Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by CheyBaby

Well Amy, my older sister, is getting married tomorrow and she can't wait. Tonight is the night of the rehearsal dinner, which I didn't see the point in having because nothing is being rehearsed. You just eat and socialize. I was never really big on going to crowded places, especially weddings, but I honestly had no choice in the matter for two reasons: the dinner is at my house and it's my only sister's wedding. Technically, it's Amy and Lance's wedding, but who really cares! I just don't understand why she is getting married at twenty and to a guy she has dated for three months. Sometimes, I feel like the only smart one in this family.
"What, Mom?"
"Get your a*s down here and help me with the food!"
"Okay, give me a minute!"
I had to finish getting ready. I made my way towards my closet to find something 'formal' to wear. I finally decided on a strapless, royal blue dress that fell just below my feet. It was a tight-fitting dress. It really showed off my 'hour-glass' figure, as Mom always put it. Now, I had to decide on how to fix my hair, the make-up I'm going to apply, and what shoes to wear. I just pulled my hair bow out of my hair and brushed it. It fell down my back and you could see how perfectly brown and silky it was. I usually straighten it, but I thought it looked good wavy, not too straight and not too curly. 
"Angelina! Get down her now!"
"I'm coming!"
Since she was rushing me, I grabbed my black laced heals and ran downstairs. I guess make-up wasn't going to get used tonight. 
I sat down in a chair at the table full of delicious food to put my shoes on. The macaroni was taunting me, so I had to do a taste-test of it. As soon as I put my hand on the spoon, Mom yelled for me. Nearly busting my eardrum in the process.
"I'm right here."
"Oh, do you mind getting the apple pie out of the oven while I stir the gravy?"
"Or you could stir the gravy and I could get the pie, your choice."
"I'll get the pie," I sighed. I really can't stand the smell of apple pie, but I hate making gravy. 
"Thought so! Oh, I also need you to go to the store to get me some more things. I didn't get enough. I thought I did, but I didn't."
"You're father also told me to tell you that he wants you to call him as soon as you can," Mom said in kind of jealous voice.
I smiled at the thought Mom getting mad at the fact Dad tells me stuff and not her, "Did he say why?"
"No. He just said it was important. But go and hurry back. I can't finish this without those supplies."
"Okay, okay! Where are the...never-mind. I found them."
Without saying a word, I quickly ran to the door to leave. Not watching where I was going, I ran out the door colliding with someone that felt like a brick wall.
"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I wasn't paying attention! Are you...." I stopped dead sentence when I laid my eyes on who I crashed with. He was a tall, dark, extremely attractive guy. He had very short, dark brown, almost black hair. His eyes were a perfectly dark brown color. He had on a black shirt with black pants and shoes. I was completely starstruck.
"It was my fault, ma'am. I should have moved. I wasn't paying any attention," he said in a polite tone. His voice wasn't too deep, but it was really sexy and soft. 
We were still laying on the ground, when his lovely voice brought me out of fantasy land, "Are you alright?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Are you okay?" I said looking at the ground so he wouldn't see my embarrassed face. 
"I'm fine, now," he said with a smile on his face.
We both stood up and just awkwardly stayed that way. It was completely silent. Even the crickets weren't singing. I thought of what I could say that wouldn't be entirely awkward but that would break our silence.
I was shocked when he broke the silence with a weird question, "I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of the Frankle's residence?"
"Oh, can I ask why you are looking for their house?"
"I'm in the wedding of Amy Frankle and Lance Grande. I was suppose to show up to Amy's parents' house for the rehearsal dinner, but this address on this slip must be incorrect. Sorry to bother you."
"Oh, no! You have the right house. Mom is inside fixing the rest of the dinner. Well, she's trying to. I have to go to the store to get more ingredients. She didn't get enough."
"Oh well, you must be on you're way then, miss," He said bowing, making a way for me to get to the driveway. 
"My name is Angelina, but you can call me Angie. Everyone does."
"If you insist, Angie. Are you in the wedding, also? Surely, your sister has made a place for you in her wedding."
"Yeah. I'm the Maid-of-Honor. What are you in the wedding?"
"I am the Best Man. Lance is an old friend of mine. We go way back."
"Oh, that's cool. Well, I best be going before Mom gets mad."
"But of course."
I made my way towards my truck's door before I realized I didn't catch his name. I turned around to ask him, but he wasn't there. I guess he already went inside. I don't blame him; the food smelled amazing. It even tastes better than it smells. I got in the truck and left. 
