I read one time that writers hide from the world. I am sure that in some cases that is true but for the most part I think we are so caught up in the moment we are compelled to capture it for all times. The greatest thing about this moment is our mood flavors our pen, or possibly the desire to dust off a feeling tucked away deep in our closet of experience.
Never be afraid to write about the same thing more than once, Just like a painter our mood and perspective can transform one single event with endless possibilities. I say write small and go big. How many memories do you have ( and treasure) that you could fit in a thimble? Take your skills and vision and allow the reader to swim in that moment. Grand epics are wonderful to lose time with, but I find it is the tiny gem that clings to our mind.
I love to write, and it's great to be read that's why I'm here. However, if no one ever discovered these my words, I would still need to create. I'm sure you are the same. So dust off that keyboard and create.