Wow, very similar to "In My Skin". It goes without saying that I related to your poem and could feel the uncomfortableness you feel of being "you". I loved the stanza that said, "Why couldn't I been normal, as all the others are...To live life in peace not one that is so bizarre."
We rarely are able to see all the pain that others hide beneath their surfaces. At the same time most of us are aware that others don't know us, don't truly know what we are, who we are, or what makes us do what we do. We're lucky, in fact, if we have a reasonably good understanding of our own selves. Your prayer is a universal one, one that many of us consider at different times and perhaps different ways.
Wow, very similar to "In My Skin". It goes without saying that I related to your poem and could feel the uncomfortableness you feel of being "you". I loved the stanza that said, "Why couldn't I been normal, as all the others are...To live life in peace not one that is so bizarre."
Very real and down to earth, a visual look of what you are going through. The fact is a lot of people have their own miseries and challenges. The people that keep getting up and going on are the strongest ones of all. The people who have no challenges, nothing that makes life a challenge, they are weak because when a storm comes, they will not have the experience to get through. I believe you are strong and you have the courage to keep going. A curse, a blessing... but you are amazing to have gone through what you already have. Time moves on and there will be good days and bad days however, the bad days are the ones that we often remember. Try to focus in on the good ones! You are a great person with a lot of stories in your head. The way you write is so appealing, so down to earth and can be related too. They are also funny. That makes me think that you can laugh at yourself. You have friends and we are all cheering you on! Everyday, every minute, every second we are here to listen.
The flow is well done and you have a great concept. I just didn't get into it, the imageru seems a bit well overused, maybe bacuz there are so many death or torment poems around that they weigh down the better pieces like this.
Brilliant, Terry. The flow here is fantastic, this is a highly publishable poem. And one a lot of people can relate to - why couldn't I have been a footballer, a rock star or a poet? One out of three ain't bad.
Oh Terry my dear, what can I do? This poem is so very much pierced with sadness. It is beautiful. But I d like to see Terry write positive nice poetry. I like this poem very much.
Gosh, I can feel your fear, and how you call to God,
Im not strong as others think
Im scared to holy death
Of living or just dying
And losing my last breathe
the greatest fear in humanity, our anxieties, you described so well
to lose one's breath....
I started writing as a way to work out my feelings and found that I enjoyed it very much. I enjoy humor and feel that you can find it in most things, even though it may be hard to find at the moment. .. more..