The Deliverance    Chapter 1,   The Meeting    Chapter 2,     The Favour   Chapter 3

The Deliverance Chapter 1, The Meeting Chapter 2, The Favour Chapter 3

A Chapter by Chris Yip

The Human condition under threat of the Supernatural & the Occult intertwined with the Spiritual that crosses over to the Physical world, where God & love are the saving Grace to the young man........



          Chapter 1

The Deliverance

Adam Appleseed, bespectacled, sat quietly in the old armchair looking down at his feet. Obviously he had something on his mind but one could not tell what on earth it was. He looked younger then his 26 years, about 5 years younger to be exact. He was wearing a light cotton jumper over a shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans.

 Vincent and Daniel stood awkwardly by the fireplace. It wasn’t cold. It just seemed like the right place to stand in that spacious old room. It was spring in fact, in the month of September in Melbourne, Australia, to be more precise.  There was a built in floor to ceiling book case on the wall to the left side of the fireplace. It was filled to the brim with all sizes of books, some in whole volumes. There was a row of windows on the opposite side with heavy drapes drawn.  The ceiling was high which was typical of old Victorian houses.

Pastor Jacob entered the study through the corridor and shut the door behind him and said quietly,” Is this the young gentlemen I am supposed to see today.” Before they could answer he turned towards Adam and stopped a few feet away and said a quick prayer under his breath. He pulled a study chair up closer to Adam and sat down, all the time looking at him. Adam, with a blank look seemed oblivious to what was happening in front of him. Pastor Jacob continued to study Adam for a minute or two than he asked gently. ”Son, how are you feeling today?”

“Good.” Adam replied in a quick and abrupt manner, obviously not much thought was put into the answer. His voice sounded a bit croaky but that of a man his age.

“How are you doing in your job?” Pastor Jacob asked carefully.

“Wonderful.” Adam said quickly but robotically. Obviously he had great practice in answering that particular question.

“Do you like your work?” Pastor Jacob continued. His voice was clear, matured and strong for his age.

“Good,” Adam answered again automatically with a single word.

Pastor Jacob looked straight into Adam’s eyes, they looked glazed. They lacked depth. There was no spirit in them. It seemed that the old saying, “The eyes were the window to the soul” didn’t apply here. Pastor Jacob could not see into his soul or maybe Adam Appleseed did not have a soul.

All this time, Vincent, in his mid forties, and Daniel who was 31 years old, watched and listened intently. They were both dressed in casual long sleeved shirts and slacks. This was their first meeting with Pastor Jacob and they were not disappointed. They knew in their hearts they had brought Adam to the right person. They also couldn’t help but notice, Pastor Jacob’s 60 plus year old hulking six foot four figure that out-sized Adam’s 5 foot 11 ½ inch somewhat pudgy medium build frame. Pastor Jacob wore an old thick polo neck wool jumper and heavy looking dark grey pair of pants. He had suspected what Adam’s problem was beforehand but by having the rather short exchange of words with Adam and observing him in person, Pastor Jacob was pretty much convinced of it now.

“Adam, I know you have suffered terribly for as far back as you can remember and you don’t know why?” Pastor Jacob said with empathy.

Adam remained quiet.

“You are confused by people and the world around you so much so that it hurts everyday,” continued Pastor Jacob.

Adam’s body stirred ever so slightly.

“Nobody seems to understand your pain, there's no one you can find to trust.”

Adam's feet moved slightly.

“Adam you will find all the peace and happiness you have missed out on all this years,” Pastor Jacob spoke this time with compassion and deep sincerity in his voice. “You just have to trust in what I say.”

“Do you understand Adam?”

“We can help you.”

There was still no response. There was silence then Adam nodded his head, three times. One could have sworn seeing a tiny teardrop run down his expressionless face. Somehow with those few words Pastor Jacob was able to penetrate Adam’s wall and reach his heart.

Pastor Jacob stood up and turned around towards Vincent and Daniel. He walked over and conferred with them.

“He needs a lot of watching over.”

