me to relieve the aching muscles. As I contemplated the amber light rebounding off onto pavement and stone while resting on dense foliage, I absently licked away at my pop, the chill of flavoured ice making me quiver a tinge. As the minutes passed by and the last rays of auburn gold slipped over the horizon, I felt soft padding through the wood and a plop of a person next to me. Shifting my eyes eastward I encountered shadowed scarlet and a prominent profile. The light hit his face just so, casting sheaves of polished brass onto vermillion as if striking it ablaze. “You’re on fire.” Kade turned to me perplexedly, and I flushed at my languid blunder. Seeming to dismiss my words as I looked away, he leaned back and propped himself on his palms. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” I nodded slowly, wishing I had a camera to capture the moment. Or rather, a photographer so I could look upon this perfect scene from a different perspective. After a few minutes in comfortable silence Kade spoke again. “You had a popsicle?” Lifting the empty stick, I turned and nodded. He edged forward on his side and took the outstretched wood and spun it around in his fingers. Sitting up slightly his grey irises peered up at me. “What flavour?” I began to respond when he abruptly kissed me, his tongue trailing enticingly at the edge of my mouth. Drawing back as quickly as he had come, he smirked and answered himself. “Strawberry.” Blushing furiously I snatched the stick from his grasp and flung it at him, making him chuckle. Rising in a flurry I stormed back inside to only be caught by Kade again as he seized me by the ankle. Letting out a cry of surprise as the floor careened towards me I fell upon- a Kade. “You jerk!” I exclaimed, and pounded his chest softly. He was still recovering after all. But he only laughed and wrapped his arms around me. When his chest stopped heaving from his laughs, I rotated my head towards him in a fierce gaze. Seeing my expression he gave an amused smile and sat up, taking me with him. “Stay here, I’m going to get something and come back,” he informed before getting up. As I watched his retreating form, I worried if he’ll stumble, but he soon appeared half a minuted later with an acoustic guitar slung around his shoulder. My eyes brightening with curiosity, I looked on as he briefly tuned it and struck up a melody. After a few strums he started singing, and I found myself beaming at every note and breath. Enthralled, I clapped happily like a child at its end. “That was amazing Kade!” I said vivaciously, my hands drawn together as I gazed at him in awe. He grinned lopsidedly and stroked my face. “Pretty good, huh?” I bobbed my head and replied, “I’m really impressed! You have a great talent for music!” He ruffled his hair sheepishly and explained how he’s in a band with a few other guys. He wasn’t the lead singer though, just the lead guitarist. They played a handful of times for the school and a couple of nightclubs, but they never got their big break. I watched in admiration as I saw his face light up as he spoke about how they met and how it was their dream to become a real band that toured that the country. “Then what’s stopping you? If you sought out some music producers I’m sure they’ll take you up in a second!” I encouraged, excited myself at the prospect. “Nothing’s stopping me,” he replied, lifting a strand of blonde, “But then I wouldn’t be with a certain little dollie.” Flushing, I got up and stared down at him. “Kade Barrile! As long as I’m living I will makes sure that dream becomes reality! So don’t back off just for my sake!” Sighing whilst smiling he looked up at me appreciatively. “If you say so, Mira.” ~It’s A Beautiful Day~ My fingers tapped consecutively against the tightly bound leather of the arm seat, my eyes flickering distractedly out of the window. Here I was, anxious about something that didn’t even pertain to me! When Kade told me they had sent in a cd to some music executives and got called in for an appointment, I nearly fell off the seat I was on I was so shocked! “We’re here.” I jumped at the mention of our arrival and cautiously clicked open the car door and stepped out into the hazy sunshine. Slick marble steps welcomed me as glass windows and steel frames towered above. I gulped nervously at the daunting size of the recording studio as we made our way up the steps. Along with Kade and the rest of his bandmates we entered through the automated doors to the front desk where we were directed to floor thirty seven. However, since I wasn’t a member, I stayed behind in the lobby; I was only there for moral support. And once again, I waited. After a while, metallic bronze doors glided open and they stepped out. Raising my eyes up tentatively, I beheld inscrutable faces. I rose from my seat and clasped my hands together as they came near. “So, how was it?” I queried, my eyebrows drawn in concern. Kade’s face widened into a brilliant smile as he flicked an illustrious pamphlet towards me. “We made it.” ~ My eyes gazed over the sight that was Cordes de Paradoxe, Paradox Chords. A band of four guys with the same ambition. Pale crystalline azure orbs fixed on a certain shade of red, watching in awe as he deftly strung the various threads of the burnished electric guitar. The sounds they fabricated, the feelings they inspired; I just wanted to watch forever. When the song came to a close, I popped off my perch, giggling and applauding ravingly. Everyone smiled at my elation, but the only one I cared about came from dusty argent eyes. “Um, Mira?” I turned at the voice from behind me. It was Laurence. Raising an eyebrow he hastily explained he needed to speak to me in private. Following him in puzzlement, I glanced quickly back, seeing questions in grey. Once we exited the confines of the school basement and into the Student Council Room, Laurence began to elucidate the situation. “I’m sorry to interrupt as I just heard they got signed for a recording contract as well as a tour once school breaks, but I had to speak with you on terms of future decisions. As you may know, you applied for early decision back at your old school. I’ve just received word that you’ve been accepted to Yale.” Warm topaz eyes peered benevolently at me as I promptly grasped the situation. He knew I was planning to accompany the band on tour as well as my long time aspiration to become a doctor since father died. The indelible memory of his death kindled a desire in me to save others’ lives as I couldn’t do anything about his. It was all on paper. Darn career forms! Looking steadily into his eyes, I saw the two options at hand. Follow the one I love. Or follow my dream. I wanted both. ~ Bowing my head and offering my thanks, I left the room, closing the door slowly behind me. When I looked up I saw a familiar figure leaning against the wall nearby. “Kade,” I sputtered, instantly wondering if he heard everything. Without looking at me, he asked simply, “So what are you going to do?” Sighing heavily I began to walk down the corridors, not taking heed of where I was going. He trailed soundlessly after, soon finding ourselves in the courtyard. Stopping near the centre, I detected a slight scuffle behind as he did the like. Uncertain, I turned around to face his stoic frame. “Ever since my father died, I’ve always wanted to be a doctor. So I worked towards that goal and applied to colleges renown for its medical fields. I never dreamed...” My words died off as my eyes riveted to the ecru pavement. Squeezing my eyes shut, I forced myself to continue, the nails of my fingers boring into my palm. “Kade,” I finally keened, “I’m being asked to chose between you and me!” Ire flared in ash, as he gazed at me vehemently. “Then for goodness sake choose yourself! Here you are going on about following dreams, when you don’t even chase your own!” He paused to hold his head and put his hand on hip, his eyes shut in frustration. “If you choose me over yourself I’ll never forgive you,” he whispered hoarsely. A small sob caught in my throat as I heard those words. Kade angled his gaze towards me slowly. “I’m sorry Mira. This is for the best. It’s over.” Heat stung in my eyes as I waited for him to say it was okay. That I heard wrong. That we could stay together. But he instead he severed his gaze and walked away. “Kade,” I whispered softly, my body quaking. Kade... ~It’s A Beautiful Day~ -End of Chapter The Fourth- © 2018 Chryiss |
Added on September 23, 2018 Last Updated on September 23, 2018 Author![]() ChryissCTAboutAn artist. A dreamer. A writer. A storyteller. I am Chryiss. These stories are the culminations of my imagination. Will you share in my daydreams? My latest fantasy novel, My World To Live, is ava.. more..Writing