This is getting as far outside the dots as poetically possible! So many times we poets get trapped in the literal manifestations of those aspects of life we struggle with. As you often do, you give us an example of how to get way beyond the drudgery of a thing & just let the beauty of simplicity & truth shine thru (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Good morning, well if you can call 1AM morning, that is. The more I see, read, and think about this.. read moreGood morning, well if you can call 1AM morning, that is. The more I see, read, and think about this style the more I like it.
I was looking for that story and ran into this. I have had so much experience working with people who have autism these last few years. You are right on with all the words that need to be said. And I learned something about a form I haven't heard of. Cinquain. I wrote a poem about a girl who is autistic if you want to check it out. 'Ripley's Rose'.
Your volume is rather voluminous. Can't find the story. What was the title?
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Which story was it
3 Years Ago
It was related to death. You had featured it couple weeks ago
Very strong use of words and thoughts. You said everything needed in the poem. We need patience for our children. Thank you dear Cherrie for sharing the amazing poetry.
i feel the love for you Grandson, Cherrie ... autism can be a huge challenge for family and those who suffer it .. you have 2,5,4,7 and 2 ... all i can find on cinquain is a 2-4-6-8-2 form ;) i love this expression to shed light on autism .. it has been misunderstood and misdiagnosed forever and in the 1990s when genetic research began in earnest ..first described in 1943, thought to be caused be cold hearted mothers in the 50-60s (believe it or not) and finally in 1987 the DSM III was revised that indicated the illness to be a "spectrum" ... and on from there ..(i have a love for Downy kids and Austic as well .. i think they are so very special .. tho I have never been in a prolonged relationship with any .. and have not had that love tested as families do) love the theme and perspective you present .. not a precise Cinquain :)))))...........................
On New Years Eve we was gifted Gage and it looks like we will become his guardians. So we now have .. read moreOn New Years Eve we was gifted Gage and it looks like we will become his guardians. So we now have two grandkids in our quiver, (never a dull moment at grannies) :) It's good to see you, and yes it is crazy the things people use to believe.
4 Years Ago
well .. double blessings on ya Cherrie! love and peace
We find the finest and most beautiful in nil complexity. The bright look in the eyes and/or a curl of lips of a darling person is truth absolute. No need for a speech, reactions matter, whatever. Seems you've expressed one of the best cinquains ever, Cherrie. It's a gold medal to the one who inspired each every word. Long words and deep meanings aren't necessarily evertyhing; more a facade for a lack of identity!
it's strange words are hard for him if he has to think about it, but if what he wants to say is spon.. read moreit's strange words are hard for him if he has to think about it, but if what he wants to say is spontaneous the words come much easier for him. We'd be lost without him.
I agree in a world obsessed with perfection of mind and body, we forget the simple beauty in those w.. read moreI agree in a world obsessed with perfection of mind and body, we forget the simple beauty in those who are not encumbered by the flaws of heart and soul.
4 Years Ago
Lovely to hear from you dear Cherrie, and I trust you and yours are safe and well. gently, Pat
4 Years Ago
My grandson was sick last night, so, i was up all night. Took a two hour power nap and thinking abo.. read moreMy grandson was sick last night, so, i was up all night. Took a two hour power nap and thinking about doing a load of laundry, but haven't convinced myself yet.
This is getting as far outside the dots as poetically possible! So many times we poets get trapped in the literal manifestations of those aspects of life we struggle with. As you often do, you give us an example of how to get way beyond the drudgery of a thing & just let the beauty of simplicity & truth shine thru (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Good morning, well if you can call 1AM morning, that is. The more I see, read, and think about this.. read moreGood morning, well if you can call 1AM morning, that is. The more I see, read, and think about this style the more I like it.
I still can't... tho I pride myself on my ability to wear another's shoes, I can't climb into those shoes and fully understand the machinations of this disability:( in my own neurological perils I can most certainly empathize with them but I can't understand them!!!! I find it most frustrating how a mind that can earn several college degrees and be brilliant but can't tell me how he feels about the simplest of things nor can he function in this society I find it so perplexing
Gage can study things and make complex patterns, but will only eat a few things and has trouble talk.. read moreGage can study things and make complex patterns, but will only eat a few things and has trouble talking. But he is a true joy.
4 Years Ago
Greg is semi-functional now but he was very withdrawn for many years. he is extremely intelligent so.. read moreGreg is semi-functional now but he was very withdrawn for many years. he is extremely intelligent sometimes I think this can be a bane for him I need to get him in a safe situation but am unsure of how to go about this but if I died I worry about what would become of him
I am a published poet and love poetry. After a lifetime of country living, I'm making a move back to town. I find my surroundings a great inspiration to me. I also have two books on Amazon Kindle: .. more..