RiverA Poem by Frontier
hate hate hate, fate.
Splurge, splish splash, splish splash. The coffee is done brewing, going into the same mugs The wax has melted, sliding down the same candles, It's raining, falling down the same window, and I have the same mind, the one I can't find. Maybe in the next world, you'll be mine. I have too much space around me. Who can fight this space? I can't even fall into it, and I don't know where I'll fall, if I do. Has light found all light? The light in me is willing to fight, the fight in me is willing to be light. It travels at the speed of light, where is my light? Night might win, Win me, night. Is there something light avoids, taking my next breath I'll wonder if I'm exhaling light or darkness. I may be a rock , they don't ever move, although they are eternal. I am a river,swift above, stone internal. You are a river, they don't stop, even when the sun's shining. You are a river, you take any creature that comes to die. Their only dying place, flowing tomb I don't want to merely die I don't want to search for my killer. You give them a sudden but sure death, that seems like truth, letting them finally die in the mouth of all. You are a river drifting down swiftly, seeming so free because you keep going. You will keep going forever, even though you're still there. You don't care what comes, you'll just take what's done. I can't come to you, I didn't just see you, I have known you, always. Only mortals hope to meet themselves in another self, but they have to be gods first. Two gods looking at each other, what happens? How can a god meet a god? A god doesn't have to meet anybody. Hopeless, utterly hopeless, to know this is to know we are gods. You'll never end, river you'll always be, river show me how to die, but rivers don't try you can't ever live, yet you are forever.
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