None but me stand; waves of anger and sorrow flood my depths as I
see the ground beneath me soaked in the souls of my people.The bonfire blazes, I have laid out the drums
and pipe to call the spirits, though I have not a kinsman to beat the drums or pass
the pipe.Great care will be given to
send them to the stars.
My heart and mind can hear
both music and song as my feet begin the dance of death to send them on their
journey. “Mother, father of days long lived receive these people of noble
honor. Cradle my son and make him a man and give comfort to his mother.”
The wind whispers in my ear but will not tell me what destroyed
this place. I know not what beast or devil laid waste to my people. Braves dead
without a fight, maidens lifeless with no hope of a kiss and I away looking for
a new place for us to live. Now my walk will be without life as I prepare to
The memories of their faces line the circle. Heavy are their souls
waiting for me to release them. I have taken great care to my costume every
feather and bead in place. My dance follows the trail of the moon my heart is
heavy as is my feet and with the rising of the sun I leave the valley of bitter
Sadly, it seems those with gentle spirits get plowed over by so-called "progress" which is actually greed and power. I've been a follower of native spirituality for 30 years, as I love the way respect for others & respect for the planet are central. Your story not only gives us a glimpse of the slaughter of their civilizations, but also conveys the nobility of the way they live/lived. We cannot afford to lose their point of view, which is why I love reading your stories with these threads (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
While America was still just a colony the English gave the Indians a wagon full of blankets and hand.. read moreWhile America was still just a colony the English gave the Indians a wagon full of blankets and handkerchiefs that came from a Hospital filled with smallpox. So the disease would kill them off for them.
How deceitful the hearts of men can be.
6 Years Ago
I knew we killed them off with smallpox, but I didn't know this detail!
5 Years Ago
Yeah the residential school system did not do out first Nations any favours. No on talks about so ho.. read moreYeah the residential school system did not do out first Nations any favours. No on talks about so how can there be healing? How can there be forgiveness if we do not hold ourselves accountable
I'm too disgusted these days to make any political statements about how the minorities are being tre.. read moreI'm too disgusted these days to make any political statements about how the minorities are being treated. But believe me, I think about our bad actions toward the Natives often!
5 Years Ago
It seems with people there must always be a they. Every few years we redefine they but we just can't.. read moreIt seems with people there must always be a they. Every few years we redefine they but we just can't do away with that notion.
A sad truth I hate to see.
Native cultures have always been held down, usually by the boot of a certain unnamed race that thought it was okay while they done it, but didn't see a connection when another similarly coloured race called nazis done it.
I can't nail it down to ignorance or stupidity, so both will have to do, along with that irritating superiority that we, I mean they think they have, just because of the colour of our, I mean their skin.
It's enough to make you want to say "can we please start behaving like we're not in a kindergarten please?"
Ps... Sorry to any kids of kindergarten age out there for using you as an example. I hang my head in shame!
well said, Cherrie! such a poetic prose story. the belief in Native culture on death and dying is palpable .. tragically there were and are still in the world many trials of tears .. as far as one Nation or another goes .. there is no "righting" wrongs of the past; but we individual people can look for find and then offer redemption to others .. and in America vote that conscience into office says i! My wife and mother to our children was Lakota Sioux on her Da's side ... something to be proud of .. and I am... as much the Irish in me ;)
This started as a bit of flash fiction that I let travel around.
I have a touch of Chero.. read moreThis started as a bit of flash fiction that I let travel around.
I have a touch of Cherokee mixed in with my Irish and Scott-Irish past. That I treasure .
3 Years Ago
This is probably one of my favorite stories.
3 Years Ago
i wondered about that! thanks for sharing mon cherrie! ;)
this chapter reminds of my poem Soldier Boy that wrote so long ago. I seldom write poems anymore unless I need one for one of my novels as opening or a spell of some sort. But I find this piece very moving and i can understand where it comes from.
Sadly, it seems those with gentle spirits get plowed over by so-called "progress" which is actually greed and power. I've been a follower of native spirituality for 30 years, as I love the way respect for others & respect for the planet are central. Your story not only gives us a glimpse of the slaughter of their civilizations, but also conveys the nobility of the way they live/lived. We cannot afford to lose their point of view, which is why I love reading your stories with these threads (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
While America was still just a colony the English gave the Indians a wagon full of blankets and hand.. read moreWhile America was still just a colony the English gave the Indians a wagon full of blankets and handkerchiefs that came from a Hospital filled with smallpox. So the disease would kill them off for them.
How deceitful the hearts of men can be.
6 Years Ago
I knew we killed them off with smallpox, but I didn't know this detail!
5 Years Ago
Yeah the residential school system did not do out first Nations any favours. No on talks about so ho.. read moreYeah the residential school system did not do out first Nations any favours. No on talks about so how can there be healing? How can there be forgiveness if we do not hold ourselves accountable
I'm too disgusted these days to make any political statements about how the minorities are being tre.. read moreI'm too disgusted these days to make any political statements about how the minorities are being treated. But believe me, I think about our bad actions toward the Natives often!
5 Years Ago
It seems with people there must always be a they. Every few years we redefine they but we just can't.. read moreIt seems with people there must always be a they. Every few years we redefine they but we just can't do away with that notion.
A sad truth I hate to see.
And to this day they are still continually given the short end of the stick. Although they have learned a little better to stand up for themselves. I do a lot of work in Native American communities and its both sad and hopeful at the same time. Great piece of writing here Cherrie...
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
The sad thing is the hate just takes turns the who but the hate never dies.
I don't know why people always need to have an use and them. But it seems that one mistake we keep m.. read moreI don't know why people always need to have an use and them. But it seems that one mistake we keep making over and over throughout time.
6 Years Ago
I have just read again Cherrie, your lines are beautifully written and really capture the emotion of.. read moreI have just read again Cherrie, your lines are beautifully written and really capture the emotion of the last man standing as he surveys the devastation of his tribe with the heaviest of hearts. Nice work.
6 Years Ago
Thank you, I came across rhat photo and just began to wonder, why. The idea for the title cane fi.. read moreThank you, I came across rhat photo and just began to wonder, why. The idea for the title cane first. Everything else just fell into place.
The valley of bitter waters... colors our days and the moon mourns their spirits once joyful... now looking for a waterfall in a new world. So many of us have ancestry that we dance 💃 in prayer to their spirit. truly penned with an understanding heart. with love, Pat
Wonderful feel in this story. I liked the honest tone and real life feel of the words. The voice is the chapter spoke with concern and care. Thank you Cherrie for sharing the amazing chapter.
the trail of tears i am reminded of with this stirring write...i have felt so much guilt over how we treated the Native Americans way back when...even though i was not around...there is still guilt...cruel retaliation for the kindness they showed.
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
There has been so many things we as a nation did against them.
6 Years Ago
There has been so many things we as a nation did against them.
I am a published poet and love poetry. After a lifetime of country living, I'm making a move back to town. I find my surroundings a great inspiration to me. I also have two books on Amazon Kindle: .. more..