Blue Butterfly
A Book by Chicoine10
Gabriel Burnock, is intrigued by an interesting classmate, but is to shy to talk. Unfortunately, the mysterious character may not be such a good turn in Gabriel's life when he is thrown into danger. 
© 2013 Chicoine10
Author's Note
This is a story I've started working on and have been working hard on it, so any advice or criticism would be well appreciated! :D
Added on May 15, 2013
Last Updated on May 15, 2013
Tags: Blue, Buttefly, Gabriel, Burnock, Julian, Maddison, Ben, Ronnie, future, time, love, gay, challange
Chicoine10Austin, TX
I'm new at this, so advice would be great, but I'll try my best! I love to write, but I don't have anyone to tell me how they feel about it, or if I need to fix or work on anything to help improve. more..