“Where is he staying now?” continued Pastor Jacob.

“He is supposed to be staying on his own in an apartment in East Caulfield”, answered Daniel, “but the last 3 weeks........”

“What's his background? Is he Christian?”


Just then they heard a deep sob and they turned around. It was Adam, he had started to cry.

“There now Adam,” comforted Pastor Jacob, “it's all going to be fine”.

Adam's face was buried in his own hands. He was in tears and he couldn’t control them. Suddenly, he cried out loud in between his sobs.

“Help me …………………….. Please help me.”

“What's wrong Adam?” Pastor Jacob asked with concern now.

“It's the voices....... I'm frightened.”

There was a pause.

“Okay, you mean you hear voices.”


“Are they speaking now?” asked Pastor Jacob.


“We better pray for him.”

Pastor Jacob quickly went to Adam's side and stood over him. He started praying aloud. Vincent and Daniel followed suit. Together they prayed for Adam.

“They are disturbing me real bad now,” Adam managed to blurt out, “they're screaming”.

“Who are these voices?” asked Pastor Jacob with real concern.

“I don't know, they have been following me for years,” said Adam in between sobs.

“Do you take medication to control these voices?”

“Yes, but the medication doesn't work,” said Adam still in tears, “I'm scared”.

The scene was building up to full blown spiritual warfare.

“What are they telling you now?”

“They're telling me not to listen to you,” Adam rambled on, “and if I do ....”

“If you do, then what?” asked Pastor Jacob.

“I will die, here.”

Vincent and Daniel felt fearful and stood back.

“Adam, they are the spirits of fear, guilt and others in you, you have to stand up to them, be strong.” explained Pastor Jacob.

“This looks like a good time as ever to face them.” Pastor Jacob declared.

He very calmly continued praying aloud for Adam, “In the name of Christ, I rebuke the evil one…………. may the blood of the holy lamb cover your body…………..with the power of Christ I bind you the evil one.”

Then Pastor Jacob took a bible, opened it and began reading verses out loud from it.

Adam started coughing while trying to catch his breath. The coughing came from his gut. Then it got worse.

Pastor Jacob continued reading. The atmosphere in the room was getting heavy yet electrifying at the same time. The coughing started getting violent. All at once Adam's eyes opened wide. Then his mouth opened wide too for a few seconds as if something large and invisible was crawling out of it. Nothing could be seen by Pastor Jacob.

“Did you feel something coming out of your mouth?”

“Yes.” choked Adam.

“Hallelujah.” Pastor Jacob muttered to himself.

“Years of accumulated filth,” stated Pastor Jacob,” just left you”.

“Adam, can you see anything when you cough with your eyes closed?” continued Pastor Jacob.


“What do you see?” asked Pastor Jacob.

“I see lights of……. Eyes,” gasped Adam, “lots of them”.

“These are the spirits of corruption with a foothold on him,” Pastor Jacob told Daniel and Vincent. ”Real stubborn fellows”, he added. Daniel and Vincent listened and were getting puzzled.

“Okay I'll try this now,” whispered Pastor Jacob.

Years of experience was coming into play. He knelt down on the heavily carpeted floor with both hands raised.

“For the love of God is greater than anything else I command the corruption to leave you now!”

No effect.

“Adam, start praying to Jesus Christ. Ask him to help you, be brave.”

“For the love of God knows no boundaries, I command the corruption to leave you now!” Pastor Jacob raised his voice.

“Christ help me please, dear God, please...” Adam cried out. The voices were getting louder in his mind.

“Adam be strong, don't fear,” Pastor Jacob reiterated.

“For the love of Jesus Christ is greater than all things in heaven, on earth and in the universe I command the corruption to leave Adam Appleseed now!”

Adam shook all over for a quick moment.

“In Jesus Christ name I command that Adam Appleseed be released from all bondages in his life. I command this now!” shouted Pastor Jacob at the top of his voice.

There was a sudden chill in the atmosphere. Then in the darkened room Daniel and Vincent saw something that would defy logic for the rest of their lives. At the same time Adam had closed his eyes and in that brief moment he saw the terrifying image of a demon appear in his mind.

