Assassins Mind Games - Chapter Two - SWAT

Assassins Mind Games - Chapter Two - SWAT

A Chapter by Chris

Sage is not your average teenager and goes in trying to steal jewels of vaule. Once in the hotel a Sting Operation is awating her, SWAT. What will happen once caught?


- Chapter Two -


Rounding the corner out of the shop the streets were mobbed. The early morning rush had started.
But Sage couldn't help to notice men dressed exactly like the man from the shop had surrounded, 'Cast Away Thrift Shop.'
Crossing the intersection Sage stole a glance behind her. The suited blond man along with another man with black hair who looked younger, ran along next to him. Cops. That was the only word to sum that up.
Sage briskly walked into the crowd of angry non morning business men and women.
"Excuse me. Sorry." she said every time she bumped into someone. Yet she wasn't apologizing for bumping into them, but for pickpocketing them at the same time.
Money, gift cards, some times a credit card too. That was only when your lucky, which happened to be today. An Asian women walked along spilling her wallet open. Sage quickly went to aid her, in the process she scored big.
After seeing the lady off Sage made sure to check the faces around her, don't want any trackers.
Content she continued through the morning crowds to the Marry Mount Hotel.
Once arriving Sage was stunned to see just how big this Hotel was. The Penthouse! How am I supposed to get up there and back down? Sage Angrily thought.
A door man dressed in a tasseled decorated suit with white gloves greeted the guests.
"The employees exit." Sage whispered out loud. Cooly walking around the brick building she found the exit door that read, 'EMPLOYEES ONLY!'
Slowly she peered in through the open door. It lead into the laundry room, with no one in sight.
Jackpot! She thought.
Staying low she went in sneaking behind a white canvas cart holding dirty clothes. Behind her she noticed a rack of freshly ironed suits for employees. From waiters to cleaners, Sage grabbed a staff waiters outfit. Taking it with her as she searched for a hidden corner to change.
She slipped the oversize black dress pants on over her dark cargo pants, then taking off her sweatshirt she pulled the white jacket on.
Keeping the plastic bag from the suit, Sage hung her new navy blue sweatshirt on it.
"The Prime Ministers wife asked for her dry cleaning." Sage said to herself smiling, she had got in.
Finding that the elevator as a death trap waiting to happen, Sage found it more comforting to take the stairs.
She had passed only three employees since traveling up ten flights. It was only when she came upon the fourth man was when trouble began.
The man looked bloody awful. His black hair sticking up in every direction, dark circles surrounded his blue eyes. Though the man looked like he was about to drop, his eyesight was very clear.
Seeing Sage in an employee work suit made his foggy mind question his eyes.
"Who are you?" he asked sternly.
"Sara, who are you?" Sage said giving him a false name.
"I'm the employee manager, and I don't remember you." he replied scratching his head.
Sage cleared her throat. "You hired me last night... you bought me a meal." her lies had been mastered over the years, being a teenage runaway and all.
She could see the mans mind trying to rap around her words.
"Alright. What are you doing?" he yawned.
"Taking up the Prime Ministers wife's dry cleaning." Sage tried her most charming smilie. But at the time with her bruised face and gash along the jaw, it didn't give off the affect she had been aiming for.
"Okay. Carry on, and Sara your fired. So don't bother coming to work tomorrow." he breathed out slowly continuing down the stairs.
"My pleasure." Sage mumbled making her way up to the Penthouse.
Rounding the halls corner she paused to listen. Surly she'd be able to hear if someone was in the penthouse suite.
Well an ordinary person may not, Sage thought, I'm far from ordinary.
Hearing nothing she glided along the wall over to the massive oak door. Sage raised her hand to knock, but reconsidered.
Instead her right hand slid down to the fancy golden door handle.
"Let's hope no ones home." she whispered under her breath pushing the door open a crack.
Looking through the crack with her hazel eye she saw a coat room leading into a hallway.
Silently she let her body through the small opening. Still holding the plastic bag containing her sweatshirt Sage stalked down the hallway.
Pink rose wallpaper surrounded her. Looking up Sage saw beauty in the lights, they were finely crafted decorated with tiny crystals.
