Ahhh, Cherrie!
Loving in the warmth of sunrise ⁓ what could be sweeter!
One never knows what a conspiring wind and sun will come up with, but it's sure to be something beautiful … just like your delightful Free Verse poem.
I like the flow of this, the creatively original imagery, and gently suggestive thought it invokes.
For softer, more proper grammatical appeal, consider ending with the action adverb "sweetly", rather than with the adjective "sweet … ie: "to make the sun blush so sweetly".
Ya know Richard, I tried it both ways and need to look at it once again.
:) and thank you.. read moreYa know Richard, I tried it both ways and need to look at it once again.
:) and thank you for the suggestion I appreciate it very much.
6 Years Ago
I am always happy to read your poetry, Cherrie … you're such a gentle joy! : )
clever, effective personification. sunrise is such a special time. made me smile ... :)
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Thank you, Pete so much. I like to do that when I write. Helps connect us with the moment in a fresh.. read moreThank you, Pete so much. I like to do that when I write. Helps connect us with the moment in a fresh way.
Cherrie... the wind can be gentle and tickle our fancy.
Your talent shines through like blooms bursting in spring.
truly, Pat
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
If that means I'm full of it I agree:)
All kidding aside thank you Pat your reviews are like .. read moreIf that means I'm full of it I agree:)
All kidding aside thank you Pat your reviews are like a cup of cheer.
This short-and-sweet poem suggests that painful brevity of a spectacular dawn moment. Things in life that are momentary can often provoke a continuing stream of thoughts & observations, just like your poem does (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Oh I like that,
And great to see you back in full swing.
5 Years Ago
Thanks for the welcome back. It was a tough winter for me here, but I did alot of inner work that's .. read moreThanks for the welcome back. It was a tough winter for me here, but I did alot of inner work that's proved to be fruitful! *smile*
I'm glad to hear that inner work is very rewarding. Unlike painting . I've spent a hour looking for .. read moreI'm glad to hear that inner work is very rewarding. Unlike painting . I've spent a hour looking for my blue painting tape.
I found it :) it fell down between the washing machine and deep freeze. tape 0 granny 1 :)
5 Years Ago
Painting! Sounds fun! (kidding) After the uncommon rain this winter, now I've got the big weed-whack.. read morePainting! Sounds fun! (kidding) After the uncommon rain this winter, now I've got the big weed-whacking task ahead of me!
5 Years Ago
Man, I need to hit the garden as well.
Maybe next week. Lol
I am a published poet and love poetry. After a lifetime of country living, I'm making a move back to town. I find my surroundings a great inspiration to me. I also have two books on Amazon Kindle: .. more..