Adam screamed out loud and stopped. But the scream continued on and it did not come from Adam anymore. Instead a screaming shadowy figure more like a dark silhouette and not unlike a large monkey's shape emerged out of Adam and ran for the door, carrying Adam's scream echoing all the way out. It happened so fast. It was like a scene from some supernatural movie.

There was a brief silence. Everyone had frozen. Then Pastor Jacob broke the silence.

“The old spirit has left......” announced Pastor Jacob slowly.

Adam cried again but it was tears of joy as what seemed like a wave of warm flowing water flooded his heart. He felt peaceful for the first time in a long, long time. Meanwhile Daniel thought he saw a halo glowing around Adams head and chest for a moment.

“And the new spirit has arrived,” noted Pastor Jacob with observation. Daniel and Vincent were lost for words.

“Gentlemen you have witnessed something that wasn't meant for human eyes.”

“And you, Adam, will not be the same again.”

Daniel and Vincent breathed a sigh of relief. But more was still to come. Pastor Jacob started to get up from his knees from the old cut pile carpet when suddenly Adam screamed out again.

“Aghh.” Adam cried out.

“What's wrong Adam?” Pastor Jacob questioned loudly and immediately.

“They're grabbing my legs. I can feel them, dozens of them!”

“I don't see them Adam!” shouted Pastor Jacob who got down on his knees and started praying again, “I don't see them.”

This continued for mere seconds but seemed like ages, then.

“What in heaven’s name.....?” quipped Pastor Jacob alarmingly.

Adam's clothes had started to smoulder. Then the legs of his pants caught fire.

“Jesus Christ, help me!” screamed Adam in pain.

“Put out the fire, quickly.” commanded Pastor Jacob.

Daniel grabbed a table cloth from the table nearby while Vincent grabbed a cushion from an old settee and they both smothered the flames. It was out in seconds.

“My God, they won't let go,” remarked Pastor Jacob, “both of you continue praying”.

Pastor Jacob prayed aloud again, so did Daniel and Vincent. Adam’s entire body slithered down to the front of the chair and he seemed to be in a trance. He started coughing from his gut again. He jerked forward a couple of times and then convulsed violently still coughing. His glasses were flung off. All of a sudden thousands of tiny black bubble like flies started to fly out of his mouth. They shot out like a spray and disappeared into the ceiling that seemed to be shimmering. The volume was tremendous.

“These are the forces of darkness leaving,” announced Pastor Jacob, “but they will be back”. Daniel couldn't help feeling overwhelmed by the event, shivering slightly himself.

A few seconds later Adam laid there motionless, his eyes were closed and his mouth slightly open and was drooling.

Pastor Jacob, panting, asked gently, “Adam, are you okay?”

But there was no response. Then he pushed Adam's left thigh with his hand. Adam's thigh was cold as ice and he didn't move. Daniel and Vincent started to have a bad feeling.

“Something’s wrong. He's not responding. He's real cold.” spoke Pastor Jacob with alarm.

“He's not breathing.” Vincent observed with dread.

“Let me help!” snapped Daniel, “I know CPR”. He got down beside Adam and put his left ear to Adam's chest and listened.

“He's not breathing alright,” said Daniel. Then he proceeded to give Adam mouth to mouth resuscitation. Things were getting tense as Daniel worked on Adam. This went on for about 20 seconds. Pastor Jacob and Vincent just watched.

“He's still not breathing,” gasped Daniel trying to catch his breath, “Vincent! Call 911”.

“Right.” answered Vincent as he immediately went to the phone in the hall.

Pastor Joseph started to pray again. Suddenly Adam's body began to shake terribly all over, like he was shivering. Daniel tried to continue the mouth to mouth resuscitation but couldn't.

“You have to hold him down,” ordered Daniel, “I can't help him this way”.

Pastor Jacob shouted, “We got to do something quick, he's going.”

