![]() My WishesA Poem by Earthy Mumma Soul![]() I love it <3 Come love it too and add your own :) :) ;P![]() I wish for little cute birds to come and visit me and sing their songs to me and I will send them love and healing then we will say good bye and go on our way I wish for spiritual creative healthy friends people I can spark with create with laugh with cry with hug with get groovy with ! I wish for healing , gentle nurturing healing from the hands of a loving woman with a soft warm touch and a warm heart I wish for healing and forgiveness between me and my old love (s) that we may find peace as common ground and a wish for each others happiness even if it hurts I wish to forgive my mother and father they did what they could I wish for self confidence and the confidence to be honest about the little things that hold me back to be able to move forwards with positivity and grace and smiles and connection with others knowing we are all one I wish for my cats to be happy as they can be !! I wish for sexual healing and body healing to enjoy my body to the full in every way and with joy and expression and trust I wish to be the best I can and share myself with others knowing my special ways and being bring happiness joy and laughter I wish for travels across the world and lots of money to spend amazing food , meeting awesome people who will become friends for life to give back with love where I can to sit in silence and enjoy the wonder of nature to really fulfill my souls desire to live and be alive and to learn in all ways and to becaome more confident and happy as a result of such courage I wish for positive change in my attitudes towards myself and towards others may I be the best I can be for myself and for others we are one I wish for community living with like minded happy light joyful souls and to meet a mate one day and raise a little family when the time is right I wish for my family to find peace and healing in their hearts I wish for my friends old and new to be true and happy and free and laugh very very often to play in the park, sing in the street and live lightly I wish to be free I wish to be free I WISH TO BE F R E E <3 HAPPY AS CAN BE :)
© 2014 Earthy Mumma SoulReviews
1 Review Added on February 2, 2014 Last Updated on February 2, 2014 Author