My eyes opened to the inside of a dimly lit tunnel. The whole place was unfamiliar to me and then I remember what happened before I got here. Me and my best friend Nate had gone to the local club that night, of course resulting in us being drunk but we just wanted to get layed to be honest. Nate said to me while at the bar 'check out that chick over there, goddamn!!!' Me being a boy with raging hormones of course looked over at the beautiful blonde girl standing by self near a wall. She was watching me, smiling with those pearly whites. In my drunken state, I didn't care if I looked stupid and walked up to the Angel. We started talking and she was actually the one who started hitting on me. Nate looked pissed while we were talking and I had a big laugh over it. '' hey babe, let's go to the back'' crystal says and I go bloody wild in my head, thinking that I was going to get some. We went to the backdoor of the bar and start to make out outside. In the middle of it, three huge dudes grab me and start to try to steal my s**t. I went crazy of course when the dudes drag me towards the tunnel that I'm in now and everything goes black when I see one of the
Men grab a bat. Now I'm here and I'm freaking naked which made me think that I was raped but that's not the case probably. I get my a*s off the floor and start walking when I realise that there's a dead f*****g body lying on the floor of the tunnel. I start walking towards it when I get a bloody huge shock. The dead body was me.