Adam's body continued shaking. They couldn't hold him still. Daniel tried to continue giving CPR but couldn't. Adam's face started to change colour and his lips were already bluish. Time was running out.

“I don't know what to do.” Daniel cried out with desperation.

“We are not going to lose him. We are not going to lose him!” reiterated Pastor Jacob with defiance and desperation.

“We got to do something! Anything!” screamed Daniel.

Pastor Jacob then got up with both hands over Adam.

“Oh, God have mercy on this young man,” shouted Pastor Jacob in prayer, “spare his life Lord. You are the giver of life......You have saved him from the forces of darkness now save his life........Dear God save him, please save him.”

Life always seems so fragile yet precious in the face of death. It wasn't any different in this case. Would this young man just saved from the bondages of sin survive the trauma of deliverance? His life had always been a tragedy, barely hanging in the balance. He suffered most of his years in his clouded world. He was different from others. That was his problem. As a result his life was singled out to be destroyed. Now he stood on the thin line between life and death.





          Chapter 2


It was February, earlier that year. Daniel was busy keying in some information into his desktop in his compact but well furnished office room at Blakeley’s the publishing house. Just then Richard appeared at the door tapping at the glass panel window. There was someone beside Richard. “Good morning, got someone here to introduce to you. Adam, meet Daniel your assistant editor.” Daniel got up and extended his hand with a big warm smile but was a bit taken aback by the blank look on Adam’s unsmiling face.

Then Adam knocked his foot against the corner of the 2 seater sofa by the doorway. He almost stumbled then recovered and offered his hand.

“Ahem, good morning Adam,” said Daniel as he hung on to Adam’s mechanical but firm hand shake. It was quite odd.

There was a pause, as if Adam was trying to recall what to say.

“Wonderful to meet you Mr. Daniel, my name is Adam Appleseed.” Adam then said in a rather monotonous voice and without any expression and emotion written on his face, his beady eyes peering through his lenses all the time.

“My name is Daniel Austin, have you worked in a publishing house before?” Daniel said trying to come out with another big warm smile.

There was another moment of silence. There was no answer from Adam. He seemed to be working out a reply.

Daniel’s confidence in the man dropped another rung.

“Nice to have you here with us at Blakeley’s.” Daniel managed to continue to say though already a bit perturbed with his initial exchange of words with this strange awkward young man.

Richard interjected, “Adam will be joining us as trainee writer under the business and finance section. I’m sure you will take good care of him, Daniel.” Richard smiled and winked at Daniel. Daniel was taken aback for the second time and his mouth opened to say something but stopped halfway.

At the same instance he caught Adam's wincing hurt look at Richard’s and his own stealthy exchange. For a split second Adam showed some emotion and personality.

 It struck Daniel that Adam was not only awkward but highly sensitive. Not such a good combination. A strange uneasy feeling ran through his gut.

I’m going to be responsible for this nerd and for all the stupid things that I know he is going to do. And God knows for how long.

“Daniel, why don’t you show Adam around then start him up on something to do, Daniel did you hear me…….” Richard said again louder.

“Uh, oh yes, of course,” said a startled Daniel. He sighed and said with a hint of agitation. ”Adam, please follow me.”

“Yes, Mr. Daniel.” Adam managed to reply this time and like a toy soldier. Again the strange feeling ran through Daniel’s gut.

They proceeded to the modern looking main work area where there were three rows of island work stations. The place looked busy but neat, filled with desktops, files and stationary. On the way there Adam accidentally knocked a file off a table. A staff of 24 could easily fit into the work stations. As Daniel introduced Adam to each and everyone there, it seemed confirmed to him that there was something seriously wrong with Adam. Each introduction he made only magnified his dread. The whole time Adam was robotic and had this awful blank look on his face. Adam did not even smile once to any of the 13 new colleagues he was introduced to. This really alarmed Daniel.

Talk about not having any personality, this guy takes the cake.

“Okay, Adam, this is Freddy. He's one of our four photographers. He has 12 years experience in this business. He's one of the best.” Daniel introduced.

