Sadly, sometimes there is no reason, just the emptying of the person from their body, the becoming nothingness, the putting off for one more day the reaching out to a loved one. A lot of people think that they have endless time to maintain a relationship - it can't matter if they wait one more day. Cleanly written and right on the money.
Sadly, sometimes there is no reason, just the emptying of the person from their body, the becoming nothingness, the putting off for one more day the reaching out to a loved one. A lot of people think that they have endless time to maintain a relationship - it can't matter if they wait one more day. Cleanly written and right on the money.
I really like the beginning and end, nice rhyme, and meaningful enough without the reasons I feel.
The reasons for me distract from the emphasis of the second statement comparing loss of friends to "hell". Some of the reasons such as getting married lead to gradual loss of friendship. It's just a fact of life that people lose touch over time, and if you allow it to occur, it probably isn't "hell".
This hit home for me. I think we have all had friends that have left us without any explanation. Sometimes, we blame ourselves, or wonder why. In the end, if we try to reconnect and are snubbed, then we learn it is not us. It is them with the problem--whether it is drugs, or just an about face. Just a personal thought:)
I am a former member of North Shore Writers' Guild in Willoughby OH. I have had numerous poems published and letters. I am, currently, working on a screen play that I hope will interest my cousin-in.. more..