Conan the Vampire

Conan the Vampire

A Chapter by Ari and Sylph

this is my attempt of the chapter where they meet Conan

Valentine's Perspective

Just when we all thought we could relax for a moment, the man upstairs had to prove how great his humor was and prove me wrong. We were all startled by Drakes sounding alert echoing through the treetops. Most people wouldn't be too startled by the sound of a barking dog, but Drake is our guard who hates anything to do with Bane.

Aeon and Zephyr stood up and adjusted their armor and picked up their swords. From out of the brush emerged a
man with dark hair that was hidden underneath the hood of a black, floor length cloak that stirred the fog from beneath him. The scent of his vampiric blood filled the air around us -- but for some reason, not the aura of evil. Renee stood in front of the others, giving them instruction.

"Zephyr, if the need arises, you may be the only one who can stop him.  He is a creature of darkness, but your light should be able to keep him at bay." Renee coached.

I could sense that she was unnerved, but she nodded, gripped the handle of her sword and came forward with Renee to the beginning of the formation.

Drake's bad attitude grew even more obvious as he actually turned into a wolf, howling and snapping at the man's ankles. He merely brushed the befuddled Drake aside and walked forward. He lifted the hood so everyone could get a good look at the intruder. Then, unexpectedly, he smiled.

"Good Evening, people of the Elements. I mean no harm. I actually came hoping to be of assistance."

"Lies!" Drake barked. "I can smell your blood! This beast possesses the same scent as Bane!"

"I am Conan Blackwood." he continued, ignoring the wolf once more.  "i'm here to see if I can be of any assistance."

Colton stood up, pressing the barrel of his gun against Conan's chest. "Get out. We don't trust your kind."

Conan attempted to walk forward, but Colton began to put pressure on the trigger.

It was then that I decided to step in.

"Colton, no. He's telling the truth." I said firmly. Colton, obviously disappointed, let go of the trigger and dropped the gun to his side.

Zephyr glanced at me for a brief moment, whispering quietly and knowing I was the only one who could hear, "Thanks."

Aeon let her sword rest in it's hilt, and removed her gloves and helmet. I smirked as I noticed Conan's eyes widening at the sight of Aeon, her hair shimmering red in the sun.  Conan removed the belt holding all of his weapons and dropped them far away from him onto the ground. "Like I said before. I only wish to speak to your leader. Then, later on, all of you."

After listening to my talk about my trusting him, the rest of the group agreed, if reluctantly, and showed him to Angeline's lodge.

Aeon's Perspective.
After the people consented with the visitor's staying, I was chosen to show the newcomer to mother. I was starting to get uncomfortable as I realized he hadn't drawn his eyes away from me ever since I took my helmet off. Thankfully, our lodge was closer than the rest of them, and my face wasn't too noticeably red by the time we got there.

"She'll be right inside the foyer." I said, pointing the way inside.

"Thank you, Miss..."


"Thank you miss Aeon.

"No, it's Aeon Chrisanti."

"Thank you, Aeon."

"Angeline will be right inside." I said, hopefully well enough that he wouldn't notice right off the bat that I was her daughter. Not that I'd be embarrassed of my mother, but more of what my mother could tell about me to the newcomer. I ran my hands through my hair as the door shut, nervous for some reason, and booked it for the training grounds.

Conan's Perspective

The leader was lounging in what seemed like midair until the door shut. She got down from whatever she was on before, and came to greet me.

"Good evening, Conan Blackwood." she said, shaking my hand and motioning toward the couch.

"Good evening, my Lady." I said. "Might I ask how you know me?"

"I know very well your deeds of the past, Sir Blackwood. Won't you sit down?"

I reluctantly obeyed. Someone who already knew about my past could either be reassuring or threatening.

"I came to talk about the vampire that attacked your grounds earlier this month."

"Ah, yes." she said, concerned.

"I would like to help you and your people defeat the newblood."

"Is that so?"

"I swear to you I won't harm anyone in your coven."

"Coven, eh?" she laughed. "No, Sir Blackwood. I believe you plenty as it is. I had a feeling you'd be coming by anyway."

"Thank you, my Lady." I said, the tension gone. I realized my 'formal speak' was slipping.

"No, thank you, Blackwood. Just promise me something."

"What is it, my Lady?"

"Protect my people. Especially Aeon. Zephyr is already being taken care of, but the other believes she can protect herself. And in most cases she can, but when it comes to newbloods..."

"I understand, My Lady."

"Please, call me Angeline."

"Do I have the honors of knowing your last name?"


"Indeed." I said, quietly laughing and tipping my hat to the clever ways of her daughter. I then realized how much of a fool I was by not noticing the resemblance.

© 2010 Ari and Sylph

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1 Review
Added on August 5, 2010
Last Updated on August 10, 2010


Ari and Sylph
Ari and Sylph

not gonna tell ya!! ^_^

Ari: First of all, my name is pronounced Ah-ree. I'm a poet, an artist(mainly manga) a composer and my favorite type of writing is fantasy. Being a famous writer has been my dream ever since I could.. more..

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