Sage had never seen such craftsmanship for just one room before.
The first open door came to her right. Thinking she was alone Sage merrily walked in, only to stop dead in her tracks at the sight she saw.
Five police men with guns ready and drawn were pointing at her. Trying to act calm Sage stood, no emotion seeping out of her face.
One man off to the corner looking out the windows stood with his back to her. That blond hair with suit and tie could only be one person, Alexander Handerson.
"We've been waiting for you." his voice rang clearly through the room. Slowly he turned to face her, "I have two options for you to consider with great thought." Alexander's eyes were an odd color, not exactly green but not really brown. His eyes reminded Sage of a cats, big and wildly searching.
"Option one, you surrender and come quietly."
Like that's going to happen, she felt like saying.
Alexander held up two fingers, "Option two, you make this hard for us. It's your choice. Think very-"
Sage did not hear the last of the mans words, for she dashed around the corner towards the door.
Sprinting down the stairs she started to undo the buttons to her employees shirt. Tearing it off Sage threw it behind her.
"Unzip, unzip!" Sage cried while continuing to run. Finally after a three floor battles with the plastic bags zipper was when she pulled on her navy blue sweatshirt.
Above her Sage managed to hear shouting and loud angry voices cursing. After ten flights of stairs Sage's leg injury from the night before started to act up. "Come on!" she pounded her fist into her thigh trying to numb the pain.
Employees jumped out of Sage’s way complaining about her rudeness.
Up above Alexander was shouting into his two way radio, "I want SWAT to surround the circling five blocks! Your not to harm her, over."
Sage burst through the employees exit door, which was the one she had entered. Her first sight was of men dressed down in black combat suits, SWAT.
Sage sprinted down to the left, as the first man moved towards her.
Only one thought was flowing rapidly in Sage's mind. Sting operation, how could I have been so dumb! Chill Sage, you just have to escape.
Seven men were in pursuit, she grabbed random trash cans as she passed hurling them backwards.
"Hey, stop!" called one of the SWAT teams men.
As if! Sage thought. She knew exactly where she was, coming up was a maze of four way ally ways. Dodging down another ally way Sage realized another team was ready to follow.
Their trying to run me out, waiting for me to tire, Sage's mood dulled at the thought.
"It's time to get some air." She mumbled.
Continuing straight SWAT men still sprinted but were gaining on Sage although she held on.
Not even half a minute later she came to the open streets. Midday crowds looking for lunch where pushing and talking.
"Stop her!" Sage heard men shouting over the crowd.
One man looking like a football player rammed his shoulder into her stomach, taking Sage down.
Pushing the man off of her Sage struggled to gain foothold. The man rolled away, on her hands and knees Sage stood walking over to the man. A crowd moved around them, some filming the odd sight.
Sage waited for the man to get up, she raised both her hands up protecting her face. Taking a boxers stance she waited the man until he stood opposite, and he was the first to move. Lashing out a cross punch, Sage ducked. She then returned a right hand punch to the head and raised her right knee up hitting the man in the side. Both attack moves found there marks. The mans combat gear seemed to fail, he crumpled to the ground Sage had hit his temple.
Sage stood looking down, without having to look up she already knew who was waiting. She stood within a tight circle with SWAT men on all sides guns aimed. Sage slowly raised her arms up to the back of her head. Alexander pushed his way through, lifting his radio up, “We got her.”
Sage felt her arms being ripped behind her while another pair of hands shoved her to her knees. The last thing she saw was Alexander’s cat eyes and blond hair before a black bag was pulled over her head. Then darkness.         

© 2012 Chris

Author's Note

The second chapter in this novel. THIS IS STILL BEING EDITED IN SOME PARTS. Please enjoy it. Thanks, - Chris88 -

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Added on September 21, 2012
Last Updated on September 24, 2012
Tags: Assassins, Mind games, Chris88, thriller, action, adventure, Assassins mind games, crime



I'm also on Writers Network, that is my main website where you can see my posts. I'm Chris88 on there too. Writing in the works - - Assassins Mind Games - - Amanda Wilson & Sector 11 - - The West.. more..
