palms figured and fissured fractured and put back together healing balm and sated qualms
i read your eyes and remembered the rest of our story
sunshine always held so fast your blonde strands in my dreaming hands edges of your skirt blew like kisses in the breeze your voice (such subtle temptation) sat on my knees and begged a read while your eyes settled on me just like that sign painted above the door
A simply sweet sigh of sunshine in these words... again the poem floats, just like those kisses in the breeze you penned so well. Another beautiful piece, CM...
sometimes we meet someone and the connection is so strong there is that feeling that we knew this person in another life, or in the same life, many years ago...
everything just falls into that place...i love the stanza about the voice sitting on the speaker's knees.
And begging a read...
and the Welcome i was waiting for you all my, kiss and we are there.
Hopefully you find something in some of my words here...If not, there is beauty in the music (which is not mine, clearly). Listen....always listen. more..