What The Prophet Knows For Sure
by Chris T.
I herald the things of the Lord that I have seen,
The observance of my experience; of my vision keen.
I am the town crier from things witnessed above,
Of the care and hope of God’s great love.
I am the worker in the field so wide,
Who’ll listen to His call and not run and hide.
The one who’s willing to meet someone’s need,
Not just with words but in power and deed.
For I hope to be the one who tells,
Not of what I heard, but of what I know for myself,
About the deepness of His love reaching farther down
Than any human promise of truth that looks so sound.
Please recognize the difference that Tozer did describe,
That separates the efforts of prophet and scribe.
Prophets speak of certainties that they have beheld for themselves,
And Scribes pen the whispers of others then placed upon their shelves
The cleaver splits the point of hearing and finding out for true,
And knowing for one’s self what is the proper view,
Of cultivating a love that’s closer than a friend,
Seeing for myself beyond what just is penned.
I aspire to be more than what the scribe hears,
More than the cloistered second-hand knowledge that falls on deaf ears.
For I am a prophet who speaks of what he knows for sure,
Taking the time to grasp the love of God that will always endure.
This note will be long. So, if you don't want to read it that is your right to do so. But, in saying that, I believe this note will give you a fuller understanding of the poem and inside this commentary, there is some nuggets of truth to hold on to. Therefore, please continue reading if you would like to do so.
I know, I know, the title of this post can seem a little odd and might put off some people. You might be thinking: “Now, the GPP just might have fallen off of the edge on this one. And, you could be right. But, when putting the Kingdom of God first in one’s life, it looks strange and weird to the darkened eyes of this world. So, I boldly press on!
This subject, the difference between prophets and scribes, is vast and expansive. It would be a several part series to do it justice as a whole and I don’t feel the Lord wants me to undertake that task in this post; at least, not right now.
In A.W. Tozer’s book: “The Pursuit of God“, he explains the difference between prophets and scribes as it relates to our experiencing God in our hearts. Tozer states: Prophets tell of what they have seen and heard from God; and Scribes tell others of what they have read. Now, right away, I want to point out something so we won’t go off subject and get distracted from the impact of what Tozer describes and what I am trying to share with you here. First, I know that reading God’s word is extremely important to everyone and it increases our faith(Romans 10:17). What I am not saying at this point is a de-valuing message about reading and intensely studying the word of God; which I vehemently advise and do myself. This post is undertaking to point out the difference of just being spoon-fed things others tell you about God, versus hearing and knowing from God for yourself. So, please don’t misunderstand here: It’s all about the heart and not the head.
Mr. Tozer goes on to point out that we are overrun with orthodox, legalistic scribes who have a hard, burden placing voice that sounds out to the people. But, what the people need is the tender voice of the saint who has taken the time to penetrate the veil and gaze with inward eye upon the wonder of our magnificent God (due to its length this quote is paraphrased). I couldn’t agree with Tozer’s statement more. The world has enough people screaming their own legalistic, self-seeking, burden-like messages. What we all need, me included, is the tender-hearted voice of a person who intimately knows God and isn’t afraid to give an account of the hope that they have in their hearts(1 Peter 3:15).
In the Hebrew, there are 3 words that are used to describe prophets; two of them are virtually used the same way. They are: Roeh and Hozeh; which mean one who sees the message that God gives to them. The other word in Hebrew is Navi; which is translated as spokesman of God. So, if you encapsulated all of them together, a prophet is one who sees things from God and speaks to the people about what the Lord has shown them; someone who heralds God’s truth.
Now, in my study of scribes, many texts characterize them as defenders of the Law and Judaism. Some of them were pharisees as well. They usually dressed in long robes like nobility and strongly pursued public acclaim. They demanded the utmost reverence from everyone in a haughty, self-seeking way. Most of all, they added to the Law numerous strict regulations, as they interpreted things by their own wisdom, and placed a grievous heavy burden for people to bear. Probably, their most egregious error was that they believed that their constant reading and interpreting of the old testament law merited them eternal life for doing so. Thus, choosing the head knowledge of man, versus the heart knowledge of an intimate relationship with God who gives us knowledge and truth from His Throne of Grace.
Therefore, let us not make the mistake of the scribe and press onward toward a deeper relationship with God. For, the prophet has taken the time to enjoy the Lord in His holy presence and getting a word directly from the Omniscient Lord and then speaking that to whomever the Spirit of God is leading him to. But, the scribe is only concerned with head knowledge that can get you an accolade, or a place of honor above another man. We can all have that closeness with God. Thanks to Jesus and His sacrifice, God tore the veil of the Holy of Holies from top to bottom(Matthew 25:51); showing all people that He desires a close and intimate relationship with His creations.
Folks, let us all aspire to be “prophet-like” in our own “pursuit of God”. Let us all stop being spoon-fed what others tell us about God and let’s take the time to know God deeply in our own hearts. That is a knowledge and a treasure more valuable that silver or gold. God constantly calls out to us moment by moment. Please, I implore you to take the time to stop hearing about the Lord; and take the time to experience Him for yourself by having a heart “fit to break” for the friendship that God designed for you to have with Him from the beginning.
The poem below speaks of my desire to be prophet-like in my heart; to know Him for myself and to speak His truth to all that would listen. The piece conveys an intense want to bend my will to His and be the Lord’s herald to all that will listen. I am not trying to say that I feel I am a prophet myself, or that I have some prophetic gift of any kind; because I don’t. I feel it just speaks of knowing in the deepest parts of my heart the voice of the Lord and my yearning to be fully captured by Him in all facets of my soul.
God is not hard to find and is never far from any of us. Here is a verse to meditate on and help you spur on in your pursuit of Him as well. Acts 17:27: “ that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, for
“‘In him we live and move and have our being’;
as even some of your own poets have said,
“‘For we are indeed his offspring.’
( ESV)
The old hymn says “Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling; calling for you and for me”. So, come home. Please, you sinners, which is me and everyone else, come home to Him.
The Great Plains Poet, worst sinner of them all, but hard seeker of God in my own heart.
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