Again out of the same expressionless face came the words,” Wonderful to meet you, Mr. Freddy. My name is Adam Appleseed.”

“Err, please to meet you Adam,” Freddy replied cautiously then smiled saying. “Better watch out, I’m the crazy guy that does crazy candid shots in this office!”

Adam did not respond.

“Ha, huh, huh.” Freddy laughed nervously to himself.

There was still no response from Adam.

Daniel was cringing.

“I was only kidding,” said Freddy to get out of the awkward situation.

“Oh” was Adams reply.

“Let’s meet Lynn the graphic designer.” Daniel quickly cut in. He walked on, while Adam hobbled 3 steps behind to the Graphic Design room. Lynn was a pretty girl, 23 years old, with lovely blue eyes and blond hair styled in a bob. She wore a white T-shirt and light blue jeans. She was quite petite standing at five foot four. She was every bit the girl next door.

“Lynn,” Daniel called out. ”this is, ahem, eh, Adam, your new colleague.” Lynn turned around from her work table and flashed a big smile only to be met by Adam’s already infamous blank look. But this time the look turned into a stare.

“Hi! Nice to have you on our team,” said Lynn cheerfully in a rather girlish voice.  Daniel observed Seed’s jaw drop open an inch. As he focused on Lynn, his face looked stunned and he struggled to speak but nothing came out from his mouth. His body began to shake and beads of perspiration started to appear quickly on his forehead.

He accidentally knocked a bottle on Lynn's table as he reached out to shake her hand.

“Oh, sorry.” said Adam automatically.

“That's alright.” answered Lynn. Then she placed back the bottle upright.

Adam looked real stupid standing there not knowing what to do or say next. He was fidgeting all over.

Lynn asked, “Are you in the business and finance section?”

Adam was tongue tied. He was struggling with himself. He just kept on staring at Lynn speechless. He managed to stammer out,


Daniel looked at Lynn, to his surprise, Lynn continued to smile. She wasn’t phased one bit. She seemed in fact to be tickled pink by Adam’s extreme awkwardness. She continued,” Don’t worry Adam you will be fine here with us, we’ll take good care of you.” She beamed another radiant smile.

There was a pause. Adam was still struggling. Then he blurted out in a hoarse voice

“How old are you?” That’s all Adam could say. Daniel was aghast.

There was a silence.

Then Lynn coolly answered, “Too young to die, but old enough to fall in love.” and chuckled ever so sweetly.

Daniel himself couldn’t help being charmed. He looked at Adam and observed that his jaw had dropped another inch. His face had turned reddish and there seemed to be an element of emotion. His lenses were fogging up too. Adam appeared to be smitten pretty evidently by Lynn while at the same time making a dozen or so people feel pretty uneasy. All in the first 10 minutes of his new job!

        Chapter 3

The Favour 

That evening, Daniel was still dressed in his office attire but with his coat hanging neatly on the back of his chair. He was sitting at the far corner of the Starbucks outlet at Queen Street half a block away from Blakeley’s. It was 6.20pm and the heat of the summer’s day was lower. 

The interior was dimly lit with down-lights and pendant lamps. There were about 20 or so other people chit-chatting or reading newspapers in the outlet. There were a few people staring at the screens of their laptops. He sipped his ice coffee mocha with cream through a broad straw, savouring every bit of it. Just then Richard his boss came in and got himself a drink at the counter. Next he went straight to where Daniel sat. Richard took off his grey coat and sank his lanky body into the brown sofa chair opposite Daniel.

“Hi, sorry to keep you waiting mate, but I had to make some last minute arrangements for tomorrow’s board meeting.” said Richard in his strong Australian accent.

“It’s okay Richard, I’ve been enjoying my mocha,” replied Daniel quite nonchalantly.

“So what’s this about Adam?” asked Richard, who seemed to be cooling down in the air conditioned coffee house.

“You don’t know what I mean?” replied Daniel in a somewhat surprised voice.

“No, I don’t.”

“Oh yes, you do. He’s weird and he makes everyone uneasy or turned off in the office. You want me to add anything else.”

