The cruelest thing in the world
are parallel universes
While everyone is dancing
by themselves
In endless multiverses
I'm looking for
our anti-particle
Not to be found
in lengthy articles
Maybe it can be found
Hidden under
Popular demand
Please understand
It's not what you think
You have to bury
Yourself underground
Let the worms come in
Let the black rose sing
The coil is unraveling
Your skin starts traveling
Skeleton buildings implode
Ribs begin to erode
Exploding, procure them
The signs which hide
Within the tide
Let the anti matter sing
Let it dance
And set up a kaleidoscope of souls
Ancestors hugging descendants in
Storm-like transcendence
I can hope for
A parallel chance
Let the anti matter dance
If parallel universes exist, then every thing we think we know does not, which opens up possibilities we as yet cannot comprehend, we would have to meet on the other side of time, which could be nothing less than a beginning, and perhaps a chance, to get it right, if we understood this, there would be no need to bend..............time
parallel universes, people dancing alone...if only the matter could coagulate...and physics and emotion would let us all be together, dance together...
we could move those universes together if we all really tried...
as the beatles sang.."all you need is love"---
i really like "Ancestors hugging descendants in /storm like transcendence"
really strong wording there.
your poems dance.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
I'm glad you could sense the "dance" here, thanks for your words! :)
This has a lot of big ideas in it. I'm mentally referencing all the physics docs I'm so enamored with. If I remember correctly, if anti-matter collides with matter, a huge explosion would take place. I'm not sure if it's the same thing as dark matter though, which theoretically comprises most of our universe.
Science seems prone to dichotomies and paradoxes as much as religion. Schrodinger's cat, for example. Chaos theory which is and isn't - and lead Einstein to exasperate "God doesn't play dice with the universe' Well, now we have matter, anti-matter, particles, anti-particles, parallel universes, multiverses, I'm not sure how many string theory postulates, but it's more than 13 I think.
Anywho, all that was just a backdrop for me. This poem itself seems to link up through rythm and some startling imagery which I probably have to read a few more times to get a grip, or glimpse into the meaning.
For instance, worms come in, let the black rose sing...that's interesting. I can interpret it in a number of ways...since you're using cosmic imagery, I almost want to say the black rose is a black hole, and the worms could be light...That's probably not at all what you meant, but that's the way my crazy mind works lol
Then you go to skeletons and ribs (ribs to me allude to adam and creation), so there's a sorta big-bang/big-crunch cylclial creation/destrucion/creation vibe going on here.
I'm not big on kaledoscope souls, but that's just my jaded self talking there.
I also like that this doesn't just focus on matter-space, but on time. Ancestors hugging decedents. I watched another doc on time and it theorized that rivers actually flow both backwards and forwards simultaneously, but that humans are just unable to perceive time in anything but a linear fashion. I was like, "say what!?"
Anyhow, like I stated from the go, this poem packs a lot of big ideas into a tiny Schrodinger box, and I enjoyed where it did, and did not lead me ;)
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Hello there! I enjoyed your review, you seem to know more about all the physics/science stuff, I jut.. read moreHello there! I enjoyed your review, you seem to know more about all the physics/science stuff, I jut read one article on anti-matter and wrote this. I like your interpretation of the black rose and the worms! :D Yes, you got it right the ribs is an allusion to Genesis.
So why aren't you big on kaleidoscope souls? awwww lol.
I also believe we humans view time linearly but it isn't really like that.
10 Years Ago
I also believe we humans view time linearly but it isn't really like that.
I would lik.. read moreI also believe we humans view time linearly but it isn't really like that.