barfly tendencies

barfly tendencies

A Story by Philip Gaber

“Ever read a guy named Bukowski?” he said, stroking the scar on his

“Charles Bukowski?” I said.

He nodded.


He smiled. Smirked, really. “He knew something,” he said. Then looking
away, he muttered something under his breath.

“What’s that?”

Now, his eyes were closed. “He knew about the logical progression of
human beings.”


“We progress from wearing our faces frontwards to eventually…” He
paused slightly. “Wearing them backward.” He shrugged. “The logical
progression of human beings.”

My instinct was to nod, but I figured it would only encourage him, so I
stifled the impulse by thinking about a girl I used to know in Palo Alto, a
certified financial planner, who kept trying to convert me to Scientology.

“Yep. Bukowski knew a thing or two,” he said

His nods were hypnotic. Infectious. Pretty soon, I found myself nodding to
the rhythm of his nod.

“Ever think you’re misunderstood?” he said.

I had to think about that for a minute. “No, not really…”

“Hunh,” he said and ordered another vodka martini. “Life’s such an
aberration. When I was about twenty, twenty-five, I used to go around
tellin’ everybody I was misunderstood…didn’t matter who it was…family,
friends, strangers, Jehovah Witnesses… ’course everybody’s narcissistic
and living in their heads a little too much at that age. Still, I was a f*****g
a*****e about it…I’d monopolize every conversation…I’d make damn sure
you were aware of what a complex guy I was, even though, you know, I
was just some f*****g a*****e spoiled b***h with chips ahoys on my
shoulder who didn’t know the difference between pissing and f*****g. It
was all the same to me. Still is, to a point…but I’ve…hate this word…
evolved…. I hate that word…I’m too old to have evolved…or should I say
too insensitive…” He smirked. “But the s**t of it all is, I got all kindsa
p***y back then…and now?” He had a maniacal little smile. “Hardly get
any at all…how does that work? Chrissakes, I haven’t lost all my looks
yet. Still, gotta little sex appeal buried beneath this disheveled
exterior…most my hair’s gone, alright, so, you know, a few wrinkles, but
Jesus Christ, doth hair and a smooth face a man make?” His voice was
becoming hoarse. He had to clear his throat several times. He reached into
his coat pocket, pulled out a pack of Camel studs, and lit one. “Are you in
love?” he said.

I shook my head.

“Have you ever been in love?”

I nodded.

“Have you ever run from love?”

I nodded.

He snickered. “I do the run-from-love in like two point five seconds…
nobody can beat my time.” He rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands.
“I get accused all the time of being too melancholy and not ambitious
enough… helluva combination, boy…one without the other’s difficult
enough, but you put ‘em both together? Forget about it…it’s a harsh
reality, boy, but a reality you must reconcile yourself to or risk a
lifetime of…” He stopped himself. “Never attempt to perpetrate on five
vodka martinis; it’s a no-win situation.” He rubbed his neck and winced.
“Funny, how we keep going, though…and going and going and going…”
He paused a moment to see if I still had a pulse. “You’re not saying
anything…you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“Don’t talk much, do ya?”

I shook my head.

He shrugged. “That’s cool…talking’s overrated, anyway…problem with
people is that they have too many opinions…not enough sitting around quietly
meditating, watching their breath…so many contradictions, so little
equilibrium…that’s man right there in a nutshell for ya.”

That’s when the bartender approached him. “Call for ya.”

“Who is it?”

“Some broad.”

“Scuse me, kid,” he said, getting up from his stool. “The triangle awaits.”

He limped toward a side door that said “Private” and disappeared behind it.
I signaled the bartender for the tab.

© 2024 Philip Gaber

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Added on June 28, 2024
Last Updated on June 28, 2024


Philip Gaber
Philip Gaber

Charlotte, NC

I hate writing biographies. I was one of those kids who rode a banana seat bike and watched Saturday morning cartoons and Soul Train. But my mother would never buy any of those sugary cereals for us k.. more..
