-salute- May our flag fly high and show that we are free! I liked this poem... my father fought in Vietnam and I have several friends over seas protecting the rights of freedom. I hope every true American reads this and feels proud to be an American... regardless of what we feel about the war or about our government. America is a land of people who share one trait: we are free. And I'm damn proud to be an American!
Well then, T.L. If it weren't for hate-mail, I'd have very little mail at all these past fews days. But at least hate is an emotion. Our words can inspire such strong emotions as hate; that's an accomplishment. You've no idea what I've been called the last few days, all because I won't back down from my beliefs in the face of weak, by-rote arguments against those beliefs. No skin off my nose. Popularity is overrated anyway.
And now for your enjoyment.... Merriam-Webster presents "The Real Definition of Fascism for All Those Too Stupid To Use the Word Correctly":
"a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control".
Simple, patriotic, true --- Nicely written. I abhor those who speak out against those excercising their freedom of speech. As a soldier, every American has the right to say whatever they damn well please. I chose to fight for that 7 years ago. If they want to spit in my face, or by me lunch, it's all the same to me. As long as whatever they say or do - they mean it, and consider it something worth fighting for. We are American, we fight. This is our creed, we live by it.
T.L. You've hit the nail right on the head with this piece. Love of ones country and pride in the collective achievements of ones fellow countrymen and women is a beautiful thing.
Your poem epitomises all of the above in a straight forward and passionate manner and for that, I applaud you.
Excellent rant, Terry.That's the problem with the world, we're all so obsessed with supporting our countries - wherever we live - not for purely personal reasons, but because we all want to be a part of the crowd, to be accepted by our neighbours. Who wants to speak out? If something isn't right, I say, let us all shout it from the rooftops.The USA is, without a doubt, the greatest country in the world, bar none (Ireland is second). Heck, even Britain is a great nation. But when freedom of speech is killed, any country suffers... how soon we forget the generations that fought against communism.When governments lie, freedom dies. And we all become slaves to the lie.
It always bothered me when individuals who do nothing to help our society yet are the first to b***h. Its these ignorant people who make me think less of the morality within our world.. On a personal note i love hate mail.. it lets me know i am making some sort of difference
God bless our veterans and soldiers! And, horray for you, TL! Nice poem, which I believe expresses the thoughts and passions of a majority of our citizens!
heh. i think it was an article in national geographic.... but it might have even been my local paper.....
it was about how soldiers were coming home from iraq expecting a change here in the states, but not seeing a damn differance. a few of them said how some americans just aren't worth fighting for. from a civilian point of view, it's hard to swallow. from a soldiers point of view... it's truth.
I started writing as a way to work out my feelings and found that I enjoyed it very much. I enjoy humor and feel that you can find it in most things, even though it may be hard to find at the moment. .. more..