The sky is no limit, there are footprints on the moon.
These are the rooftops I remember. Where we used to stand and watch people. They were like political zombies. The same sunrise and sunset routine took place here. The concrete always begged for a kiss. Asking us to take flight from our resting place. Asking us to take a risk, take a jump. Come down for a visit. But we were strong girls, we knew how to say no. What about these sidewalks? Covered in gum and cracks, weeds and ants. The people that walked on them, where are they always going? Whats the rush to go home, kiss a boo boo, fix some dinner, do some chores, go to sleep? So that they can go to work? What kind of life is this.
No life.
The wind always came by for a visit, always asking us to look towards the sky.The sky is not the limit, there are footprints on the moon. Never limit yourself within your means. The earth has a strength of its own and i ask, quietly, to borrow it. Strength to live a life of my own.
The earth is more alive than any that walk upon it.
Owen is Dr cheese, he quoted 'the most important words are the ones you choke on' from your stranger pc. See! i remembered too, s**t im proud of myself;)
not smoking weed helps tons. wow.
yeah that works nice, your line breaks are kinda odd though (says odd line break girl, ironically;) but yea, that's about it, ohh and that first period is kinda floatin off there.
Otherwise can I say how stoked I am youre going the story meld route? I know you got crazy ones, if you can meld your brief clean poem ethics with a story beginning/ middle/ and end format ohhh man, good s**t.
(Owen quoted one of your pieces to me this morning in conversation;) you stick!
Sounds like freedom. What a lovely place to set a poem- right where everyone can relate to. You sort of have several ideas going at the same time here, but they all compliment the theme nicely. Very lovely.
'The earth has a strength of its own
and i ask, quietly, to borrow it.
strength to live a life of my own.
The earth is more alive
than any that walk upon it.'
The most impactful, grounded yet escapist part of this rocking poem. Great job. Thanks for sharing!
this is such a strong, independent poem: it captures ones place in the world perfectly, not glamorized, not lessened of ones importance, but room to be who we want to be.