Richard was tongue tied for a moment, then.....

“Okay, okay I know what you mean. Please bear with him,” pleaded Richard, who was in his late forties, his hair already white and thinning at the top.

“Bear with him!?” answered Daniel dramatically. ”He'll probably bring the house down first. In fact he made a mess with our net working system today”.

“What did he do?”

“I don't know but the system was hanging for more than an hour.”

“He really needs a lot of motivation and someone to understand him.” added Richard

“Understand him!?”

“Uh, yes.” answered Richard meekly.

“How do you understand a person from another planet?!” exclaimed Daniel.

“Now Daniel, let's get things in perspective.” asserted Richard..

“Why did you hire him? He can’t even handle himself. How do you expect him to handle this job?” Daniel fired away.

“I have a reason.”

“What is it?”

“I’m doing someone a favour.” answered the craggy face editor slowly.

“Who’s this someone?” asked Daniel, interrogatively.

Richard breathed out as he began to explain.

“Adam is the nephew of someone on the board,” answered Richard slowly. “I won’t say who. But that someone says that Adam needs help……..A lot of help. Adam was a brilliant student in his younger days……..scholarship holder and all the other things that goes with it. Something happened, he changed and now he is the way he is.”

“So why give him a job that’s highly pressured that he is going to lose anyway? That won’t do him any good,” questioned Daniel again.

“It’s just not about helping him out with a career, it’s also about you helping him, Daniel,” answered Richard.

“What?!” exclaimed Daniel again.


“What am I supposed to do?” demanded Daniel.

“Your reputation for social work has preceded you. You have helped a lot young people since you joined your church’s youth ministry. I know I don’t believe in Jesus Christ and all that mumbo jumbo but this person on the board does. You would be doing me a favour”.

“Besides Adam has a talent for writing business and financial articles. Don’t ask me how he does it. But he does.” continued Richard.

“Come on, who's this person on the board?” demanded Daniel again.

“Sorry, I'm not at liberty to tell you.”

“Is it old man Rawlings?” asked Daniel.

Richard shook his head.

“I don’t see how we can help him, Richard,” Daniel stated as a matter of a fact.

But Richard pleaded again, “Please Daniel, Adam needs our help. At the moment Blakeley’s is his only chance for a future.”

“Adam needs someone like you, someone with patience and ……..”

“And a real boy scout attitude.” Daniel continued.

“Not in so many words.”

“Why do I always end up with the difficult ones?”

“Don’t you know?” Richard answered earnestly with a question and continued. “That’s your gift.”

“Do I really have to do this?” It was Daniel's turn to plead.

“No, but you know it's the Christian thing to do.”

“There you go, using my Christian conscience against myself,” quipped Daniel.

“It's not that. It's just that you have a heart for people, especially young people.”

“You really want me to look out for Adam.” Daniel was relenting.

“Please.” Richard pleaded one more time.

Daniel was silent while rubbing his chin with his hand. He often did that when he was contemplating something seriously. The time ticked away. Richard didn't realize it himself but he had started to say a prayer to God.

Then Daniel took a deep long breath and released it, “Okay Richard I'll do it but I’m doing it for Christ, not for you, not for Adam or that someone on the board. Just for Christ. I hope I don’t live to regret it. “

“Thanks mate, I really do appreciate it.” Richard said with a sigh of relief. He was really happy. He took a seep form his large espresso. “Yugh, taste like sandpaper, nothing like a pint of Lager”.

Daniel finished the last of his mocha, his straw making noises at the bottom of his plastic cup.

“I will help straighten Adam out and at the same time keep his job,” said Daniel, he paused for a moment and then muttered under his breath.

”I must be a fool for Christ.”

© 2012 Chris Yip

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Added on February 1, 2012
Last Updated on February 28, 2012


Chris Yip
Chris Yip

I'm an Interior designer but involved in sales and marketing of construction chemical products now. My experience in writing is limited and this unfinished novel that i am writing now is my first real.. more..

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