A few minutes down the road, my phone started buzzing. It kept saying that I had a new message over and over again. I grabbed the phone and threw it in the back seat. It went under the seat, and I couldn't hear it anymore. The drive became silent. I can't stand when it's completely silent. I switched the radio on to break the unwanted silence. 
After what seemed like centuries of driving, I finally arrived at One Stop. I pulled in the parking lot and parked in my usual spot near the woods. I turned the truck off with the radio still going. I crawled in the back seat to find my phone. When I retrieved it, I had two missed calls and ten text messages. The missed calls and most of the text messages were from Amy, but one of the text messages was from Jane, my best friend. Jane and I have been best friends since I can remember. We are practically sisters! Even though I'm only seventeen and she is nineteen. Instead of texting Jane, I called her.
"Hey, gorgeous! What you up to?" I asked excitedly.
"Ah, just the usual: music, food, being lazy. You know me. Ha-ha! What are you doing?"
"Yes, sadly. I do know you, ha-ha. I'm getting groceries for Mom. Hey! While it's on my mind, do you want to go to this dinner rehearsal with me? I'll even pick you up."
"It's rehearsal dinner, and sure. Do I have to get dressed formally?"
"Well, obviously! You know how my mom and sister are! Ask a dumb question!"
"Well, I gotta go. I'm leaving the grocery store, getting ready to head your way. Be ready." 
"Okay, see ya in a minute."
I quickly loaded the bed of the truck with the bags and hurried into the truck. I put the key in the ignition and turned it. It wouldn't start. Don't surprise me. It's a beat-up, 98 Toyota truck. It doesn't start a lot of the time.
"Awe, c'mon! Start!"
I kept turning the key, but it wouldn't turn over. I got out to check under the hood.  As soon as I got up out of the truck, the side of my dress got caught on a piece of metal hanging out of the door frame and ripped. There was a huge hole.
"Awe! Seriously?! Could this night get any worse?!" 
Right when I said that, I heard a noise coming from the edge of the woods. I imediately turned my head and slowly made my way towards the noise. The bushes started to move around a bit. I slowed down a lot, but I was still moving towards it. As I kept getting closer, the movement kept increasing and it started growling. I was drawn to the noise. It was like a sweet melody to my ears. I felt like I had no control over my next move. I was paralyzed. I kept moving to the music. When I got in arms reach of the bushes, I stretched my arm out to move the leaves to see what was causing the action. As I did, something jumped out of the woods and scratched the side of my face. I flew to the ground, not knowing what else to do but duck-and-cover. 
I looked up after a few minutes had passed. No one was there. It was just my truck and me in the parking lot. I got up and ran to my truck and shut the door. I pulled down the visor to examine my face. I had four perfect, deep scratches on my left cheek. I looked around for some cloth to wipe the blood off with, or what I could. I finally found a grease rag and decided to use that. I used a place that had no grease on it and applied it to my cheek. I wiped most of the blood off and looked at the time. It was almost 8 o'clock. Both Mom and Amy are going to kill me! I need to hurry. I turned the key, hoping it would start. Luckily, it did. I drove off as fast as I possibly could.
I arrived at Jane's house in approximately 20 minutes. It was a record for me. I hurried out of the truck without turning it off and went for Jane's front door. I ran in without knocking and she was in her room. 
"Jane! Let's go!"
"I'm coming!" 
While I was waiting anxiously for Jane. I examined the hole in the side of my dress. I suddenly got a bad idea.
"Hey, Jane? Where are your scissors?"
"They should be in one of the kitchen's drawers! Why?"
I walked quickly to the kitchen to retrieve the scissors. I put the torn clothing between the scissors, and started cutting from the hole all the way to ending of the dress. My parents are going to kill me, but what other choice do I have. 
"What are you doing?" Jane shouted, causing my to jump, almost cutting myself with the scissors. 
"I tore it when I got out of the truck. I decided to use the scissors to cut it, so I wouldn't like a hobo," I said looking the other direction so she wouldn't see my face.
Apparently it bugged her that I wouldn't look at her when I spoke. I swear sometimes, she acts like my mother,"Okay, tell me that while looking into my eyes."
"I don't want to," I say still trying to hide my face.
"Look at me, Angelina!"
I slowly but surely lifted my head up to meet her gaze. She quickly put both hands over her mouth and gasped. I could tell that her heart sank 20 below. Her eyes bigger than the moon. 
"What happened?" She finally asked. 
"I'll tell you on the way. We have to go!" I hurried out the door, with Jane tailing behind me.
I did as I said I would, but she didn't react the way I expected her to. She didn't say much, just that I should be more careful and for me not to go anywhere alone if I could help it. She seemed really worried; more than a normal person would have been. It seemed like Jane knew something that I didn't. I wondered if I should point it out to her. I decided not to.
