Sometimes when the feeling I'm looking for in a writing can't be nailed down ( instead of scraping the notion (if I really want to pursue it)) I capture the image in a rough draft. As a rule I don't write poetry that way. It's a steady flow of image and feelings that align. However, every now and again I will capture the essence of my attention to let it unfold in a proper fashion. So, then the draft becomes the image I draw from.
I have the same problem sometimes when I have the discipline to do what you just described sometimes magic happens later:) I am a creature of habit and I have these weird things I do to help me get into that zone listening to binaural beats helps me and opening my online thesaurus and reading words and definitions and the chains that follow helps me too
when i get an idea, i start jotting it down right away ( or i’ll forget it)…..
then i go back to that idea and start scribbling…. at last i type it up and still read it ten times or more…unless,of course my mind goes completely blank and that happens often these days……thanks for sharing this notion Cherrie
Warmly, Betty🌷🌷🌷
Most of my poems are written in one sitting, I brush up later. If I start a piece and save it as a WIP (Work in Progress) I rarely return and finish it. One exception was a piece I started in 1998 in a note book, left as a WIP until 2018 and wrote the finishing lines.
dearest Cherrie... my style of writing has blossomed in unusual secret sighs.
We as poets can be Daring as we approach the Seasons of Unrest. It is a Quest. I admire how you try different views. gently, Pat
Moods and perhaps, time of day or/and weather intrude on emotions, mental colours, tones varying, playing tag and the way to go. How people touch and influence, coming and going for reasons personal or perhaps inquisitive. So much or sometimes - far too little, nudge, wake up senses, memories and more.. We as writers can't always find the exact words, they play games, fluctuate, smile then move into a box with lid almost fitting-fix. Writing can be a best and helpful friend or a stubborn foe.. depends on which way the wind is blowing - perhaps. Your words adventure one's mind.
I am a published poet and love poetry. After a lifetime of country living, I'm making a move back to town. I find my surroundings a great inspiration to me. I also have two books on Amazon Kindle: .. more..