As I run, as I hide, as I draw the knife, as I rob the dead, as I starve myself to lose weight, as I wait for the mail while curled up on the couch, as I write down everything I have to live for, as I try to stop the bleeding from the stumps that are my legs, as I pray to Jesus Christ my one and only saviour, as I sign my life away, as I burn my only copy of the old testament with a lighter, as I am raped and then strangled to death by my best friend, as I cry tears of joy at the wedding of my youngest daughter, as I run away from home with no shoes on, as I take all my pills at once, as I realise that I can never forgive you, as I am told the painful truth, as I read your suicide note, as my dad beats me with his belt, as I open my eyes for the first time, as I am hated by everyone at school, as I shed a tear while putting on my lipstick before I sell my body on the street corner, as I am told that there is no cure, as I fall out of love, as I aim for the head of the third man I will kill today, as I draw my last breath
it was a very good poem.
honestly, as i was reading this, i was thinking of a sniper guy who contemplated in his mind why he is doing his job... and then in his mind, fastly flashing were blurry, disorderly pics of his life... and still dont understand why...
it was a very good poem.
honestly, as i was reading this, i was thinking of a sniper guy who contemplated in his mind why he is doing his job... and then in his mind, fastly flashing were blurry, disorderly pics of his life... and still dont understand why...