We arrived back home around 9 o'clock on the dot. Cars surrounded the house. I managed to find a parking spot big enough for my truck. Jane and I unloaded the groceries from the back and went inside. People suffocated the rooms of the house. We made our way to the kitchen. I could hear Amy's voice fussing towards Mom. 
"Where is she?! She should have been back an hour ago! She ruins everything! It shouldn't take this long to go to a store!" Amy kept yelling, pacing back a forth.
"Calm down, Amy. She is probably stuck in traffic," Mom said trying to keep herself and Amy calm.
"Hey, guys," Jane said to break their panic modes. I pulled my hair to the side where the scratches were, so they wouldn't see them when I looked in their direction. 
"Where in the hell have you been, Angelina?! Hmm?" Amy yelled at me.
"There was a huge line at the store, and I had to pick Jane up. The truck also wouldn't start for a few minutes." I said looking at her dead in the eye. She opened her mouth as to say something else, but Mom stopped her before she could. 
"Amy! Go in there and accompany your guests!" Mom said pointing in the room where most of the guests. We all watch Amy leave and Jane voluntarily follows her into the living room. Leaving Mom and me alone in the kitchen. Mom turns and looks at me and notices my cheek, "Oh my! What happened?" 
"Nothing. I just fell in the parking lot."
"On what?"
"I fell into my truck when I was putting the bags in the back. Mom just don't worry. I done doctored it up. Here's the rest of the things you need. Need anything else?" She just looked at me, questioning herself. Then she just shook her head and waved me off. 
I turned around to follow the same action Amy and Jane made. I was looking down with my hand covering my scratched face, when I collided with someone. It felt like I hit a brick wall. Whoever I hit caused them to spill their drink all over me. "Seriously?!" I yelled.
"I am so sorry. Please forgive me, I did not see you there," the other person said. I looked up to see who I was about to murder and discovered it was the mystery guy who I met earlier tonight. 
"It's fine. I'll just go change. No big deal," I said trying to bite my tongue.
"I am really sorry. I did not mean to. I should pay more attention to where I am going."
"No, It's fine. I actually wasn't paying attention," I said feeling some warm liquid streaming down my face from my scratched cheek. I looked around for a napkin. 
"Can I borrow that?" I asked pointing to the napkin under his drink in his hand. I looked at him and realized his face was starting to change, and he was getting closer to me. 
"Uh? Dude? Personal space here. I kind of need that." He ignored my statement and kept getting closer. I put my hand on his chest, and I could feel his heart beat was unnaturally fast. I was so focused on his heart rate that I didn't hear Mom yelled for everyone to eat. 
I was starting to get real worried because he was getting extremely close. So, I slapped him, hard. His eyes got real big; he turned his head around to where it was facing me. Then he left. The party. 
Thinking about what had just happened, I put my hand on my stomach and felt a wet spot. 'Oh yeah, I gotta go change my dress.' I made my way upstairs to my bedroom. I walked in staring at the ground, stretching my arm out to turn my light on, but it didn't come on. I looked at the light switch then the light and back. I gave up on the light and just moved closer to the closet to find another dress. I started to unzip my dress. I had it half-way off, when I reached the closet door. Before I went for the handle to open the closet, I heard a low growl coming from behind me. I felt it breathe down the side of my neck. I slowly turned around and became face to face with a beast. It had crystal blue eyes, extremely tall and muscular, very hairy, and it looked like a big wolf. 
It came closer to me. It had some kind of control over me. I was paralyzed. I closed my eyes as it's face came to touch mine. I could hear it trying to talk to me. "Come with me," it said,"Take my hand." It held out it's paw-like hand waiting for me to take it. 
I just stared at the thing's paw. Finally, I took it. It started leading me towards the window. I heard someone else's voice, not the wolf's voice, but someone else's entirely. "Don't go with him. It's too dangerous. Snap out of it!" the voice said, but it sounded a lot like that that mystery guy's voice. And it amazes me how I still haven't caught his name yet. With the thought of him, I actually did snapped out of it. I jerked my hand away, right before we went out the window. The wolf quickly looked at me with a stern look and right away I knew who it was.

© 2014 CheyBaby

Author's Note

I hope you guys have a lot of fun reading it(: it's one of my favorites

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Added on January 20, 2014
Last Updated on January 20, 2014



Elizabethton, TN

I'm 15 years old and attend Hampton High School in Hampton, Tennessee. I am trying to be a successful singer, but writing is my hobby. I was told I should send my works to a publisher, but I don't wan.. more..

Introduction Introduction

A Chapter by CheyBaby

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by CheyBaby