From total darkness came a sudden burst of glowing sunlight
The rays of light that shown through the stained glass window
Glistened with delight as the reflections danced over the walls
Dazzling array of color shone revealing the most beautiful images
Images of brilliant greens, blues, reds and yellows
Greens as the leaves on a tree sway to the breath of nature
Blues as the crystal clear sky with the suns rays upon it
Reds as the fire that burns in the souls of the honored few
Yellows as the breath of fresh air, with harmonious tranquility

From total darkness came the light to my heart that shown so bright
The forever wanting to feel the radiance of intensity in my heart
As the shades of my face turn so do the emotions that fill my soul
A soul that had forgotten how to be open and free for emotions
Images of these moments fill my thoughts of peace and serenity
Giggles of pure enjoyment as we secretly watch each other from afar
Smiles that illuminate across a room levitating the air with happiness
Scent of the forbidden fills your senses with total ecstasy and bliss
Breathing to feel electrified and intensity for another person
From total darkness came my ray of sunshine.